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Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2010-2-27 12:57:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 MJ_等你归来 于 2010-2-27 14:03 编辑



各位亲们,我是HKNZ81, 马来西亚人。在这儿对大家有个小小的请求,希望众亲们能献出一些宝贵的时间,在这即将来临的艰难时刻,让迈克尔的家人能感受到我们对他们的爱与支持。大家都知道,莫里将在四月接受正式审讯。届时,莫里的集团,或不负责任的媒体与个人,很可能会借此炒作抹黑,对迈克尔的人格与名声作出无理的攻击。他的家人包括孩子们到时可能得承受前所未有的舆论与压力。我们希望能让他的家人感到这份爱,我们与他们同在。  

Will You Be There的一段歌词
In Our Darkest Hour 在我们最黑暗的时刻里
In My Deepest Despair 在我最深切的绝望中
Will You Still Care? 你还会关心吗?
Will You Be There? 你还会在那里吗?

Yes, I’ll Be There 是的,我会在那里
You Are Not Alone你并不孤单


1.   “我们与杰克逊家人同在” 视频制作(We'll Stand By The Jackson Family)
2.  “海地的希望” 视频制作 (Hope For Haiti)




没有人能对这种心碎与摧毁能有所准备,这件事已在数以百万计的人们心中烙下阴影。迈克尔不仅遗留下忠诚和支持他的粉丝们,还有他深爱的,父母凯瑟琳和约瑟夫,兄弟姐妹,Rebbie, Jackie, Tito, 杰梅恩, LaToya, Marlon, Randy &和珍纳特,他众多的外甥和侄子,他的三个漂亮的孩子,王子,巴黎和毯毯。



我希望大家喜欢这个视频...这是给予大家的!献于所有迈克尔的粉丝,以及所有迈克尔的家庭成员! 上帝保佑 。



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Rank: 8Rank: 8

 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-27 12:58:48 | 显示全部楼层
第二个项目,“海地的希望” (Hope For Haiti)

为一群美国迈迷所发动。除了视频,亲们的信息,将会被制成一本书册。他们会以私人的方式,把书亲自传递于迈克尔的家人。初步的计划是(保留更动权),如有幸收到迈克尔家人回复,当初迈迷的留言与杰克逊家人的回信,将会以篇页的方式(Slide Show),制成视频与广大迈迷分享。

1.     由于这是关于海地灾难筹款的项目,亲们的信息须依以下编写(HKNZ81翻译)  

请写上你要印上的名 (如Name: Susie)
你来至的国家, 年龄, 与一个简短的信息寄往以下的邮箱。(如Country: China, Age:15)

2. 请英文程度好的亲们,全文以英文书写。这是为了要节省时间与避免有可能的翻译失误。

3. 也欢迎中文书写。我会尽所能为大家翻译。但因时间紧迫,这或会有些困难, 在这里先让大家知道。

4. 因篇幅有限,他们无法把亲们的留言都一一加入。他们必须作出一些选择,敬请大家谅解。






写上你要印上的英文名 (如Name: Susie)
你来至的国家, 年龄, 与一个简短的信息寄往以上的邮箱。(如Country: China, Age:15)


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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2010-2-27 12:59:11 | 显示全部楼层
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Rank: 8Rank: 8

 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-27 13:00:04 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 MJ_等你归来 于 2010-2-27 13:14 编辑


作者:HKNZ81 14位粉丝 2010-2-27 07:31 回复此发言   






I had planned on taking photographs of the finished book...leafing through it to show what it looked like before being sent by the method that was worked out before the Hope for Haiti video was even loaded.

A picture of them recieving it isn't possible...too private and somewhat non-polite because it isn't a public event, but rather like sending someone a sympathy card that may cause emotions that a person would not want captured. But, I am providing them with certain information that will allow them to write a note back to three different people if they want to. It has aleady been agreed that if any of these people do recieve a note that they will share it with the other two. And we all said such a note will be scanned in and put in a video to tell and show all the fans too. The images of the book before being sent a video slide show right away and then any notes recieved added to the end later and reloaded。







January 24, 2010 — Let's ALL send HOPE to HAITI!
........................................ ..........
"There are people dying  
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place
For you and for me.  
Heal the World."
Michael Jackson, 'Heal the World'.
'L.O.V.E., It's all for Love.'
........................................ ..........
To all dear friends who want to show your love and  
respect for the memory of Michael Jackson,  
and for his messages and acts in life on  
behalf of hope and healing for our world.
........................................ ..........  
Please go to one of these links and give what you can.

