杰克逊欲重出江湖 重塑形象改唱风要当说唱歌手
http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年09月27日14:17 新浪娱乐
新浪娱乐讯 美国流行音乐天王迈克尔·杰克逊目前正在计划重出江湖,而且为了改变因为娈童案而受损的形象,杰克逊这次连唱风也要大幅改变,准备当一个说唱歌手,吸引年轻歌迷的视线。
今年47岁的杰克逊在娈童案被判无罪之后一直在巴林度假,但听说美国墨西哥湾地区遭受飓风袭击损失惨重之后,他正准备写一首慈善歌曲来为灾民募捐,目前玛莉娅·凯莉、Jay-Z、Missy Elliott以及Mary J Blige等知名歌星均表示将参加这首歌的录音。(清晨)
Rush & Molloy
Jax busts a move – to rap
Cash it in, 50 Cent. Shrivel up, Slim Shady. Michael Jackson may be ready to rap.
Having once anointed himself the King of Pop, the singer now wants to reinvent himself as a booty-chasing hip-hopper, we hear.
The move toward a harder-edged sound is said to be part of a plan to put his child-molestation trial behind him. "Soon you will see him surrounded by all kinds of beautiful women," says "Alien Rock" author Michael Luckman, who's tapped into the Jackson camp.
He's already trying to surround himself with Jay-Z, Missy Elliott, Mary J. Blige and other bona fide hip-hop stars, whom Jackson's rep says have promised to perform on his hurricane relief single, "From the Bottom of My Heart."
"Despite everything, Michael still commands a great deal of respect from younger artists he influenced," says another source.
Andre Van Pier thinks he has just the outfit for a Vegas show Jackson is said to be hatching.
Van Pier, who created costumes for several Jackson videos, envisions the Gloved One as a "Space Warrior," complete with Roman legion helmet and illuminated white leather jumpsuit.
"I want to transform Michael [into] a man with power on a level that we've never seen before," says Van Pier.
So why can't we stop thinking of Bugs Bunny's little alien antagonist, Marvin?
Originally published on September 26, 2005 |