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乐评作者:Joe Voge
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jo ... micha_b_783420.html
评论: "Hold My Hand" (Michael Jackson and Akon) by Joe Vogel
这首歌不会发生有关的人声任何争议,在。唯一的问题是:多久才能看到它打榜的成绩(口耳相传的威力极大,在午夜公布数分钟后,已在世界各地的Twitter登上trending #1 )。 “Hold My Hand”是一首简单但强大的歌曲,体现出了这么多为什么歌迷喜爱迈克尔杰克逊的原因。像U2的“One”本首歌曲是向外扩展的“大爱之歌”,使本属个人的心灵体会,变得更深刻而普世。凭借其朗朗上口的合唱,雄壮的高潮结尾,它具备成为畅销曲的各种条件。 (也许能成为杰克逊在1995年“You Are Not Alone”之后的又一个在美国的冠军单曲)。
然而,除了所有的奢华和宏伟,歌曲其中也有一些不错的微妙触动。前奏是一个帕海贝尔:D大调卡农的变奏(正刚好说明杰克逊是一个狂热的古典音乐爱好者)。一开始你会低估杰克逊的声线,但之后他有效地抓住了混合着的喜悦,渴望,和悲伤在其歌声中。开场白“This life don't last forever...(此生不长久)"是一个对生命苦短的一个活生生的提醒。
如果这样的歌曲不能够打下年轻流行乐手Kesha货Katy Perry,也许问题是出在这个国家的流行音坛而非在迈克尔杰克逊身上。 “Hold My Hand”不是另一首“Man in the Mirror”,但它算是一个不错的安慰礼物,以填补他缺席之后的空白。
听“Hold My Hand”在michaeljackson.com。
Joe Vogel (乔沃格尔)是三本书的作者,包括即将出版的Man in the Music: The Creative Life and Work of Michael Jackson (Sterling 2011)
来源:huffingtonpost 翻译:juyac
There won't be any controversy about the vocals on this one. The only question is how long until it tops the charts. "Hold My Hand" is a simple, but powerful song that embodies so much of what fans loved about Michael Jackson. Like U2's "One" it is a "love song" that expands outward, making the personal something more profound and universal. With its catchy chorus and majestic crescendo it has all the makings of a big hit (perhaps Jackson's first #1 in the U.S. since "You Are Not Alone" in 1995).
Critics will undoubtedly point to the song's excessive flourishes and sentimentalism. Clearly, in his updated production, Akon was aiming bigger than the 2008 version that leaked online. It works, however, among other reasons, because of the context. This is a catharsis song for many listeners. And that's what the transcendent gospel-infused ending provides. There will always be a place (and need) for songs that bring people together, reminding us to love, bridge divides and connect.
Yet for all its lavishness and grandiosity, there are some nice subtle touches as well. The intro is a variation of Pachelbel's Canon in D Major (Jackson was an avid lover of classical music); Jackson's vocal is understated, but effective, capturing a combination of joy, yearning, and sadness. The opening lyric ("This life don't last forever...") is a poignant reminder of the transience of life.
If a song like this can't knock off the pop-lite of Kesha and Katy Perry it says far more about the state of pop music than Michael Jackson. "Hold My Hand" isn't "Man in the Mirror," but it's a nice consolation gift to fill the void of his absence.