Team Michael for UNICEF:
........................................ ..........
United Methodist Committee on Relief:
........................................ ..........
Other charities you may give to listed by
The American Institute of Philanthropy (AIP)
'Helping you give wisely to charity'

........................................ ..........
Per l'Italia
Per donare 2 euro alla Croce Rossa Italiana "Pro Emergenza Haiti" invia un SMS da numero Wind e "3" al 48540 Il numero sarà attivo fino al 27 gennaio. I fondi saranno utilizzati per sostenere l'impegno umanitario della Croce Rossa Italiana sul territorio di Haiti, colpito dal drammatico sisma.  
Le donazioni alla Croce Rossa possono essere fatte online tramite il sito, oppure si possono donare 10 dollari mandando un messaggio con la parola Haiti al numero di cellulare 90999.
Amref e Save the children è sufficiente inviare un sms al n. 48541 (donazione di 2 euro) da cellulari Tim, Vodafone o da rete fissa Telecom Italia.
........................................ ..........
This will be a long term crisis for the people
of Haiti, especially the children.  
Their health and futures depend on us.  
Michael Jackson would be helping these  
devastated people now, if he could.
If you can't give now financially, perhaps in the  
future you will be able to.  
Please ask yourself every day:
"What more can I give?"  
Love and prayer count as giving, so please
continue to send your love and prayers.
........................................ ..........
If you have already given your support in  
some way in the past or today, and it was
because of your love and respect for  
the memory of Michael Jackson,  
we would like to let the Jackson Family know this.
You do not have to say what it is that you have given.  
Please send the name you want printed,
your country of origin, age, and a brief message to the following email
address. This information will be kept
........................................ ..........

........................................ ..........
We are sending out a 'major love' to the Jackson Family.
This mail account will remain open until 2/28/2010.
At that time a book of names and messages
will be sent to the Jackson family personally.
........................................ ..........
Please help to HEAL THE WORLD!
..............WE CAN DO IT!............

53 楼:
We are sending out a 'major love' to the Jackson Family.  
This mail account will remain open until 2/28/2010.  
At that time a book of names and messages  
will be sent to the Jackson family personally.






可以用中文名,但得用英文字母书写。如 Xiao-Ling。这比英文名有个性。



4. 因篇幅有限,他们无法把亲们的留言都一一加入。他们必须作出一些选择,敬请大家谅解。



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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2010-2-27 13:09:27 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-2-27 13:11:39 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-2-27 13:12:23 | 显示全部楼层

有话要对杰克逊家人说吗,美国迈迷为你递交 !!一


各位亲们,我是HKNZ81, 马来西亚人。在这儿对大家有个小小的请求,希望众亲们能献出一些宝贵的时间,在这即将来临的艰难时刻,让迈克尔的家人能感受到我们对他们的爱与支持。大家都知道,莫里将在四月接受正式审讯。届时,莫里的集团,或不负责任的媒体与个人,很可能会借此炒作抹黑,对迈克尔的人格与名声作出无理的攻击。他的家人包括孩子们到时可能得承受前所未有的舆论与压力。我们希望能让他的家人感到这份爱,我们与他们同在。  

Will You Be There的一段歌词
In Our Darkest Hour 在我们最黑暗的时刻里
In My Deepest Despair 在我最深切的绝望中
Will You Still Care? 你还会关心吗?
Will You Be There? 你还会在那里吗?

Yes, I’ll Be There 是的,我会在那里
You Are Not Alone你并不孤单


1.   “我们与杰克逊家人同在” 视频制作(We'll Stand By The Jackson Family)
2.  “海地的希望” 视频制作 (Hope For Haiti)




没有人能对这种心碎与摧毁能有所准备,这件事已在数以百万计的人们心中烙下阴影。迈克尔不仅遗留下忠诚和支持他的粉丝们,还有他深爱的,父母凯瑟琳和约瑟夫,兄弟姐妹,Rebbie, Jackie, Tito, 杰梅恩, LaToya, Marlon, Randy &和珍纳特,他众多的外甥和侄子,他的三个漂亮的孩子,王子,巴黎和毯毯。



我希望大家喜欢这个视频...这是给予大家的!献于所有迈克尔的粉丝,以及所有迈克尔的家庭成员! 上帝保佑 。


第二个项目,“海地的希望” (Hope For Haiti)

为一群美国迈迷所发动。除了视频,亲们的信息,将会被制成一本书册。他们会以私人的方式,把书亲自传递于迈克尔的家人。初步的计划是(保留更动权),如有幸收到迈克尔家人回复,当初迈迷的留言与杰克逊家人的回信,将会以篇页的方式(Slide Show),制成视频与广大迈迷分享。

