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发表于 2005-11-22 11:46:21
Los Alamitos High School's Anton Jackson
Anton Jackson the (con) artist formerly known as Gavin Arvizo!
Monday, November 21, 2005
Who I Really Am....
I wanna thank Maria for defending me. It's not easy creating a double-life but Daniel and I have done it. All we need now is more support for our cause. Look, it's hard being me. I'm cool. I'm hot. And I have a lot of stuff to remember. Gavin or Anton....Jackson or Arvizo....Mom or Cybill...David or Jay....Who Jett's mother really is....
We bulked up and are now star members of the LosAl football team! gooooooooooo 37! Really an amazing feat but luckily, uncle Jaimie found me some bluuuuud and kidney or else I'd still be mooching off of celebs.
Like I said before, it's hard being this hot and sizling....You can look but don't touch. I prefer to do that on my own....with a little help from Twinkle....late!
posted by losal23 at 6:35 PM 0 comments
Maria we don't know Anton, but we know Gavin...
My new "daddy"...
Jay--Desk Duties--Jackson.
I forgot to tell you about my new “daddy”. His name is Jay Jackson and he’s in the army. I always hear in the media that Jay has been sent to Iraq, but that’s not true. The truth is, he isn’t in Iraq, he joined a program, XFW, the Xscape From Weirdos program. My mommy is so weird because she’s crazy, Jay just had to join that program, or he’d have gone mad. So don’t believe the media when they say he’s in Iraq. The media lie!!
posted by invincible at 12:37 PM 1 comments
Anton's Motto...
Lack of masturbation leads to raping women.
When I accused Michael of molesting me, like I said earlier, I told different stories, because I wasn’t able to remember all the lines (lies) I was given to memorize. One story I told was that my grandmother told me that if men don’t masturbate, they might rape a woman…this is what I said “My grandmother told me that if a man doesn’t do it, he may rape a woman.” But in another story, much later, I said it was Michael who told me that…here are my exact words, “Mr. Jackson told me that if a man doesn’t do it, he may rape a woman.” Notice how I replaced “grandmother” with “Mr. Jackson”. I stuffed up big time, and Michael’s lawyer pointed this out at the trial when I testified against Michael. I felt real dumb, but I said they both told me…which is stupid, because nobody would give such ridiculous advice to a child, especially not two people who don’t know each other. It would had to have been a weird coincidence, but it wasn’t, and nobody bought it, which is why Michael was found Not Guilty, nobody bought any of my stories, it was obvious that I was lying. All those years of acting classes were a waste of time!!
posted by invincible at 11:16 AM 1 comments
OMG An Upsetting Incident!
I am really hating football lately. The guys on the team keep picking on me now that they know who I really am. On Friday, two of the guys in the locker room were molesting me, and teasing me about how I am a gay sissy and should be the Waterboy instead. I *would* quit the team, but playing football makes me feel like a real man and it helps me cover up the fact that I am truly gay (I first found out I was gay when I fell in love with the King of Pop. You can see me hanging on him and drooling over him on the Bashir Doc.). But anyway, the guys on the team made me cry with their comments, and I was so upset that I told them I would be taking them to court for Molestation, but then they locked me the locker room all alone. It was so scary because they hid all the clocks and I wasn't allowed to know the time of day. Plus, they had gone to my gym locker and stolen my porn mags and stash of vodka. I was sooo angry! When I finally managed to escape, I went crying to my Mommy. She could see that I was traumatized by the incident, and when I told her that I was not allowed to know the time of day, she had a memory lapse and remembered the time we were forced to stay at Neverland against our will and all the 100ft tall clocks were missing. =( She started freaking out and panicking. She threw herself on the floor and began calling my teammates "The Devil", and she was flailing her arms in the air, gasping for breath, and eventually went into convulsions. It was so scary, I started to panic myself so I went and got my 450-pound brother, Star, to help. I had him sit on Momma's stomach and she finally began to breathe again after the wind was forced back into her trachea. Oh my God it was just the worst day ever. I am taking those b*stard teammates of mine to court...(note to self: Acting Class on Tuesday...must practice and prepare for my testilying).
posted by bookworm777 at 12:57 AM 2 comments
Sunday, November 20, 2005
You Stupid Fool...
