
楼主 |
发表于 2005-7-20 13:47:02
"It hurts to be mobbed. Not mentally, but physically. Your body feels like a noodle, being pulled by ten different people. They don't realize it. They love you so much they just want a part of you. They say, 'I gotta get a piece of this guy, if it's his shirt, his hair, his face, anything.' There are fans who actually have pieces of my hair. I could go to England right now, and they'd show me and say, 'This is your hair from 3 years ago.' I'd say, 'Oh my gosh.' And it's sitting in their wallet. They collect hair."
“被包围的感觉很受伤。不仅是精神上的,还有身体上的。你的身体感觉好像就是根面条,被10个不同的人拉扯着。他们并没意识到这些。他们是那么喜欢你,他们只是想得到你身体的一部分。他们说,我要从这人身上得到点什么,不论是他的衬衫、头发、脸,什么都行。实际上确实有些歌迷得到了我的一些头发。我要是现在去英格兰,他们准会给我看并且说,这是你3年前的头发。那么我就会说,哦,我的上帝呀。就那样我的头发躺在他们的钱包里。他们收集头发。” |