1.     由于这是关于海地灾难筹款的项目,亲们的信息须依以下编写(HKNZ81翻译)  

请写上你要印上的名 (如Name: Susie)
你来至的国家, 年龄, 与一个简短的信息寄往以下的邮箱。(如Country: China, Age:15)

2. 请英文程度好的亲们,全文以英文书写。这是为了要节省时间与避免有可能的翻译失误。

3. 也欢迎中文书写。我会尽所能为大家翻译。但因时间紧迫,这或会有些困难, 在这里先让大家知道。

4. 因篇幅有限,他们无法把亲们的留言都一一加入。他们必须作出一些选择,敬请大家谅解。






写上你要印上的英文名 (如Name: Susie)
你来至的国家, 年龄, 与一个简短的信息寄往以下的邮箱。(如Country: China, Age:15)



I had planned on taking photographs of the finished book...leafing through it to show what it looked like before being sent by the method that was worked out before the Hope for Haiti video was even loaded.

A picture of them recieving it isn't possible...too private and somewhat non-polite because it isn't a public event, but rather like sending someone a sympathy card that may cause emotions that a person would not want captured. But, I am providing them with certain information that will allow them to write a note back to three different people if they want to. It has aleady been agreed that if any of these people do recieve a note that they will share it with the other two. And we all said such a note will be scanned in and put in a video to tell and show all the fans too. The images of the book before being sent a video slide show right away and then any notes recieved added to the end later and reloaded。




January 24, 2010 — Let's ALL send HOPE to HAITI!
........................................ ..........
"There are people dying  
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place
For you and for me.  
Heal the World."
Michael Jackson, 'Heal the World'.
'L.O.V.E., It's all for Love.'
........................................ ..........
To all dear friends who want to show your love and  
respect for the memory of Michael Jackson,  
and for his messages and acts in life on  
behalf of hope and healing for our world.
........................................ ..........  
Please go to one of these links and give what you can.

Team Michael for UNICEF:
........................................ ..........
United Methodist Committee on Relief:
........................................ ..........
Other charities you may give to listed by
The American Institute of Philanthropy (AIP)
'Helping you give wisely to charity'

........................................ ..........
Per l'Italia
Per donare 2 euro alla Croce Rossa Italiana "Pro Emergenza Haiti" invia un SMS da numero Wind e "3" al 48540 Il numero sarà attivo fino al 27 gennaio. I fondi saranno utilizzati per sostenere l'impegno umanitario della Croce Rossa Italiana sul territorio di Haiti, colpito dal drammatico sisma.  
Le donazioni alla Croce Rossa possono essere fatte online tramite il sito, oppure si possono donare 10 dollari mandando un messaggio con la parola Haiti al numero di cellulare 90999.
Amref e Save the children è sufficiente inviare un sms al n. 48541 (donazione di 2 euro) da cellulari Tim, Vodafone o da rete fissa Telecom Italia.

........................................ ..........
This will be a long term crisis for the people
of Haiti, especially the children.  
Their health and futures depend on us.  
Michael Jackson would be helping these  
devastated people now, if he could.
If you can't give now financially, perhaps in the  
future you will be able to.  
Please ask yourself every day:
"What more can I give?"  
Love and prayer count as giving, so please
continue to send your love and prayers.
........................................ ..........
If you have already given your support in  
some way in the past or today, and it was
because of your love and respect for  
the memory of Michael Jackson,  
we would like to let the Jackson Family know this.
You do not have to say what it is that you have given.  
Please send the name you want printed,
your country of origin, age, and a brief message to the following email
address. This information will be kept
........................................ ..........

........................................ ..........
We are sending out a 'major love' to the Jackson Family.
This mail account will remain open until 2/28/2010.
At that time a book of names and messages
will be sent to the Jackson family personally.
........................................ ..........
Please help to HEAL THE WORLD!
..............WE CAN DO IT!............

We are sending out a 'major love' to the Jackson Family.  
This mail account will remain open until 2/28/2010.  
At that time a book of names and messages  
will be sent to the Jackson family personally.

