
楼主 |
发表于 2009-7-25 15:30:46
Jackson's Time of Death in Question
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Dr. Conrad Murray was not in Michael Jackson's room when his heart stopped.
As we first reported, authorities believe Jackson died from an overdose of the powerful anesthesia Propofol. Sources say the LAPD believes Dr. Murray may have administered it.
This raises an even bigger question. Dr. Murray called 911 at 12:21 PM. He says he discovered Jackson in distress a half hour before. But why, then, did Dr. Murray's employees make a sudden trip to the Dr.'s storage facility in Houston at 9:22 AM Los Angeles time? Could Jackson have been lifeless hours before the 911 call?
We're told by the storage facility manager the women who picked up 3 to 5 boxes became nervous when the manager began questioning them about why they were there.
(储藏柜保管人员 告 诉我们,这些拿走3--5个箱子的女人 当保管人员开始询问她们她们为什么会在那里的时候,变得紧张) |