本帖最后由 ranmi 于 2011-2-6 01:59 编辑
這是在 FB 的 麥可紀念論壇粉絲團 看到梓妍分享的
Chucky Klapow (This is it舞者),在 2011 年 1 月 26 日的活動中向麥可致敬
(看註解貌似是好萊塢每月一次的編舞師 showcase, 12 週年?? )
有 Drill 跟 Dangerous 的舞蹈
Travis Payne 跟 Stacy Walker 是嘉賓
同時有邀請幾位參與 VMA 致敬演出的 Dancer
Dangerous 的舞蹈有點不同
在猜, 會不會是 This Is It 的版本 ??
又或者有加入一些 This Is It 的 Dangerous 版本進去混合 ??
以下是 Chucky 寫在視頻下的註解
Wednesday, January 26, 2011 was the 12th anniversary of Carnival, a monthly choreographer's showcase in Hollywood and Travis Payne was the honored guest of the evening. Travis's assistant, Stacy Walker, invited the dancers from "This Is It" to perform part of a tribute piece for Travis with some of the original "Dangerous" dancers from Michael Jackson's iconic AMA and VMA performances.
For the first time since September of 2009, I finally took the stage with part of my brilliantly talented "This Is It" family again and it felt so nice. I also got the opportunity to share the stage with some of the dancers who I studied on TV when I was a little Michael Jackson fan growing up. Jason Yribar, Cris Judd, Edgar Godineaux, and Courtney Miller, I spent hours and hours with my TV facing my mirror watching you, learning the moves while wearing out my VHS tapes! Thank you for being part of such an influential moment that inspired me when I was little and still inspires me today. Travis, the work you did with LaVelle and Courtney helped shape the choreographer I am now. And thanks for urging me to come to the "This Is It" auditions even though I'm so short!
Thank you Michael.
P.S. from 5:50 to 6:05, I dedicated my moment to all the nice MJ fans of the world. |