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-27 13:14:32 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 MJ_等你归来 于 2010-2-27 13:43 编辑


First of all I want to say thank you so much to all of you who sent your messages for the Well Stand By You Project for the Jackson family in honour of Michael. Your messages have been very beautiful, powerful and express the true meaning of what it means to be a fan of the greatest entertainer, philanthropist and humanitarian known to us all simply as MJ. As all of you know, Michael meant the world to so many people, he gave the world hope and love and a reason to dance. Michael endured the unthinkable but accomplished the unimaginable. Whether you were a fan of ABC/I Want You Back, Workin Day & Night, Thriller, Bad, Black or White, History, or You Rock My World, Michael connected us all. To be a fan through all generations and eras is something powerful and very moving. To be a part of an MJ GLOBAL COMMUNITY is an incredible and unique experience. Most of us, if not all of us, have never met, yet weve developed friendships, cried together, laughed together, and marched in every rally to support Michael and his family. Through this I created the idea of Well Stand By You I felt this would be an incredible opportunity for all fans to share their messages of love & support for Michael, letting him know that though we are far away, we are here to stay, you are not alone. With every lyric Michael expressed his thoughts, emotions & feelings. He shared portions & snippets of his life through his music. It was his way to connect with his fans regardless of where they came from. Michael never let a fan down, he always took the time to smile for a picture, send a letter, sign an autograph or just stop to talk. I knew that Michael had fans all over the world, but until I began this project and saw it come together it made me realize how truly remarkable it is for one man to have such a powerful impact on the world, Michael literally has a fan in every country!

When I found out that Michael had passed I was in shock, I didnt believe it at first. My sister had just told me that Farrah Fawcett had died which I was very saddened to hear after most of the world had seen her fight a courageous battle with cancer. It was very tragic. Not even seconds later she came back into the room I was in and told me, Sophia, Michael Jackson died. I told her ok, whatever, now thats just cruel. But she had the look on her face that told me that she wasnt joking and told me to come and see the news. At first I didnt want to move, I was afraid she was right, and I couldnt deal with it. Eventually I gave in and sure enough she was right, all my emotions came flooding out. At first it was shock, then denial, and later that weekend it was devastation. I cried so hard, I couldnt even remember a time when I cried that hard over the death of celebrity, because the truth was, I never had. I cant even express the multitude of sadness I felt on the day of his memorial and the funeral. To see his casket being slowly wheeled past his family & friends and the millions of people who watched, eyes never leaving their t.v. screens, meant one thing, the painful reminder that he was no longer on this earth with us.

My love for Michael wasnt just about the entertainment and pop cultural icon side that is always reported, it was more. Michaels innocence & love for all humanity, the way he cared, the way he always showed respect regardless of who was making a living out of trying to bring him down, the way he took time to help others in desperate need, especially children. The way he encouraged the world to Make that Change, a message that told us that if you want change, if you truly want a better tomorrow it starts with you. All these things and so much more made Michael Jackson the powerful icon, the most influential, fun loving, free spirited, kind soul that so many of us fans had the privilege and honour of being a part of.

To understand Michael, you have to know him. And to know him you have to ultimately take the time to understand his music, his hardships & pain, the fact that he grew up doing the very thing that made him happy; music, dance, and entertainment, but also created a blanket of loneliness. As his loyal fans we get this. We felt Michaels love, happiness, and sadness through the music that entertained us for 46 years! Every album Michael released, there was always one song that created a theme, and one message that remained true, love. He often told his fans during his shows I love you!!! and when they responded We love you Michael! He responded back... I love you MORE! Last year during his This Is It concert comeback series, Michael imparted a powerful and emotional message which fans have now adapted, a message that expresses emotion & comfort and connects us all...its all for love, L.O.V.E.

My hope for this project is to connect us all once again, all over the world, joined in one message: LOVE. To show the world that regardless of the fact that Michael is no longer with us physically he is still very much a part of our hearts. And even though my heart aches, and my tears are still fresh while writing this letter, I know that Michael would want us to continue to do good for the world that he loved so much, and to continue to spread love to everyone all over the world. We are each others shoulders to cry on, the support line we seek, and with that we can do our best to show that love and support for the people Michael cared about the most, his three beautiful children and his family.

With your messages you are helping to send love to the family, and to his children. The love is truly felt, Michaels presence is felt, and theres nothing more powerful than letting someone know how much you care about them. We will stand together to tell the Jackson family that Michael meant the world to all of us, that he impacted our lives and changed them for the better. It will be our way of thanking Joe & Katherine, Rebbie, Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, LaToya, Marlon, Randy & Janet for sharing Michael with all of us. To thank Prince, Paris & Blanket for loving their daddy and to let them know that we loved him too and that we are here for them.

God bless you all! And Thank you again for participating in this wonderful project!

All my love,


You are going to translate these messages correct? For Chinese fans? The characters won't be transferred over..only English. So you will need to put..transciption of Chinese language by: your intitials or name on each one.

