Someone accidentally knocked on the studio door while "Beat It" was being recorded. MJ decided to leave the knock in the song.
在录制beat it的时候有人敲了录音室的们,MJ决定把这段敲门声保留到最后的成曲中。
On June 1st 1988, MJ sets a record as the first artist ever to have 3 albums with U.S. sales of more than 6 million copies each.
On June 1st 1991, Temptations member David Ruffin dies of a drug overdose. MJ covers a large portion of his funeral costs
1991年6月,temptation成员david ruffin因滥药去世,MJ负担了他的葬礼费用。
On May 27th 2006, MJ receives the "Legend Award" at the MTV Japan VMAs for having sold a record 100,000,000 albums in Japan
On May 6th 1992, Michael Jackson quietly covers the funeral expenses for Ramon Sanchez, a student killed during the L.A. riots
1992年5月6日,MJ负担了在LA暴乱中死亡的Ramon Sanchez的葬礼费用。
The early working title of the song "Bad" was "Pee". It was a temporary name Quincy Jones came up with.
BAD专辑曾经差点被命名为“Pee” 据说是QUINCY想出来的(OMG。。。。。。)
At the height of the songs popularity in 1984, MTV ran the 14 minute "Thriller" short film twice in one hour, every hour.
On this day, March 19th 2001, Michael Jackson is the youngest solo artist to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
This day, March 14th 1984, New Jersey H.S. students protest because they were banned from wearing their MJ gloves in school
During the BAD sessions, MJ would have his chefs come to the studio and cook for the crew every Friday, known as "family night".
A dog was supposed to do the howls for "Thriller" but since it wouldn't cooperate, MJ had to record them instead.
During a scene in the "Beat It" video, MJ felt something drip on him. He later found out it was the blood of a stabbed victim.
在拍摄BEAT IT 时,有人被刀扎伤,血溅到了MJ身上。
MJ and Paul McCartney's "Say Say Say" video was filmed at Neverland Ranch over 4 years before MJ purchased it.
与披头士PAUL合作的SAY SAY SAY的MV,是在NEVERLAND拍摄的,4年之后MJ买下了这座庄园。
Michael Jackson choreographed his entire performance at the Motown 25 special the night before, in his kitchen.
MOWTOWN 25中的billie jean舞步是MJ在表演前一晚上,在自家厨房里创作出的。
The guitar intro of Michael Jackson's "Black or White" was recorded during the BAD sessions.
BLACK OR WHITE开头的吉他独奏完成在BAD时期。
The very next day after the BAD album was completed, MJ immediately began working on demos for DANGEROUS
During the recording of "Keep the Faith", MJ cried because he couldn't get his vocals in the right key. He eventually did.
在录制keep the faith时,MJ因为把握不好音准而哭了。 |