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Debunking Murray's Police Interview
I decided to do a very detail job of looking for any inconstancy in the tape so I will be writing this as I am reading the transcript. This will help fans from reading from Murray's BS. Some of these are also notes I decided to add to, just because I find them to bizarre to ignore.
-According to Murray, Michael Amir called him to tell him to come over to the house. Amir never said he called Murray, he came on his on at the same time as a routine.
-Claimed that he had Sunday off, but in the same interview said that there was only three times in which he didn't give Michael drugs.
-Currently claiming that Michael self injected despite the injecting site being below his knee and behind the back. Really hard to reach that far, especially when drugged up.
-Claim to have given a pill of Valium, 10mg. No pills in his stomach, although could had dissolved. Valium should only be use for short-term treatment of insomnia, not long-term like with Michael. Diazepam has a range of side-effects that are common to most benzodiazepines. Most common side-effects include: Suppression of REM sleep, Impaired motor function, Impaired coordination, Impaired balanc, Dizziness and nausea. Depression, and Reflex tachycardia.
-Claim Valium take awhile to take effect. Valium actually had rapid onset and a high efficacy rate.
-Michael would have to uncap the line to self-inject since he was still hook up to the saline bag.
-Midazolam, also short term use for insomnia. Because of midazolam's extremely short duration, it is not used for patients who have trouble staying asleep through the night. After nighttime administration of midazolam, residual 'hangover' effects, such as sleepiness and impaired psychomotor and cognitive functions, may persist into the next day. If IV midazolam is given too quickly, hypotension may occur. A “midazolam infusion syndrome” may result from high doses, and is characterised by delayed arousal hours to days after discontinuation of midazolam, and may lead to an increase in the length of ventilatory support needed. Midazolam is known to cause respiratory depression. In healthy humans, 0.15 mg/kg of midazolam may cause respiratory depression, which is postulated to be a CNS effect. When midazolam is administered in combination with fentanyl, the incidence of hypoxemia or apnea becomes more likely.
-Claim to know the time but his watch, but seems uncertain at the times he gave certain drugs and guess.
-Claim Michael didn't meditate before because he didn't think it would help him sleep. Not true going by several of Michael's friends over the years and you see him in a meditating pose in he Scream video.
-If Michael could pee on his own will, why was there so much left after he died? Murray claim Michael peed 700cc. Also, why is Michael still being hydrated at this point since he has so much pee? Most likely can't sleep because he's filling up his bladder every five minutes.
-Murray told the polices that propfol is a medicine that can be use for anesthesia. No, propfol is an anesthesia and not a sleep medication as Murray is trying to suggest in his statement.
-Claim Michael had to be up at a certain time to rehearse. By the time Murray gave the propfol, he already passed Michael's usual wake up time. He suggest Michael get up at noon normally, not true according to Kai.
-Suggests propfol has some kind of long last effort by asking Michael how long he expects to sleep once he gets it. People wake up right away after receiving propfol so Michael couldn't over sleep from it.
-Give the impression that he doesn't know if all the drugs are still effecting Michael. As a doctor, shouldn't you know the half-life of all these drugs before you start stacking one after another?
-Claim he only been given him propfol for two months, although he has been stack piling them since April.
-Claim needles marks were on his feet and hands. I don't see why given that Lee could had used his legs like Murray. Also, no one every reported seeing mark on Michael hands and should be clearly visible for anyone to see.
-Barely find injections sites, but had no problem for 2 months worth of treatment.
-Claim that he got rid of Lee because her child got sick. Given Michael's personality this makes no sense.
-Claims to know a allot about Michael's history with propfol long before he was ever hired, but now claim to be surprise about service he was going to provide and didn't know Michael's drug history.
-Knew about Michael sleeping problems for months/years, now claims it was cause by drug withdrawal and he wasn't aware.
-Claimed he didn't know how to get propfol. Had no problem tricking Lopez back in April.
-If Adams was so willing to give Michael propfol to begin with, why was he even talking to Murray at this point about getting him some? Couldn't he just ask Adams and make him do the leg work?
-Why would Michael go to an office to sleep if Adam was willing to be paid? Couldn't he done it at his house like Murray and going to all this trouble for one day worth of sleep is strange.
-Murray acknowledges he needed a crash cart, but one wasn't found at the house.
-It isn't made clear why Michael invited Murray. He really didn't do anything.
-No one has ever said Michael slept for 15 to 18 hours. Almost everyone has said that Michael sleeps very little when he does rest. He also had kids, so why would he want to sleep that long.
-Michael keep mentioning other doctors, why didn't he hired them? Murray still hasn't done anything for Michael to call it 'divine' intervention.