I had planned on taking photographs of the finished book...leafing through it to show what it looked like before being sent by the method that was worked out before the Hope for Haiti video was even loaded.
I'm not providing an answer to this. This is because the means by which I am able to give them something and be assured they will recieve it is private and I may want to use it again. If other people know how I am accomplishing this they may annoy whomever I am working with on this and that person may decide not to do it again for me.
A picture of them recieving it isn't possible...too private and somewhat non-polite because it isn't a public event, but rather like sending someone a sympathy card that may cause enotions that a person would not want captured. But, I am providing them with certain information that will allow them to write a note back to three different people if they want to. It has aleady been agreed that if any of these people do recieve a note that they will share it with the other two. And we all said such a note will be scanned in and put in a video to tell and show all the fans too. The images of the book before being sent a video slide show right away and then any notes recieved added to the end later and reloaded. Is that sufficient?

Addressing the note;
To the Jackson Family
To Prince, Paris, and Blanket Jackson
Dear Jackson Family
Dear Prince, Paris, and Blanket Jackson
Dear Prince, Paris, and Blanket
To the Children of Michael Jackson
To the Family of Michael Jackson ............are all correct.

Leaving off a salutation and just writing a note is also correct since this will be assumed by the context of the whole project in general.
Love ya!


计划主导人说“Leaving off a salutation and just writing a note is also correct since this will be assumed by the context of the whole project in general.”





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发表于 2010-2-27 13:14:44 | 显示全部楼层


First of all I want to say thank you so much to all of you who sent your messages for the Well Stand By You Project for the Jackson family in honour of Michael. Your messages have been very beautiful, powerful and express the true meaning of what it means to be a fan of the greatest entertainer, philanthropist and humanitarian known to us all simply as MJ. As all of you know, Michael meant the world to so many people, he gave the world hope and love and a reason to dance. Michael endured the unthinkable but accomplished the unimaginable. Whether you were a fan of ABC/I Want You Back, Workin Day & Night, Thriller, Bad, Black or White, History, or You Rock My World, Michael connected us all. To be a fan through all generations and eras is something powerful and very moving. To be a part of an MJ GLOBAL COMMUNITY is an incredible and unique experience. Most of us, if not all of us, have never met, yet weve developed friendships, cried together, laughed together, and marched in every rally to support Michael and his family. Through this I created the idea of Well Stand By You I felt this would be an incredible opportunity for all fans to share their messages of love & support for Michael, letting him know that though we are far away, we are here to stay, you are not alone. With every lyric Michael expressed his thoughts, emotions & feelings. He shared portions & snippets of his life through his music. It was his way to connect with his fans regardless of where they came from. Michael never let a fan down, he always took the time to smile for a picture, send a letter, sign an autograph or just stop to talk. I knew that Michael had fans all over the world, but until I began this project and saw it come together it made me realize how truly remarkable it is for one man to have such a powerful impact on the world, Michael literally has a fan in every country!

When I found out that Michael had passed I was in shock, I didnt believe it at first. My sister had just told me that Farrah Fawcett had died which I was very saddened to hear after most of the world had seen her fight a courageous battle with cancer. It was very tragic. Not even seconds later she came back into the room I was in and told me, Sophia, Michael Jackson died. I told her ok, whatever, now thats just cruel. But she had the look on her face that told me that she wasnt joking and told me to come and see the news. At first I didnt want to move, I was afraid she was right, and I couldnt deal with it. Eventually I gave in and sure enough she was right, all my emotions came flooding out. At first it was shock, then denial, and later that weekend it was devastation. I cried so hard, I couldnt even remember a time when I cried that hard over the death of celebrity, because the truth was, I never had. I cant even express the multitude of sadness I felt on the day of his memorial and the funeral. To see his casket being slowly wheeled past his family & friends and the millions of people who watched, eyes never leaving their t.v. screens, meant one thing, the painful reminder that he was no longer on this earth with us.
My love for Michael wasnt just about the entertainment and pop cultural icon side that is always reported, it was more. Michaels innocence & love for all humanity, the way he cared, the way he always showed respect regardless of who was making a living out of trying to bring him down, the way he took time to help others in desperate need, especially children. The way he encouraged the world to Make that Change, a message that told us that if you want change, if you truly want a better tomorrow it starts with you. All these things and so much more made Michael Jackson the powerful icon, the most influential, fun loving, free spirited, kind soul that so many of us fans had the privilege and honour of being a part of.

To understand Michael, you have to know him. And to know him you have to ultimately take the time to understand his music, his hardships & pain, the fact that he grew up doing the very thing that made him happy; music, dance, and entertainment, but also created a blanket of loneliness. As his loyal fans we get this. We felt Michaels love, happiness, and sadness through the music that entertained us for 46 years! Every album Michael released, there was always one song that created a theme, and one message that remained true, love. He often told his fans during his shows I love you!!! and when they responded We love you Michael! He responded back... I love you MORE! Last year during his This Is It concert comeback series, Michael imparted a powerful and emotional message which fans have now adapted, a message that expresses emotion & comfort and connects us all...its all for love, L.O.V.E.

