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发表于 2011-10-8 11:36:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Debunking Murray's Police Interview
I decided to do a very detail job of looking for any inconstancy in the tape so I will be writing this as I am reading the transcript. This will help fans from reading from Murray's BS. Some of these are also notes I decided to add to, just because I find them to bizarre to ignore.

-According to Murray, Michael Amir called him to tell him to come over to the house. Amir never said he called Murray, he came on his on at the same time as a routine.

-Claimed that he had Sunday off, but in the same interview said that there was only three times in which he didn't give Michael drugs.

-Currently claiming that Michael self injected despite the injecting site being below his knee and behind the back. Really hard to reach that far, especially when drugged up.

-Claim to have given a pill of Valium, 10mg. No pills in his stomach, although could had dissolved. Valium should only be use for short-term treatment of insomnia, not long-term like with Michael. Diazepam has a range of side-effects that are common to most benzodiazepines. Most common side-effects include: Suppression of REM sleep, Impaired motor function, Impaired coordination, Impaired balanc, Dizziness and nausea. Depression, and Reflex tachycardia.

-Claim Valium take awhile to take effect. Valium actually had rapid onset and a high efficacy rate.

-Michael would have to uncap the line to self-inject since he was still hook up to the saline bag.

-Midazolam, also short term use for insomnia. Because of midazolam's extremely short duration, it is not used for patients who have trouble staying asleep through the night. After nighttime administration of midazolam, residual 'hangover' effects, such as sleepiness and impaired psychomotor and cognitive functions, may persist into the next day. If IV midazolam is given too quickly, hypotension may occur. A “midazolam infusion syndrome” may result from high doses, and is characterised by delayed arousal hours to days after discontinuation of midazolam, and may lead to an increase in the length of ventilatory support needed. Midazolam is known to cause respiratory depression. In healthy humans, 0.15 mg/kg of midazolam may cause respiratory depression, which is postulated to be a CNS effect. When midazolam is administered in combination with fentanyl, the incidence of hypoxemia or apnea becomes more likely.

-Claim to know the time but his watch, but seems uncertain at the times he gave certain drugs and guess.

-Claim Michael didn't meditate before because he didn't think it would help him sleep. Not true going by several of Michael's friends over the years and you see him in a meditating pose in he Scream video.

-If Michael could pee on his own will, why was there so much left after he died? Murray claim Michael peed 700cc. Also, why is Michael still being hydrated at this point since he has so much pee? Most likely can't sleep because he's filling up his bladder every five minutes.

-Murray told the polices that propfol is a medicine that can be use for anesthesia. No, propfol is an anesthesia and not a sleep medication as Murray is trying to suggest in his statement.

-Claim Michael had to be up at a certain time to rehearse. By the time Murray gave the propfol, he already passed Michael's usual wake up time. He suggest Michael get up at noon normally, not true according to Kai.

-Suggests propfol has some kind of long last effort by asking Michael how long he expects to sleep once he gets it. People wake up right away after receiving propfol so Michael couldn't over sleep from it.

-Give the impression that he doesn't know if all the drugs are still effecting Michael. As a doctor, shouldn't you know the half-life of all these drugs before you start stacking one after another?

-Claim he only been given him propfol for two months, although he has been stack piling them since April.

-Claim needles marks were on his feet and hands. I don't see why given that Lee could had used his legs like Murray. Also, no one every reported seeing mark on Michael hands and should be clearly visible for anyone to see.

-Barely find injections sites, but had no problem for 2 months worth of treatment.

-Claim that he got rid of Lee because her child got sick. Given Michael's personality this makes no sense.

-Claims to know a allot about Michael's history with propfol long before he was ever hired, but now claim to be surprise about service he was going to provide and didn't know Michael's drug history.

-Knew about Michael sleeping problems for months/years, now claims it was cause by drug withdrawal and he wasn't aware.

-Claimed he didn't know how to get propfol. Had no problem tricking Lopez back in April.