I was listening to Michael’s music the other day, reminiscing, and thinking about everything I’ve missed out on since I falsely accused him of molesting me, and he was found Not Guilty, so I wrote a poem…it’s about that loser Tom from Santa Barbara…and my crazy mommy…and me.
Here goes…
Tom Sneddon, you stupid old fool
I won’t get rich now,
and it’s all because of you.
I told you, dummy
all we wanted was money,
but you went and charged the King of Pop
‘cause your ego’s so damn huge
and you promised you wouldn’t lose
and you thought that you were smart
but all you are is a dumb old fart
who we should’ve never listened to,
but my mommy went real crazy,
and because she’s fat and lazy,
and wants a hot air balloon,
she made me take the stand and lie
after she gave me all those lines to memorize,
and pretend that I’d been molested
but none of it was true.
I wish I could go back in time
I’d tell you where to go,
‘cause you’re so damn thick you make me sick,
and now I’ll never be rich,
and it’s all because of you,
Tom Sneddon, you stupid fool.
posted by invincible at 11:23 PM 0 comments
Once upon a time...
They’re creepy and they’re nutty, the Arvizo-Jackson family!!
Once upon a time in California lived a family who said they were poor, but weren’t really, that was just the excuse they used to con people.....Oops, hang on, that’s my family, the Arvizo-Jackson’s. Me (Anton, also known as Gavin), my brother (Daniel, also known as Star), my sister (Davellin), and my mommy (Janet-Ventura-Arvizo-Jackson). I have another brother, but he’s just a baby, too small to con people, but we’ll teach him when he’s older.
We con celebrities and take their money, falsely accuse people of whatever we can think of, accuse one another of abuse, and steal from department stores and then sue them.
Here’s some things we’ve done together as a family:
One day, me, my not-so-little brother, my mommy and my daddy went to JCPenney’s. My brother and I decided to steal some clothes. I don’t know where my mommy and daddy were, I can’t remember, I was only around 8 at the time. When we took the clothes out of the store, without having paid for them, the security guards came after us. My mommy then appeared, and like a crazy woman, she started to hit the security guards. Then my mommy was taken to the police department across the road, where she was booked and asked if she needed medical treatment, and she said she didn’t. Later, we sued JCPenney’s, and my mommy, my daddy, me and my brother said that in the middle of the day, in a public place, JCPenney and Tower Records security guards beat my mommy, bellyflopped on her, punched her, and scratched her, and they beat us, too. A few years after that, my mommy decided to add on that she was molested by the security guards. She said the guards touched, twisted, pinched, and pulled out of her blouse, her breasts, and touched her vagina. She thinks of everything my mommy, she’s such a liar. The civil (money) lawyers we had for this case, didn't believe her, but they had to include her lies in the lawsuit because that’s their job. Eventually, JCPenney’s gave us some money, probably to make us go away, because we’re so annoying, and it doesn’t take long for people to hate us; and my mommy got new breasts with her money. Now she looks weirder than before!!
Then there was the time when I accused my mommy of abusing me, but I later changed my story, and said she didn’t abuse me. I can never make up my mind!!
Then another time I accused my real daddy of beating me. My brother and sister accused him of beating them, too. And my mommy accused him of beating her. But we all later changed our stories, and we said he didn’t beat us. But, later again, we said he did beat us. We’re all such bad liars!!
And once, me and my real daddy accused comedian George Lopez of stealing $300 from my wallet. You see, I was at George Lopez’s house one day, and when I left, I (accidentally-on-purpose) forgot my wallet. He called my daddy to let him know that he found my wallet, and when my daddy got my wallet, he accused George Lopez of stealing $300 from it. George Lopez said that there wasn’t $300 in it, but my daddy said there was. So my daddy got into a big argument with another man, Jamie Masada (he always gives my mommy and me money, and introduces us to the celebrities that we con, he's a strange little man), who introduced us to George Lopez, and my daddy demanded $300, and even though I knew there wasn’t $300 in the wallet, I never told the truth. Jeez, lying feels so good!!
And, of course, me, my brother, my sister, and my mommy falsely accused Michael Jackson of molestation and conspiracy. If only we’d done a better job at studying our lines!!
posted by invincible at 8:11 PM 6 comments
[ Last edited by bast on 2005-11-22 at 11:56 AM ] |