
楼主 |
发表于 2011-9-29 23:51:08
阿诺德 克莱恩 医生发飙了
from his facebook
My lawyer Garo Ghazarian issued the following statement yesterday based on what Mr. Ch
ernoff said in the trial of Dr. Conrad Murray:
"The preposterous allegations made about Dr. Klein by Mr. Chernoff are merely an attempt to whitewash the facts surrounding the death of his friend Michael Jackson while under the management of Dr. Conrad Murray.
Any medical professional who understands Demerol knows that addiction to that drug requires the drug to be repeatedly administered around the clock and the need for increased dosages to maintain the effects of the drug. There were no traces of Demerol in Michael Jackson's autopsy or toxicology reports.
The Demerol was used to relieve pain during medical procedures and it could not addict Mr. Jackson to the drug, based on the manner it was administered. In fact, the public can see in those released medical records that in the final weeks of Michael's life, those injection dosages of Demerol actually decreased. This is not consistent with being addicted to this drug.
The public has been misled to believe that the number of doses of Demerol were far greater than were actually administered by Dr. Klein. The absence of any Demerol found at Mr. Jackson's home indicates absolutely that Mr. Jackson was not addicted to Demerol.
My client's practice was evaluated by the authorities and he was cleared of any wrong doing related to the death of his friend Michael Jackson."