-If Adams was so willing to give Michael propfol to begin with, why was he even talking to Murray at this point about getting him some? Couldn't he just ask Adams and make him do the leg work?

-Why would Michael go to an office to sleep if Adam was willing to be paid? Couldn't he done it at his house like Murray and going to all this trouble for one day worth of sleep is strange.

-Murray acknowledges he needed a crash cart, but one wasn't found at the house.

-It isn't made clear why Michael invited Murray. He really didn't do anything.

-No one has ever said Michael slept for 15 to 18 hours. Almost everyone has said that Michael sleeps very little when he does rest. He also had kids, so why would he want to sleep that long.

-Michael keep mentioning other doctors, why didn't he hired them? Murray still hasn't done anything for Michael to call it 'divine' intervention.

-Acknowledges that they needed another doctor. But Murray's team are now trying to suggest that one person can do it themselves.

-Why is Murray screening the doctor? He's the one who isn't train to use propfol. Shouldn't Adam be the one doing any kind of screening?

-I have to wonder why Murray didn't say no throughout this given his 'reserves'. Wasn't a sleep clinic not an option throughout this?

-Seems reluctant and somewhat neutral to go to England and close his practices. Russel said he practically jumping up and down in joy.

-Was Adam asking for 2 to 3 million dollars for three years? Yet, Murray asked for 5 million for not even a year of service. Why didn't Michael dumped Murray and take Adam? He was experience and cheaper.

-Are there any texts from Adam on Murray's phone? I didn't see any.

-What movie deal is he talking about with AEG? I didn't even know they were into movies.

-Why did Michael wanted Murray to be around forever? He didn't do anything. Also, I thought he closed his practice until the end of the tour. It sounds like he had a lifetime contract with Michael.

-The Children Hospital, did you get information while Michael was drugged to high heaven?

-You don't snore under the influence of propfol.

-Given the distance of the IV from the bed, how could Michael jump up and touch it? Wouldn't he fall out of the bed?

-Why didn't Murray pee in the jug instead of leaving the room, especially when he noticed that Michael wasn't snoring?

-Claims Michael has been using propfol for years. Why didn't he use all these other doctors from years ago?

-Don't recall propfol being use to keep people constantly sedated outside of surgery.

-Why didn't you get the oximeter with a alarm?

-You don't do CPR on someone with a pulse. That will kill them. Also, the bodyguard didn't see Murray do mouth-to-mouth at all until he was move on the floor.

-You apply medicine first, then you do CPR.

-No telephone in the house, but Murray have two cellphones with speaker.

-Didn't Murray say Michael was thin? So, why couldn't he move him off the bed. He could of roll him or something, he had no trauma.

-The way he did this one hand CPR isn't the same way the bodyguard saw it. Also, given that Murray was on his knees, how much pressure could he be generating given how high the bed is and Murray's distance from Michael.

-Murray said his left hand was under Michael. The bodyguard said his left hand was the one doing the CPR.

-Supposedly just the kids in the house. If he had to, couldn't he get Prince to dial 911 for him using his phones?

-Bodyguards never said this bathroom conversation.

-You don't need the zip code for the 911 operator to find you. Just the address, which he clearly knew.

-He was able to reach for his phone, but didn't dial 911, which countered the above.

-Failed to mention that he didn't even reach Michael Amir the first time because he was in the shower. He had to call Murray back.

-The bodyguard saw Michael flat on the bed, there was no pillows under his legs.

-It was the bodyguard that said Michael wasn't breathing. Murray's voice was heard over the line until later. He's trying to say the bodyguard repeated his words, but you can clearly hear in the 911 tape that isn't true at all.

-Why wouldn't the bodyguard know Michael's age?

-It was the operator that told them to put him on the floor. Did hear Murray yell that on the 911 tape.

-Murray said he took an active roll in the revival efforts. Not true all all going by the MTs.

-Fails to mentions the MTs asking about the drugs Michael had in him and Murray's shock dumb response.