My hope for this project is to connect us all once again, all over the world, joined in one message: LOVE. To show the world that regardless of the fact that Michael is no longer with us physically he is still very much a part of our hearts. And even though my heart aches, and my tears are still fresh while writing this letter, I know that Michael would want us to continue to do good for the world that he loved so much, and to continue to spread love to everyone all over the world. We are each others shoulders to cry on, the support line we seek, and with that we can do our best to show that love and support for the people Michael cared about the most, his three beautiful children and his family.

With your messages you are helping to send love to the family, and to his children. The love is truly felt, Michaels presence is felt, and theres nothing more powerful than letting someone know how much you care about them. We will stand together to tell the Jackson family that Michael meant the world to all of us, that he impacted our lives and changed them for the better. It will be our way of thanking Joe & Katherine, Rebbie, Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, LaToya, Marlon, Randy & Janet for sharing Michael with all of us. To thank Prince, Paris & Blanket for loving their daddy and to let them know that we loved him too and that we are here for them.

God bless you all! And Thank you again for participating in this wonderful project!

All my love,

You are going to translate these messages correct? For Chinese fans? The characters won't be transferred over..only English. So you will need to put..transciption of Chinese language by: your intitials or name on each one.

I had planned on taking photographs of the finished book...leafing through it to show what it looked like before being sent by the method that was worked out before the Hope for Haiti video was even loaded.
I'm not providing an answer to this. This is because the means by which I am able to give them something and be assured they will recieve it is private and I may want to use it again. If other people know how I am accomplishing this they may annoy whomever I am working with on this and that person may decide not to do it again for me.
A picture of them recieving it isn't possible...too private and somewhat non-polite because it isn't a public event, but rather like sending someone a sympathy card that may cause enotions that a person would not want captured. But, I am providing them with certain information that will allow them to write a note back to three different people if they want to. It has aleady been agreed that if any of these people do recieve a note that they will share it with the other two. And we all said such a note will be scanned in and put in a video to tell and show all the fans too. The images of the book before being sent a video slide show right away and then any notes recieved added to the end later and reloaded. Is that sufficient?

Addressing the note;
To the Jackson Family
To Prince, Paris, and Blanket Jackson
Dear Jackson Family
Dear Prince, Paris, and Blanket Jackson
Dear Prince, Paris, and Blanket
To the Children of Michael Jackson
To the Family of Michael Jackson ............are all correct.

Leaving off a salutation and just writing a note is also correct since this will be assumed by the context of the whole project in general.
Love ya!
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发表于 2010-2-27 13:15:23 | 显示全部楼层



Hello Everyone..My Message to All of You <3
Date: Feb 11, 2010
Message: Hello everyone!

First of all I want to say thank you so much to all of you who sent your messages for the Well Stand By You Project for the Jackson family in honour of Michael. Your messages have been very beautiful, powerful and express the true meaning of what it means to be a fan of the greatest entertainer, philanthropist and humanitarian known to us all simply as MJ. As all of you know, Michael meant the world to so many people, he gave the world hope and love and a reason to dance. Michael endured the unthinkable but accomplished the unimaginable. Whether you were a fan of ABC/I Want You Back, Workin Day & Night, Thriller, Bad, Black or White, History, or You Rock My World, Michael connected us all. To be a fan through all generations and eras is something powerful and very moving. To be a part of an MJ GLOBAL COMMUNITY is an incredible and unique experience. Most of us, if not all of us, have never met, yet weve developed friendships, cried together, laughed together, and marched in every rally to support Michael and his family. Through this I created the idea of Well Stand By You I felt this would be an incredible opportunity for all fans to share their messages of love & support for Michael, letting him know that though we are far away, we are here to stay, you are not alone. With every lyric Michael expressed his thoughts, emotions & feelings. He shared portions & snippets of his life through his music. It was his way to connect with his fans regardless of where they came from. Michael never let a fan down, he always took the time to smile for a picture, send a letter, sign an autograph or just stop to talk. I knew that Michael had fans all over the world, but until I began this project and saw it come together it made me realize how truly remarkable it is for one man to have such a powerful impact on the world, Michael literally has a fan in every country!

这计划美(baidu )国主导人的公开信:

Hello everyone,
mj6513 is making a video project to show love and support for Michael and his family. Please contact her to see how you can put a message in her video.
Thank you so much! I am attaching the address for the information video she put together. Please contact her quickly.

