本帖最后由 小麦-Joserin 于 2010-2-8 10:22 编辑
did they give the actual time of the voicemail. is this one of those phonecalls made duringthat 45 min or so timeframe that we all know about or is this based on murrays second timeline ie this phonecall was made after 12 midday and was it b4 or after that phonecall with his GF where he says omg mj aint breathing or some crap
voice mail info from mjjc
Wow, they just played a voice mail on the Today Show that Dr. Death made to some Bob Russell guy that was apparently made "at exactly the time Dr. Murray says he was trying to save Jackson's life" according to his time line. The call seems so casual and nonchalant
They don't explain who Bob Russell is but the voice mail says:(他们没有解释Bob是谁,语音邮件记录了当时的过程)
Dr. Murray:
This is Dr. Murray for Bob
Hi, how are you?
Um, sorry I missed you.
Dateline 节目: The voice mail was left at exactly the time Dr. Murray says he was trying to save Jackson's life...(这个语音邮件的留言时间正好是莫里说努力挽救MJ生命的时间)
Dr. Murray:
Just wanted to talk to you about the results of your EECP.
This is not really news but the Today Show piece also says...
But Dateline has learned the L.A. County Coroner's office found concentrations of Propofol in Jackson's blood that suggest Murray gave Jackson a lot more Propofol than he's admitted (the 25 mgs).