-Claimed his IV because dislodge when they moved Michael. Not true, the MTs used that IV several times before Murray himself broke it.

-Claims the CPR was successful in keeping Michael alive and the time since Michael stopped breathing was short. Now, the defense is saying that Michael was dead. He even pets himself on the back for Michael still being alive because of him.

-He didn't ask, he overrule the MTs.

-Fails to mention the ER doctors asking him about drugs.

-Make it sound like he was the one given the orders at the ER. He was not. They did the balloon pump in good fate to him.

-Something strange about his oxygen and CO2. This is not mentioned at all by the two ER doctors.

-Thought Michael had an Pulmonary Embolism. Apparently, he never thinks it was the drug he gave him.

-Claims he was the one who recommended the ER doctors to call it. According to the bodyguard, he was sobbing in the hallway.

-Murray got the entire thing wrong with propfol. He seems to just assume you can become addicted to it like a sleeping pill. This shows he failed to do any kind of research on this drug before deciding to give it to Michael.

-You don't withdrawal from propfol.

-Michael wouldn't be withdrawing from other agents if Murray didn't give him highly additive medication to begin with.

-Wanted a more natural sleep pattern, so pumped Michael with highly addictive drugs.

-Doesn't Murray know anything about sleep clinics if he wanted Michael to sleep without drugs? How about natural solutes, did he make any suggests about that?

-Never call yourself compassionate in an interview. (has nothing to do with debunking, but that one sentence got to me)

-He never talked to the family except Toya and he had nothing to do with the children seeing their dad one last time.

-Why is Murray given orders to the hospital staff?

-God Murray, you sure in hell didn't talk to Mrs. Jackson. (sorry about the language)

-He didn't tell the family, if this meeting actually happened, about all the drugs he put into Michael's body.

-Murray, you weren't in the viewing room either.

-I think he ran out of the hospital at this point when they were viewing the body.

-WTF, I know you didn't look over no press release. (sorry, Murray's words are driving me crazy)

-I know you didn't talk to Jeramine, god you suck at lying.

-Michael didn't eat or drank. That isn't what Kai said.

-Michael's organs were fine, he tested them. Now, he was a long-term addict, but somehow avoiding any liver damage.

and it wasn't so stupid and tragic. I hope he chock on these words.


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-8 11:37:08 | 显示全部楼层

Summary of the first part - audio of Murray (before lunch break)

June 27th Ritz Carlton

First part of the interview: Officer is going through and asks Murray basic information as his address, phone number, weight, when he was born, how tall he is etc.

Officer: Says the circus does not come from them. Says some colleagues took notes at the hospital after he had left (he seems surprised here and says "after I left?")

Murray: Says he met MJ in 2006.. on and off in 2006. MJ never disclosed if he saw other doctors or not.
MJ seeked him out because a patient friend's son (Faheem) reached out to him per request because MJ was not feeling well. The reason to why he saw MJ was because of family flue illness between MJ and his children.

Murray was then called by Amir Williams and said MJ wanted to speak to him… MJ was going to do a concert-tour in London and MJ wanted Murray with him. Murray say he needed more details before accepting. He then say MJ called and said he was happy Murray was going to join him – although he had not yet committed to join MJ.

He says he did not work for AEG. He was employed by MJ directly, but AEG would be paying his salary. Employed by MJ but paid by AEG.

Re: Murray Trial - 7 October - Day 9 - Discussion

Murray says he had no idea that AEG were going to pay him.
Murray says generally speaking MJ was very thin. He did not find any major physical change in MJs condition except for something called X (spelling). MJ had some disease on his toes. Nothing more that Murray noticed.
On June 24th – Murray got a called from Amir around 12:10 am that MJ was done with rehearsals and going on his way home. Murray and Murray said he was going to meet him there. Murray asked how MJ had performed and they told him MJ did a partial performance (not a full rehearsal).
Murray spent every night there except nights he where off, which were Sundays. He spent the night there per MJs request.

