本帖最后由 shanlvmj 于 2011-4-4 18:46 编辑
明報 2011年3月27日 (日) 作家專欄 > 欲望蜘蛛 馬家輝
大家看罷明報專欄作家馬家輝這篇文章,文章所指 Michael Jackson 的內容完全是斷章取義,只取材於小報報導並把他跨張化,Michael 已離世兩年了,卻把巨星的膚色、戀童官司、雌雄性別及監藥作無謂的發表,以圖影響香港市民的思維及忽視和不尊敬離世者的家人感受,難道傳媒的筆就可以任意妄為地用羞辱的手法把Michael 形容成『畸零人』嗎?
據知,此作家馬家輝已不是第一次描黑Michael,現在是時候集合我們歌迷的力量去反映這些不實、具侮辱性的文章,絶對會歪曲 Michael Jackson 的真人格及他對孩童所付出的慈良之心。
請大家可邀請朋友或家人利用以下渠道向明報發電郵或寄信件,籍以表達我們不能再容忍任何對Michael 的不實、誹謗、中傷的文章永無止境地去傷害 Michael ,亦令他的家人和歌迷飽受切膚之痛。
請大家全力復製以下的所有電郵地址 或 郵寄地址,並請以禮貌的 中文/英文 文字表達,請勿用粗言相向,謝謝各位的積極行動!!
makafai.page@gmail.com , feedback@mingpao.com; circulation@mingpao.com; pr@mingpao.com; mingpao@mingpao.com; corpcom@mediachinese.com; mpmeditor@mingpao.com; yzzk@mingpao.com; mpweekly@omghk.com; topgear@omghk.com; mpp@mingpao.com; info@mingpao.com
如能上facebook 或新浪微博的的粉丝, 请加马家辉, 然後直接留complaint letter 给他, 直接反映!!
感謝邁迷Yoly Leung 提供英文版電郵以供參考, 本人亦作中文翻譯, 請各位可依以上電郵地址及郵寄地址向明報反映不滿,以增加我們對邁邁的支持,大家可復製以下內容(中文/英文) ,請更改其中主觀感想以增強其影響力。
Dear Ming Pao,
I would need to voice my strong concern on the misleading and disgraceful article, 三個好朋友, posted by欲望蜘蛛,馬家輝on Mar 27, 2011. In response to his totally fabricated and biased claim on Michael Jackson, please be stressed and clarified that:
Michael Jackson (MJ) was known as the most loving person in the world. He gave up most of his assets for charity and all his life, he fought for equality of the African Americans, AIDS victims, Against Drug Abuse, Against Abortion, Against Child Labor and secretly channelled his properties for the hungry children of the world. However, he lived a tortured life. The word "normal" did not exist in his world since a very young age. He always thought of himself as a child trapped inside a man’s body. Being Peter Pan was all his dream, never to grow up, forever a child. That inspired him to build Neverland – a heaven for children. Children of all ages and races were welcomed to Neverland. MJ had so much love to give.
米高積遜先生 (MJ) 是人人皆知的世界上最有愛心的人。在他的畢生裏奉獻他的財產給慈善團體,他為非籍美國人爭取平等,為愛滋病患者,反濫用藥物,反墮胎,反雇用童工及秘密地透過不同渠道向全球飢餓的兒童捐出他的財產。儘管這樣,他仍活在一個被扭曲的生命裏。自他年幼時開始,“正常”這兩個字從未出現在他的世界裏。他經常想自己的童年被綁架於一人的體內。小飛俠便是他的夢想,永遠長不大,永遠是一名小孩。這觸發他建立夢幻樂園 - 一處給小孩的天堂。所有年齡和種族的孩子都歡迎來到夢幻樂園。MJ 奉獻出他所有的愛。
Michael was being diagnosed with discoid lupus, vitiligo and 2nd - 3rd degree burns have been common knowledge for many years. We all know that there is no such technology to bleach the skin. However so much emphasis has been put on picking this man apart, accused him of changing skin color and labeling him as eccentric. Many of the things he did are just to make the best of his situation. For instance, the glove was used to cover up the vitiligo which started on his hand and fingertips.