ALSO: If you have given financially or love and prayer...'all giving..to Haiti in any way' and would like to have a message put in our book for the Jackson family to let them know how you have been influenced by Michael's message of love please do so right away as well. It is part of the Hope for Haiti project and Sophias video will be sent as well. Please send this message on to whomever you believe would like to play a part. Thank you! LOVE!
The email address for the messages to the Jacksons is:


Here is her letter:
Hello Everyone..My Message to All of You <3
Date: Feb 11, 2010
Message: Hello everyone!

First of all I want to say thank you so much to all of you who sent your messages for the Well Stand By You Project for the Jackson family in honour of Michael. Your messages have been very beautiful, powerful and express the true meaning of what it means to be a fan of the greatest entertainer, philanthropist and humanitarian known to us all simply as MJ. As all of you know, Michael meant the world to so many people, he gave the world hope and love and a reason to dance. Michael endured the unthinkable but accomplished the unimaginable. Whether you were a fan of ABC/I Want You Back, Workin Day & Night, Thriller, Bad, Black or White, History, or You Rock My World, Michael connected us all. To be a fan through all generations and eras is something powerful and very moving. To be a part of an MJ GLOBAL COMMUNITY is an incredible and unique experience. Most of us, if not all of us, have never met, yet weve developed friendships, cried together, laughed together, and marched in every rally to support Michael and his family. Through this I created the idea of Well Stand By You I felt this would be an incredible opportunity for all fans to share their messages of love & support for Michael, letting him know that though we are far away, we are here to stay, you are not alone. With every lyric Michael expressed his thoughts, emotions & feelings. He shared portions & snippets of his life through his music. It was his way to connect with his fans regardless of where they came from. Michael never let a fan down, he always took the time to smile for a picture, send a letter, sign an autograph or just stop to talk. I knew that Michael had fans all over the world, but until I began this project and saw it come together it made me realize how truly remarkable it is for one man to have such a powerful impact on the world, Michael literally has a fan in every country!

When I found out that Michael had passed I was in shock, I didnt believe it at first. My sister had just told me that Farrah Fawcett had died which I was very saddened to hear after most of the world had seen her fight a courageous battle with cancer. It was very tragic. Not even seconds later she came back into the room I was in and told me, Sophia, Michael Jackson died. I told her ok, whatever, now thats just cruel. But she had the look on her face that told me that she wasnt joking and told me to come and see the news. At first I didnt want to move, I was afraid she was right, and I couldnt deal with it. Eventually I gave in and sure enough she was right, all my emotions came flooding out. At first it was shock, then denial, and later that weekend it was devastation. I cried so hard, I couldnt even remember a time when I cried that hard over the death of celebrity, because the truth was, I never had. I cant even express the multitude of sadness I felt on the day of his memorial and the funeral. To see his casket being slowly wheeled past his family & friends and the millions of people who watched, eyes never leaving their t.v. screens, meant one thing, the painful reminder that he was no longer on this earth with us.

My love for Michael wasnt just about the entertainment and pop cultural icon side that is always reported, it was more. Michaels innocence & love for all humanity, the way he cared, the way he always showed respect regardless of who was making a living out of trying to bring him down, the way he took time to help others in desperate need, especially children. The way he encouraged the world to Make that Change, a message that told us that if you want change, if you truly want a better tomorrow it starts with you. All these things and so much more made Michael Jackson the powerful icon, the most influential, fun loving, free spirited, kind soul that so many of us fans had the privilege and honour of being a part of.

To understand Michael, you have to know him. And to know him you have to ultimately take the time to understand his music, his hardships & pain, the fact that he grew up doing the very thing that made him happy; music, dance, and entertainment, but also created a blanket of loneliness. As his loyal fans we get this. We felt Michaels love, happiness, and sadness through the music that entertained us for 46 years! Every album Michael released, there was always one song that created a theme, and one message that remained true, love. He often told his fans during his shows I love you!!! and when they responded We love you Michael! He responded back... I love you MORE! Last year during his This Is It concert comeback series, Michael imparted a powerful and emotional message which fans have now adapted, a message that expresses emotion & comfort and connects us all...its all for love, L.O.V.E.

My hope for this project is to connect us all once again, all over the world, joined in one message: LOVE. To show the world that regardless of the fact that Michael is no longer with us physically he is still very much a part of our hearts. And even though my heart aches, and my tears are still fresh while writing this letter, I know that Michael would want us to continue to do good for the world that he loved so much, and to continue to spread love to everyone all over the world. We are each others shoulders to cry on, the support line we seek, and with that we can do our best to show that love and support for the people Michael cared about the most, his three beautiful children and his family.