Murray arrived to MJs home at 12:30am and waited at MJs room and awaited his arrival, he arrived to the house before MJ. MJ arrived shortly after, around 1am. Once MJ arrived, they greeted each other and talked about their days and what not. MJ took a shower and changed and went to Murray.

After showering, MJ came back to the room and he put on some cream/lotion on his body and back. A cream he uses for dermatological issues (allergic reaction from sun, stemming from vitiligo).
Murray talks about the room where he would see him. He was not allowed to go into the room on the left (MJs master bedroom I presume).

After cream, MJ wants to sleep. Murray says MJ is not able to sleep naturally so Murray says he would put an IV right or left leg below the knee. The IV was due to MJ was dehydrated after rehearsals. They then talked a bit and he gave MJ medications to sleep.

Murray says MJ took valium (one pill, 10mg), he needed to sleep so Murray gave him additional medications safely of Lorazepam (2 mg) which it was IV pushed slowly. Murray says he observed MJ but he continued to be awake for 1 hour, he says he watched him because he wanted to be cautious. After 1 hour watching him MJ was still awake and MJ complained he can’t sleep. So Murray decided to give him Midazolam (2 mg injected slowly) and then gave Lorazopam again at 3am he thinks… he awaited again… but MJ was wild awake. MJ said he couldn’t sleep… Murray said why if they lower the music and turn off the lights and told MJ to meditate. MJ did that reluctantly and MJs eyes closed. Murray says he watched him for 10-15 minutes and he thinks this was around 3:15-3:20, he estimated this, don’t know because he wasn’t looking at his watch at that time.

Murray then says he looked at his watch and then looked at MJ and MJ woke up again, wide awake… MJ then told him he managed to sleep after he had meditated. And they tried mediating again. The time is 4 am, 4:30 but MJ was sill wild awake. MJ says he has rehearsals he needs to perform, he says he has to cancel his rehearsals tomorrow because he can’t function if he can’t sleep. Murray say he should try close his eyes, but MJ can’t sleep… medicines don’t work… says he looked at his watch and then gave him the Ativan/Lorazopam (2mg) around 4,30-5am… MJ is still wild awake, this didn’t help him either…

MJ talks about pressure, he can’t satisfy his fans if he is not rested… he says he told MJ he isn’t normal (due to wanting the medications/can’t sleep)… now its 6-6:30 and MJ is still awake… 7:30 MJ is still awake… at that time he gave another 2 mg Midazolam….
He says he then CAUTIONOUSLY checked the IV stand to see the fluid was going to MJ because he asked himself “where is all the medicine going??”

Murray says Michael did urinate… he emptied a jar

Now its 10am in the morning. Nnothing has worked.. between 7,30-10am he is only watching MJ and MJ is complaining he can’t sleep, he has to cancel the dates and everything has to be pushed back…

MJ then asked for “milk” so he can sleep… officers asks if it hot or cold MILK (omg!)…. Murray says it’s a medicine, a sedative… gave him through IV. He looked at the time and this was around 10:40.. Murray say MJ told him just make me sleep because Murray had asked him how long he would sleep if he gave him this due to rehearsals but MJ told him to just make him sleep.

Murray say he gave him small amounts to get him to sleep… he adminstrered 25 mg of Propofol together with Lidocine, he pushed it,.. this time It must have been 10:50… effect is quickly… and Michael was sleeping now.

Re: Murray Trial - 7 October - Day 9 - Discussion

Officers ask if Murray had any equipment’s and machines… Murray says YES he took precautions, he says he took oxygen and Oxi-meter…

50 mg – that was the highest amount propofol he had given MJ ever. He says he was cautions knowing he had given MJ other medications during the nights… Says he had given MJ propofol more than 10 times for 2 months.. 30 days a month,, roughly everyday… rarely exceptions… three days leading up to MJs death, he tried to wean MJ off propofol
He was not aware that MJ was taking this on a daily basis before he was hired. Murray was surprised by MJs pharmacological knowledge, MJ said he had taken propofol before.

