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热度 31已有 1435 次阅读2010-11-24 19:30 |个人分类:轶事|



这些天在国外的迈迷BBS上逛, 发现国内的女迈迷们还是太含蓄了.国外的女孩们真是疯狂的多,什么都敢说,敢想. 不过Michael的确很迷人,让女孩们想入非非也很正常. 记得有帖子专门讨论Michael重要部位的尺寸大小, 还附了很多Michael平时和演出时的让人很容易想歪的照片和影像(儿童不宜,不过很让人热血沸腾). 今天看到一个帖子, 八卦了一些MichaelFans之间的一些小故事, Michael有时候其实很flirty, flirty中文的意思是爱调戏的,轻浮的, 调情的. 在我看来他的那些举动其实蛮可爱的, 我挺喜欢这样的Michael.


       "I am sorry that my hair doesn't look cool" - Michael to a fan in Berlin
我很抱歉我的头发看上去没那么酷." Michael在柏林对一个fan.

      I think it was in South Korea I can't remember where, but Michael was being greeted by fans of course and then two female fans came up to him and they looked really good. Michael whispers something in their ears and the girls start to giggle hysterically while Michael has this grin on his face and after he greeted them he turns to his manager and says to him: "I just asked what bra size they had" LMAO....
我想这发生在南韩某个地方, 当时有很多歌迷欢迎Michael, 其中有两个很漂亮的女歌迷靠近他. Michael对她们耳语些什么, 这两个女孩开始歇斯底里的傻笑, Michael则在一边坏坏地咧嘴笑. 他随后对他的经纪人说:" 我只是问她们胸罩的尺寸."

      The INVINCIBLE Virgin signing: There was this blonde (Joanna Thomae) girl that came up, she said she was from Paris..and then the guards want her to leave, but Michael goes: "No, Wait! Wait
You`re from Paris?"..I can`t hear what she answers, but then Michael goes : "You`re staying at your friends house?"..after she answers he asks: "You`ve got a phone?"..and he was holding her hand all the time... He wanted HER PHONE NUMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And he told her : "write it down here" and he wanted to give her a picture to write on but his bodyguards gave her some paper and were taking her away and just kept repeating to him "we will take it Michael, we will take it for you" (while laughing silently). Gosh that was brilliant! And the fact is that he INDEED called her coz she was seen around him many times after that event and it is known as a fact that she stayed at his Neverland ranch.
INVINCIBLE的签售会: 有一个金发女孩(Joanna Thomae)进前说她来自巴黎....保镖们想让她离开, 但是Michael:'', 等等, 你来自巴黎?" ...我不能听到她说什么,    Michael接着问:" 你现在暂住你朋友家?" 在她回答后, 他问:" 有你电话吗?" ....期间他一直握着她的手....他在要她的电话号码!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!他接着说: " 写在这",递给她一张照片去写, 不过他的保镖给了她一张纸并把她带开了, 并不断的向他保证说:"我们会帮你拿到的,Michael, 我们会帮你拿到的 (同时暗笑). 而事实上Michael的确给她打了电话, 因为此后她在多次场合和Michael一起出现, 而她曾在Neverland 呆过.

      Michael is shopping in Monte Carlo in 2000, and there are his bodyguards around him and people in the store following him. When they are passing by a shelf with magazines Michael automatically grabs an artistic book / album (I am not sure what it was) with a nude woman on the cover, he turns the page and then he realises that everyone is looking at him. He looks kinda embarassed, he leaves the mag and goes away a few steps but then turns round to his bodyguard and points to him to take the magazine for him! LOL!

    Michael 2000
年在Monte Carlo购物, 当时他的保镖们和其他人跟着他, 当他们经过一个杂志摊时, Michael不自觉地的拿起了一本封面有裸体女人的艺术书翻看. 随后他意识到每个人都在注视着他, 就有点窘的把杂志放回并走开, 不过他随后叫他的保镖替他拿了那本杂志. LOL.

      Some fan gave MJ's bodyguard a pair of socks (for Michael) with nude women embroidered on them. The next day that fan was lucky enough to go to Michael's apartment, and she decided to ask him if he received the present. "Did you get the socks?" And he put his hand to his face and started laughing, nodded and lifted his trouser leg. He had them ON!
有一个歌迷通过MJ 的保镖给Michael送了一双绣有裸体女人的袜子.第二天这个歌迷很幸运地去了Michael地公寓, 于是她决定问Michael是否收到了她的礼物:" 你拿到袜子了吗?" 他把手遮住脸笑, 点头并提起了裤子, 他正穿着这双袜子!!