With your messages you are helping to send love to the family, and to his children. The love is truly felt, Michaels presence is felt, and theres nothing more powerful than letting someone know how much you care about them. We will stand together to tell the Jackson family that Michael meant the world to all of us, that he impacted our lives and changed them for the better. It will be our way of thanking Joe & Katherine, Rebbie, Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, LaToya, Marlon, Randy & Janet for sharing Michael with all of us. To thank Prince, Paris & Blanket for loving their daddy and to let them know that we loved him too and that we are here for them.

God bless you all! And Thank you again for participating in this wonderful project!

All my love,
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发表于 2010-2-27 13:16:11 | 显示全部楼层


Need more info to write in my new blog, if possible include:
How messages are going to be delivered to the Jackson Family? By postal mail or hand carry etc.?
Deliver to where? The Jackson's compound in Encino?
If hand carry, any photo will be captured as evidence to show to others?

Evidence of them getting it? Really? Is there a reason they would feel that messages sent with the option of a real or channel name..either way..would be gathered and then not given?
I had planned on taking photographs of the finished book...leafing through it to show what it looked like before being sent by the method that was worked out before the Hope for Haiti video was even loaded.
I'm not providing an answer to this. This is because the means by which I am able to give them something and be assured they will recieve it is private and I may want to use it again. If other people know how I am accomplishing this they may annoy whomever I am working with on this and that person may decide not to do it again for me.
A picture of them recieving it isn't possible...too private and somewhat non-polite because it isn't a public event, but rather like sending someone a sympathy card that may cause enotions that a person would not want captured.

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-27 13:16:21 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 MJ_等你归来 于 2010-2-27 13:42 编辑

再次占楼以防万一……= = 好吧果然位置又不够了……


Hello everyone,
mj6513 is making a video project to show love and support for Michael and his family. Please contact her to see how you can put a message in her video.
Thank you so much! I am attaching the address for the information video she put together. Please contact her quickly.

ALSO: If you have given financially or love and prayer...'all giving..to Haiti in any way' and would like to have a message put in our book for the Jackson family to let them know how you have been influenced by Michael's message of love please do so right away as well. It is part of the Hope for Haiti project and Sophias video will be sent as well. Please send this message on to whomever you believe would like to play a part. Thank you! LOVE!
The email address for the messages to the Jacksons is:


Here is her letter:
Hello Everyone..My Message to All of You <3
Date: Feb 11, 2010
Message: Hello everyone!




楼主我觉得印的时候 最好是双音翻译   这样才会真正给他们感受到全国各地粉丝的支持
(Engish):We all love micheal jackson

楼主 考虑 考虑



写上你要印上的英文名 (如Name: Susie,Mei-Ling)
你来至的国家, 年龄, 与一个简短的信息寄往以下的邮箱。(如Country: China, Age:15)


Need more info to write in my new blog, if possible include:
How messages are going to be delivered to the Jackson Family? By postal mail or hand carry etc.?
Deliver to where? The Jackson's compound in Encino?
If hand carry, any photo will be captured as evidence to show to others?

Evidence of them getting it? Really? Is there a reason they would feel that messages sent with the option of a real or channel name..either way..would be gathered and then not given?
I had planned on taking photographs of the finished book...leafing through it to show what it looked like before being sent by the method that was worked out before the Hope for Haiti video was even loaded.
I'm not providing an answer to this. This is because the means by which I am able to give them something and be assured they will recieve it is private and I may want to use it again. If other people know how I am accomplishing this they may annoy whomever I am working with on this and that person may decide not to do it again for me.
A picture of them recieving it isn't possible...too private and somewhat non-polite because it isn't a public event, but rather like sending someone a sympathy card that may cause enotions that a person would not want captured.





请写上你要印上的名 (如Name: Susie)
你来至的国家, 年龄, 与一个简短的信息寄往以下的邮箱。(如Country: China, Age:15)


别担心啦,没问题的。我只是怕太多电邮,有些亲不被选中可能会有些失望。No worries. Take it easy.

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发表于 2010-2-27 13:18:49 | 显示全部楼层
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Rank: 8Rank: 8

 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-27 13:18:51 | 显示全部楼层
回复 6# 白恋紫


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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2010-2-27 13:20:25 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 838613878 于 2010-2-27 13:33 编辑

我也要发邮件给Jackson Family!
中国关怀生命!】让两会呼吁动物保护法立法的呼声不要停!  敬请在以下《中国动物保护法》出台联署专题页面 1、动物保护立法的提案【请签名联署】 http://dongbaowang.org/zh-hans/dwlfjy 2、打击猫狗肉销赃 ...
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