MJ said he used it in Germany but never disclosed other doctors names, MJ never told him he administered it himself but other doctors let him infuse it by himself but Murray told him NO he wouldn’t let him to that. MJ asked why because other doctors let him.

Murray says MJ knew that propofol was the only thing that worked for him. Murray says he often warned him about it.
MJ told him he was seeing a Dr Lee that she was giving him a cocktail of medications… MJ says he isn’t aware what was in that cocktail because it might not be good because his veins can be “useless”. MJ never told him what kind of medications were in that cocktail. MJ then say he got rid of her because she was unprofessional because Dr just called once and cancelled an appointment.

In Las vega once- he got a call from Michael Amir… MJ says he having difficulties to sleep
Dr klein gives him the strongest medications but It does work and dr Metzger, they all give him medications but it doesn’t work. Murray says he can’t give him anything that will work.. MJ then says what about diprivan.. MJ says he knows it work and Murray says its not a medicine u can put your hands on it like that. MJ got restless because he couldn’t satisfy him… MJ tells him DR adams has given him milk before.. murray says he cant help him and he don’t have access to these products. MJ calls murray back with dr adams number to see if he can reach him.. adams would take him to a plastic surgeon office and he could sleep

June 25th – MJ was sleeping but not snoring… if MJ is a deep sleep he is snoring.

Small injections and then small drips of Propofol so MJ can sleep… but Murray monitored him and everything looked stable and he was comfortable. Then he needed to go to the bathroom to pee and empty MJs jar.

When he came back he sensed MJ wasn’t breathing because he usually looked at his chest to see if he was breathing. To go to the bathroom and back would take approx. 2 minutes. He immediately checked MJs pulse and got a pulse from the femoral area and MJs body was WARM and he assumed everything happened quickly and immediately started CPR and mouth-to-mouth. He wanted to apply medicine as well but not first because he wanted to ventilate and compression first. He saw MJs chest rise. Says he couldn’t move him from the bed to the floor by himself. He then got his LEFT hand under MJs body and then gave him CPR and also ventilating him and made sure his chest was rising completely. He looked for the phones but no phone works in the house. He doesn’t know the address zip-code, only know its North Carolwood.The house is closed during nights and only MJ, he and the children would be there… thinks its inhuman that the security are not allowed to the house, they have to pee in the trailer.

He says to talk to 911 would be to abandon him and he didn’t wanted abandon him. He reached his cellphone and reached Michael Amir…. MJ doesn’t have a pulse now so he lifts MJs legs for a brief moment, continue CPR etc. Noone came to the door, no one knocked on the door. So he gave Michael Flumanezil because he wanted to reverse the affects of the other drugs. He gave 0,2 mg flumanezil into the IV and continued chest compression to circulate the medication… but MJ would not still breath and no help was coming. He then opened the door and ran down to the kitchen and saw the chef (Kai Chase) to have the security immediately and security (Alvarez) comes upstairs. Murray tells Alvarez to call 911 and want help to move MJs body to the floor and still helps with chest compression.

Alberto talked to 911 but Murray told him to just tell the paramedics to hurry up because he wanted help to move MJ to the floor.
Paramedics came and called UCLA, MJ was not breathing. They were doing chest compressions. His PEA –pulseless electrical activity – means u don’t shock a patient. At hospital they give him other medications like ephedrine and sodium carbonate

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-8 11:37:45 | 显示全部楼层
In Murray's interview he said Michael didn't care for lorazepam because it causes dependence, which is why he wanted propofol. Now, the defense is trying to say that Michael just ate 8 pills without any reserves, really? How can anyone believe Murray only gave 4mg of anything when he was so untruthful in that interview.

Lets list the lies:

-Didn't say crap about the phone calls. According to Murray, he watched Michael the entire time.

-Besides being skinny, Michael was in good shape. Now, he was an addict he didn't know about it.

-Knew about other doctors. Now, thought he was Michael's only doctor and knew nothing about what the others were given him.

