发表于 2010-2-8 23:29:58
Dear Sir,
With regard to Jackson's murder, I am eager to murderers to justice as soon as possible! However, it does not matter into a new phase, from 2009 to June 26 beginning up to now has been more than seven months fast 8 months, and the two post-mortem report has been published earlier, why do not proceed to prosecute the murderer? Why then Jackson's pedophilia case, apart from anything else you put it, he handcuffed? Why? Just because he is black? Just because he was discriminated against blacks by white America do? That the United States shouted "human rights" where it? You have the United States, where the police ethics went out? I hope you will be able to act impartially handle the case, people's eyes are sharp, and the world, there is a step Guoyi fan attachment for this case and sincerely hope you will be able to handle!
Justice For Michael Jackson
關於傑克遜被謀殺一案,我急切地想真凶能夠早日繩之於法!可是,新相卻不能事成,從09年的6月26日開始到現在已經7個多月快8個月了,兩次驗屍報告也早已經公佈了,爲什麽還不著手起訴兇手呢?爲什麽當年傑克遜的戀童案你們二話不說就把他扣上手銬呢?爲什麽?就因為他是黑人嗎?就因為他是美國白人所歧視黑色人種嗎?那美國大喊的“人權”在哪呢?你們美國的警察的職業道德又去哪裡了呢?希望你們能夠公正嚴明地處理案件,群眾的眼睛是雪亮的,世界上還有過億的邁迷為這案件執著,真心希望你們能夠處理好! |