     A girl was chanting, "Sony Sucks!" Then, when MJ asked her with a devilish smile, "Sony sucks what?" the person responded to him by saying, "Ummmm. Lemons?" She was hecka embarrassed when MJ caught her off guard with that.
一个女孩在唱: " Sony sucks( suck 有两个含义: 恶心,糟糕;    吸吮)."结果MJ坏笑着问她:" Sony sucks ()什么?"有人一旁回答: " Ummmm, 柠檬". 她感到很窘因为Michael冷不防和她开玩笑.
      in LWMJ when one of his girl fans asked for a hug, under his breath MJ said "I'll give you more than a hug"
一次在LWMJ, 有一个女孩向Michael要一个拥抱, MJ低声地说:" 我会给你不仅仅一个拥抱."(我想我看过这个视频)
      my friend and i saw him once at a hotel and he looked at her and said "oooo weee you look hot today!"... dead serious too! the funniest thing is she is not from usa so she didn't know what hot meant so i had to tell her that he just called her sexy lol
我朋友和我有一次在旅馆看见他,他看见我的朋友并说:“oooo weee ,今天你看上去很hot“...绝对真实,    可乐的是她不是美国人不懂hot的含义,所以我的得告诉她Michael认为她很性感。

           And there’s the story I heard....I dunno what concert it was but he was doing a costume change. And he was out on stage while tucking in his shirt....and when his hand was in his pants the peeps in front started going wild. MJ noticed that so slowly he started moving his hand down in his pants just to get the girls going crazy
      There is a story of Michael kissing SieGarret/Johnson, the woman who sang with Michael on "I Just Can't Stop Loving You" and "Man in the Mirror." Sieta told this story. They were alone in the studio when Michael pulled Sieta close to him and kissed her on the lips. She said she was shocked that Michael had just kissed her.
有一个关于Michael亲吻 Sieta Garret/Johnson SietaMichael和唱了"I Just Can't Stop Loving You" and "Man in the Mirror."    Sieta讲的这个故事。当时只有他们在录音室里,Michael拉近她并吻了她的嘴唇,她说她惊呆了因为Michael刚刚吻了她。

    A German fan met him in Santa Maria, and she said to him "Michael, you are SO sexy", and Michael took a camera, filmed her, and said "now say it again please".
一个德国fanSanta Maria遇见他, 她对他说," Michael, 你非常sexy," Michael 拿出摄影机对她录像, 并说:"请再说一遍."






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回复 iwantyouback 2010-11-24 21:32
这是真的吗?  还是国外歌迷编着玩的?~·
回复 李筱yoyo 2010-11-24 22:21
回复 一只爱迈的熊猫 2010-11-24 22:52
回复 LoveinMJ 2010-11-25 13:22
回复 想迈迈 2010-11-25 15:26
回复 girlinthemirror 2010-11-25 16:03
(*^__^*) 嘻嘻~看过啦~迈真滴好可爱~~~~
回复 红一下 2010-11-25 16:46
回复 ruin 2010-11-25 18:52
哇哈哈。太可爱啦! 啧啧啧啧。
回复 此生专属MJ 2010-11-25 19:44
额  滴 个神呐 、、受不了咯、、如果
回复 suesea1 2010-11-26 00:40
iwantyouback: 这是真的吗?  还是国外歌迷编着玩的?~·
Actually he is a person with fine sense of humor.
回复 iwantyouback 2010-11-26 00:49
哦··    我为什么不是美国人?~····      疯了··
回复 suesea1 2010-11-26 00:58
回复 温蒂echo 2010-11-26 12:38
看过的 谢谢,不过再分享些吧。
回复 angel1 2010-11-26 15:05
回复 严重浪漫 2010-11-26 18:20
回复 Monika_Jackson 2010-11-28 13:09
回复 MJ心妍 2010-11-29 21:19
回复 MJ心妍 2010-11-29 21:20
回复 maikeiabc 2010-11-30 10:26
回复 suesea1 2010-11-30 15:22
maikeiabc: 舞台下的mj,是那么的害羞,他能做到这些吗?

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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