-Didn't sign up to give drugs, but bought loads of it as early as April, when he was only supposedly working for Michael for 2 months.

-Knew nearly the exact time of each drug given with a watch. He claimed to one doctor that he had no sense of time because he had no watch.

-Left the room for two minutes, now it's more like 45.

-He peed directly in a jug, so why the condom catheter if Michael was wake and could pee on his own will?

-Went to empty a jug of pee, jug was a chair with the pee still there.

-Claim that he only noticed something was wrong because Michael's chest wasn't moving. He also had a slight pulse. Now, he died instantly with his eyes opened.

-Did CPR on the bed because he couldn't lift Michael, but could lift his legs. Could had lowered him legs first and then his torso without help.

-Claim the bodyguards weren't allow inside at all and had to use the gas station to use the restroom. They just wasn't allow upstairs without permission.

-Claim to have called for help and ran up stairs right away. Several witnesses said he stood by the stairs and talked to Prince for several minutes.

-Claim he told the bodyguard to call 911 right away. No mention of stuffy drugs in a bag.

-He once again said he found a pulse and was still warm. Now, Michael was dead and beyond saving and was cool to the touch.

-Did CPR all the way to the ambulance. He actually stood upstairs stuffy things in garbage bags.

Is there anything I miss, please add.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-8 11:38:13 | 显示全部楼层
So MANY lies. I had to leave just at the point where he told police an elaborate story about "no phones working, no way to call 911." INCREDIBLE. Now I see why the prosecution put on all those people who had talked to Murray, on the PHONE, just that day!

I thought a person had to have some sort of minimal level of intelligence to get into, and out of, medical school? How is it even POSSIBLE that he didn't know police could retrieve phone records? There were many lies, but that one was so outrageous, that it defies the imagination. Thing is, once a person tells one deliberate lie and is caught on it, anything they say is suspect/cannot be believed. Amazing. . . . how stupid that man is.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-8 11:38:32 | 显示全部楼层
“I have to sleep, Dr. Conrad, I have these rehearsals to perform.” That’s what Dr. Conrad Murray told investigators Michael Jackson said to him in the early morning hours of June 25th, 2009. Hours later, Jackson was dead.

In what's been the most anticipated evidence in the trial, the prosecution played the jury Dr. Murray's 2-hour interview with LAPD detectives, recorded 2 days after MJ died.

Murray told detectives he arrived at Jackson’s rented mansion at 12:50 AM on June 25, and headed straight to Michael’s room to wait for him to come home after rehearsals.  According to Murray, Jackson arrived at 1:05 am saying he was tired and fatigued.  Murray rubbed a cream on Michael’s body to treat his Vitiligo ... then gave Michael a 10 mg Valium pill.  Michael couldn’t sleep, so Murray says he then gave him 2 mg of the anti-anxiety drug, Lorazepam.

Jackson complained he still couldn’t fall asleep, so Murray gave him 2 mg of the sedative Midazolam around 2am.   MJ remained awake.  Dr. Murray said he suggested turning down the music in the room ... and meditation.   Murray said Michael “reluctantly" closed his eyes, finally dozing off around 3:15 am, only to reawaken at 4:00 am.

At 4:30 am Murray said Michael said, “I have to sleep, Dr. Conrad, I have to sleep."   Murray gave MJ another 2 mg of Lorazepam.   Again, according to Dr. Murray, Michael couldn’t sleep.  Jackson was still wide awake at 7:30 am, so Dr. Murray administered another 2 mg of Midazolam, yet Michael remained awake and complaining that he was going to have to cancel the “This is It” tour.

Murray said Michael began to beg for his “milk,” the slang for Propofol.   Murray agreed to give him 25 mg of the powerful sedative around 10:50 am, slowly infused over 3 to 4 minutes.  Murray said Michael finally fell asleep around 11 am.

Dr. Murray said he monitored Michael  long enough until he felt comfortable to leave the room, that’s when Murray told the detectives that he went to the bathroom and was gone for about two minutes.

