本帖最后由 peiweimm 于 2010-7-12 09:40 编辑
SPEAK TO ME: Jacko and Bubbles. PHOTO: Polaris / eyevine
La Toya reveals his weird chimp plan
YOU ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh are not alone...
(腾讯娱乐的大致翻译)已故天王迈克尔杰克逊(M)姐姐娜托也透露,杰克逊曾经尝试请医生为其宠物黑猩猩泡泡动手术改造声带,让它可以跟自己说话聊天! 杰克逊于八十年代初领养一只幼年黑猩猩,命名为泡泡,自此与它形影不离。杰克逊与泡泡一起在饭桌上进餐,同房而睡,泡泡也有特权使用杰克逊的私家厕所。视泡泡为儿子的杰克逊,被娜托也爆料:“杰克逊一直希望知道如何可以让泡泡说话聊天。” 模仿力强 娜托也表示杰克逊与泡泡有沟通:“一个早上,杰克逊致电给我,叫我亲眼看看泡泡模仿他的情形。当杰克逊刷牙,泡泡也会拿起牙刷跟着做。然后杰克逊便想为泡泡改造声带,告诉医生自己想知道泡泡的想法。”手术概念是将泡泡的声带移低一点,容许空气震动时发出人类语言的声音。 手术高危 不过医生警告这个前所未有的手术可能危害泡泡健康,杰克逊只好放弃。只是杰克逊还未死心,接着四年花费大笔金钱邀请语言专家教泡泡说话,却徒劳无功。其实,一名兽医受访时直指改造声带没有效用,黑猩猩主要是用表情来沟通,手术很有可能会令泡泡死亡。
Those were the words Michael Jackson always longed to hear... from his pet chimp Bubbles.
For we can reveal the lonely wacko singer spent thousands of pounds trying to get leading THROAT SPECIALISTS to implant VOCAL CHORDS into his hairy pal.
Then he intended to teach Bubbles his Ape-B-C so they could chat long into the night... and go quietly bananas together.
What would Bubbles say? Tell us and win £100
The singer's chimp plan was hatched when he was in his prime-ate in the Eighties, his sister La Toya revealed.
"Michael always wanted to know how to make Bubbles speak and talk," she said.
"They definitely communicated. One morning Michael called me said 'You got to see this - he mimics everything I do'. So Michael starts brushing his teeth and Bubbles looks up and gets a tooth brush and starts brushing his teeth too. Then he wanted to give him vocal chords and asked doctors 'Can I give him an operation so that I can know what his thoughts are'."
Jacko - who died from a heart attack last year at 50 - looked into having Bubble's larynx moved further down his throat to let his airwaves produce word sounds.
But doctors warned that the operation could harm his hairy pal as it had never been tried before. And the worried singer refused to put Bubbles - who shared his bed and went on the 1987 Bad world tour with him - at risk. But he persisted for FOUR YEARS with his dream - and splashed thousands more flying in ape experts to try to help his pet to speak. Although the sessions worked well, Bubbles could muster no more than an occasional bark or grunt.
Jacko had to let his best mate move out of the family home in Encino, California, when Bubbles got too big in 1988.
"The trainers who came to the house felt the situation wasn't normal and he shouldn't be there," said La Toya.
Bubbles was moved to a California monkey sanctuary, but became a regular visitor at the star's Neverland Ranch.
On visits he slept in a cot in Jackson's bedroom, used the singer's toilet and had food parties. La Toya said: "Bubbles became extremely strong. When he was younger he would slap you and it would not hurt. But now they could knock you out. Sometimes he would swing on a chandelier and fly onto a table, and Michael would scream 'no, no'."
After Jackson's youngest child Prince Michael II was born in 1997, even day trips to Jacko's house were banned. The singer regularly phoned Bubbles to let him hear his voice - but as his kids grew up the calls became fewer.
By 2003 Bubbles had matured into an aggressive adult chimp, which left trainers scared that he would even harm Jackson. Jacko last saw him in 2004.
In recent years, Bubbles, 26, has been living in The Great Ape Sanctuary in Florida. La Toya broke down in tears when she visited him in May.
Emma Milne - star of BBC's Vets in Practice - last night told us Jacko's plan would never have worked. "Moving the voice box would have made no difference," she said.
"Chimps mostly communicate using facial expressions. And the operation would have probably killed him."
Win £100!
If Bubbles could talk, what do you think he would say? Send us your ideas to online@notw.co.uk. Our favourite will win £100! |