
Conrad Murray spilled his guts to his barber over the weekend, complaining the prosecutor in his manslaughter trial is intentionally deceiving the jury.
Murray's barber, Maurice from M Barbering, tells TMZ ... Murray was griping that prosecutors have said the Doc delayed calling 911. Murray told the clipper ... he told bodyguard Alberto Alvarez to immediately call 911.
And on the subject of Alvarez ... Murray is pissed at the accusation he told the bodyguard to bring Michael Jackson's two oldest kids to Jackson's bedroom. Doc Murray says he actually told Alvarez to keep them away.
Murray was telling his barber he thinks the prosecutors are more interested in convicting him than being honest.
And if you're wondering, Murray's cut cost $25 ... and he left a 5 dollar tip.
康拉德莫里在上周末做头发时向他的理发师抱怨检方在他的误杀案中蒙蔽陪审团。莫里的理发师maurice告诉tmz,莫里就检方证人所说的他延迟拨打911反驳道,他当时告诉保镖alberto alvarez 立即拨打911。 另外,莫里对alberto 说他让保镖带两个最大的孩子去mj卧室很生气,莫里说他实际是让alvarez带孩子们离开。
想说,法庭不是有噤声令吗,他在外这样谈论案件不是蔑视法庭吗。他现在又把责任推给保镖,并且,不只是保镖,厨师也证明他让孩子去卧室 |