Murray said when he came back, he found Michael not breathing with an accelerated pulse.   Murray said he began mouth to mouth on Michael, and then chest compressions with one hand.    Murray said he couldn’t take Michael off the bed to a harder surface, so he improvised by placing his left hand under the body.  Murray said while he was giving compressions, he called MJ’s assistant on his cell.   He said didn’t ask the assistant to call 911 because he was busy giving CPR.  Murray also told detectives he didn’t call 9-1-1 himself because he didn’t know the zip code for Michael’s house.

Dr. Murray said he lifted Michael’s legs in the air to get more blood flowing to his heart.  Murray told detectives that he then went downstairs to ask Michael’s chef to get security, who called 9-1-1.  Murray continued CPR until the paramedics arrived and hooked Jackson up to a pulse oximeter and got him intubated.

Murray told detectives paramedics were talking to UCLA medical center and ready to give up, but he begged them to transfer care to him because Michael was his friend.   Murray rode with Michael in the ambulance to UCLA, where Murray said they worked on Michael for about an hour.

After Michael was gone, the ER doctor asked Murray what happened, and he told her that maybe it was a massive pulmonary embolism.  Murray told detectives he didn’t sign the death certificate because he didn’t understand the cause of death.

As far as Michael’s use of drugs, Murray told detectives he was surprised at Michael’s knowledge about all the different pills and medications he took.   Murray said he first learned that Michael used Propofol when he asked Dr. Murray to help him get the drug.   Murray said that Michael gave him the number of another doctor who would be able to provide it to him.   In the interview, Murray said he called the other doctor, who said, “Michael loves that drug.”

Murray said he gave Michael Propofol every night for 30 days, except for three when he was trying to “wean him off.”  Murray insisted that in the three days before Michael’s death he was trying to wean him off “milk,” giving MJ more Lorazepam and Diazepam to bring down the Propofol.    Murray said two nights before MJ’s death, he had given him no Propofol and thought he was “onto  something.”

The next night, that wasn’t the case.

Dr. Conrad Murray's interview with LAPD detectives reveals a huge inconsistency that could weigh heavily with the jury.

In the tape, Dr. Murray says he left Michael Jackson's room for only 2 minutes to go to the bathroom, and when he came back Michael Jackson was not breathing.  Murray says he immediately began performing CPR.

But according to Sade Anding, Murray's Houston girlfriend who was on the phone with Murray, she says she was talking to him for a while when suddenly it appeared Murray dropped the phone and the emergency commenced.  

So now there are competing stories -- Either Murray went to the bathroom as he told cops, or he was on the phone -- possibly distracted.  If jurors believe Anding and the phone records, they could easily conclude Murray lied to cops.

The jury only heard half of Dr. Conrad Murray's dramatic 2-hour interview with police today -- in which Murray admitted he pumped Michael Jackson full of sedatives before he died -- and now, here's the other half ... you have to read it to believe it.

Among the highlights ...

-- Murray details an emotional encounter with Katherine Jackson just moments after she hears the news -- she asks him if he knows how Michael died. Murray says he doesn't.
-- Murray claims Joe Jackson never showed up at the hospital the day MJ died.
-- And ... Murray explains why security cameras caught him exiting the hospital at 4:30PM.

The jury will hear the remainder of the recording when the trial resumes on Tuesday.
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发表于 2011-10-8 11:46:47 | 显示全部楼层
One More Chance At Love.

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发表于 2011-10-8 11:47:22 | 显示全部楼层
Meeting you was fate,and falling in love with you was out of my control.
Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you

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发表于 2011-10-8 11:57:39 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报








Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-10-8 12:06:54 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报








Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-10-8 12:13:16 | 显示全部楼层
真的 还有什么好辩护的
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使用道具 举报









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-10-8 12:22:59 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报








Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2011-10-8 12:25:13 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报








Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-10-8 12:25:35 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报








VICTORY DAY 2005.6.13

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-10-8 12:25:59 | 显示全部楼层

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使用道具 举报









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-10-8 12:37:16 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

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