米高已被證實患上紅斑狼瘡,白斑病及第二至三級頭皮燒傷的創傷,這些都早在多年前已被知曉。我們完全理解並沒有一種科技能漂白皮膚。可惜太多的報導都強調他這點,指責他改變自己的膚色,並把他標籤為古怪的人。他只是盡他的所能做最好的事, 例如,他戴上手襪是基於遮蓋手部及手指上的白斑。
Michael is INNOCENT of what he was accused! The FBI closed their cases since criminal behavior was not found. It was all for extortion, greed, advantages and jealousy. He was the victim but media, started from US, ridiculing him, thrive on petty envy, there were-- and still are-- no limits to the denigration of Michael. They are still reporting lies, exaggerations, sensationalisms, making something out of nothing and finding ways to take dumps on his name to sell more papers. How disgusting that media lied and set out to destroy a man's life motivated by hate and greed. Is Ming Pao one of them?
指控米高的罪狀均是清白的! 聯邦調查局因找不到刑事罪行的行為而把案件結束。全都是基於勒索,貪婪,利益及妒忌心所致。他本人亦是受害者之一,可惜由美國傳媒開始,已對他作出荒謬報復的行為,並不如此,仍不斷永無止境的抺黑米高。他們依然報導大話,利用跨張煽情的手法 無中生有,設法向他製造一些糟糕的事情,目的是只求銷量賣紙。傳媒的大話是如此的令人憎惡,他們基於厭惡及貪婪的動機,便設法去毁滅某人的生命。請問明報是他們的其中之一嗎?
MJ was known to the world as a person who is against drug abuse. Why must he be addicted to drug, then? There is no other drug in his system on top of those given by Murray as per the autopsy. If he wanted to commit suicide, why rehearse for his concert? And why will he want to see his dancers the next day?
MJ 是全球眾所周知的反濫藥者。為何他必須用藥, 何時開始? 在剖屍中發現他的體內只有默里醫生處方的藥物,並無其他藥物。假若他想自殺,為何他仍為他的演唱會排練? 而且翌日他為何想見他的舞蹈員呢?
Yet, people have no clue about what a caring and selfless person he really was! Michael had done more for kids and sick people than anyone will ever know because it was done without fanfare or publicity. Michael did great things during his life time, humanitarian services was his target. He saved many people from starvations, and sicknesses, he brought happiness to many people’s life.
迄今,仍未有人清楚知曉他是一個關心別人和從不自私的人。 米高為兒童及病患者做了無數的事,但沒有人知道,只因他從不鋪張及公開。在米高的人生中他幹了很棒的事,人道主義便是他的目標。他從飢餓中、病患中拯救了無數人口,他為別人的生命注滿歡樂。
Michael was an extremely talented, high-energy, hard working entertainer. The spectacular performances were his gift to the world. People all around the world love Mike for his talent and personality, accepting his apparent eccentricities.
The man has been deceased for almost two years now. The fans, supporters and millions of people world wide are not swallowing media's accusations and slander any longer. Well Ming Pao.. People do not care what hogwash the tabloids spew out about Michael Jackson. He is loved, supported and will continue to be no matter what destruction the media did. The whole thing is pathetic what was happened to journalism in US and in HK. Again, would Ming Pao want to be one of these tabloids?
米高已離世接近兩周年。歌迷,支持者及全球過數百萬的人再也不能忍受傳媒的指控和誹謗。明報啊....人們不在乎小報向米高積遜吐出的垃圾言論。無論傳媒向他造出甚麼的毁滅性事件,但他仍然繼續的被愛、被支持的。 整個事件可悲的在於這新聞學發生在美國和香港。重申,明報想成為這些小報的一份子嗎?
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