本帖最后由 JEssie_JAckson 于 2011-10-26 19:12 编辑
米高积逊联盟区的起源: 米高积逊联盟于2010年12月已被 香港政府正式认可成为香港MJ团体组织,当时我们没有设立任何论坛或交流区,香港的MJ迷如欲联络我们或要知道我们会举办甚么活动,相信有一定的困难,幸运地得到Keen 哥的协助,让我们能安顿下来及集中筹备有关MJ的大型活动,日后再详细考虑建立Blog 或其它的联络渠道! / 米高积逊联盟专区建立的交流区日志: / 以下是「Michael Jackson Union -米高积逊联盟」的理念及简介! 一直以来,香港均有不同的团体以「米高积逊」之名成立。各团体的成立均建基于一个简单的原因 -- 爱MJ;然而,却因此而分薄了香港MJ迷的力量,未能集中。 / 有见及此,JEssie、Janice (Ah Fun) 及Cherianne 抱着一个非常单纯的心愿,共同成立了一个组织,命名为「Michael Jackson Union ─ 米高积逊联盟」。这个组织的成立是希望能够凝聚香港MJ迷的力量,团结一致,与各团体及歌迷联盟,共同为MJ筹备大型活动,而绝非想多增添一个独立的团体,分散力量。取名为「米高积逊联盟」正正是为了反映这个单纯的目标 ─ 连系所有MJ迷。 /
拟举办的活动就是为了延续米高积逊那份爱的精神,从中持续并发展歌迷们的爱心及对他人的关爱。所有活动及一切的活动捐献均会以我们敬爱的王 ─ 米高积逊的名义和精神进行。
Throughout the years, there are various groups established in the name of Michael Jackson in Hong Kong. The foundation of these groups’ establishment is based on one simple thing – loving Michael. As a consequence, the power of numerous MJ fans has also been distracted diversely.
In lights of above, JEssie, Janice (Ah Fun) and Cherianne found a group jointly with one simple-hearted wish. They named the group “Michael Jackson Union”. Contrary to set up any additional group, their only wish is to organize an event for Michael in allied with other MJ groups and fans in Hong Kong. This objective is precisely reveal in the name of the group – to unite with other MJ groups and fans.
All the proposed events are intended to extend the loving spirit of Michael Jackson, and develop the loving mind of the fans and other individuals in caring of others. Any donation from the events and the events itself will be in the name & spirit of our beloved king – Michael Jackson.
Michael Jackson Union/米高积逊联盟 Societies Ordinance/香港社团註册档案编号:CP/LIC/SO/19/44241
谢谢 Keen 哥,让我们可以在此平台联系香港的MJ迷!/JEssie |