-Acknowledges that they needed another doctor. But Murray's team are now trying to suggest that one person can do it themselves.
-Why is Murray screening the doctor? He's the one who isn't train to use propfol. Shouldn't Adam be the one doing any kind of screening?
-I have to wonder why Murray didn't say no throughout this given his 'reserves'. Wasn't a sleep clinic not an option throughout this?
-Seems reluctant and somewhat neutral to go to England and close his practices. Russel said he practically jumping up and down in joy.
-Was Adam asking for 2 to 3 million dollars for three years? Yet, Murray asked for 5 million for not even a year of service. Why didn't Michael dumped Murray and take Adam? He was experience and cheaper.
-Are there any texts from Adam on Murray's phone? I didn't see any.
-What movie deal is he talking about with AEG? I didn't even know they were into movies.
-Why did Michael wanted Murray to be around forever? He didn't do anything. Also, I thought he closed his practice until the end of the tour. It sounds like he had a lifetime contract with Michael.
-The Children Hospital, did you get information while Michael was drugged to high heaven?
-You don't snore under the influence of propfol.
-Given the distance of the IV from the bed, how could Michael jump up and touch it? Wouldn't he fall out of the bed?
-Why didn't Murray pee in the jug instead of leaving the room, especially when he noticed that Michael wasn't snoring?
-Claims Michael has been using propfol for years. Why didn't he use all these other doctors from years ago?
-Don't recall propfol being use to keep people constantly sedated outside of surgery.
-Why didn't you get the oximeter with a alarm?
-You don't do CPR on someone with a pulse. That will kill them. Also, the bodyguard didn't see Murray do mouth-to-mouth at all until he was move on the floor.
-You apply medicine first, then you do CPR.
-No telephone in the house, but Murray have two cellphones with speaker.
-Didn't Murray say Michael was thin? So, why couldn't he move him off the bed. He could of roll him or something, he had no trauma.
-The way he did this one hand CPR isn't the same way the bodyguard saw it. Also, given that Murray was on his knees, how much pressure could he be generating given how high the bed is and Murray's distance from Michael.
-Murray said his left hand was under Michael. The bodyguard said his left hand was the one doing the CPR.
-Supposedly just the kids in the house. If he had to, couldn't he get Prince to dial 911 for him using his phones?
-Bodyguards never said this bathroom conversation.
-You don't need the zip code for the 911 operator to find you. Just the address, which he clearly knew.
-He was able to reach for his phone, but didn't dial 911, which countered the above.
-Failed to mention that he didn't even reach Michael Amir the first time because he was in the shower. He had to call Murray back.
-The bodyguard saw Michael flat on the bed, there was no pillows under his legs.
-It was the bodyguard that said Michael wasn't breathing. Murray's voice was heard over the line until later. He's trying to say the bodyguard repeated his words, but you can clearly hear in the 911 tape that isn't true at all.
-Why wouldn't the bodyguard know Michael's age?
-It was the operator that told them to put him on the floor. Did hear Murray yell that on the 911 tape.
-Murray said he took an active roll in the revival efforts. Not true all all going by the MTs.
-Fails to mentions the MTs asking about the drugs Michael had in him and Murray's shock dumb response.
-Claimed his IV because dislodge when they moved Michael. Not true, the MTs used that IV several times before Murray himself broke it.
-Claims the CPR was successful in keeping Michael alive and the time since Michael stopped breathing was short. Now, the defense is saying that Michael was dead. He even pets himself on the back for Michael still being alive because of him.
-He didn't ask, he overrule the MTs.
-Fails to mention the ER doctors asking him about drugs.
-Make it sound like he was the one given the orders at the ER. He was not. They did the balloon pump in good fate to him.
-Something strange about his oxygen and CO2. This is not mentioned at all by the two ER doctors.
-Thought Michael had an Pulmonary Embolism. Apparently, he never thinks it was the drug he gave him.
-Claims he was the one who recommended the ER doctors to call it. According to the bodyguard, he was sobbing in the hallway.
-Murray got the entire thing wrong with propfol. He seems to just assume you can become addicted to it like a sleeping pill. This shows he failed to do any kind of research on this drug before deciding to give it to Michael.
-You don't withdrawal from propfol.
-Michael wouldn't be withdrawing from other agents if Murray didn't give him highly additive medication to begin with.
-Wanted a more natural sleep pattern, so pumped Michael with highly addictive drugs.
-Doesn't Murray know anything about sleep clinics if he wanted Michael to sleep without drugs? How about natural solutes, did he make any suggests about that?
-Never call yourself compassionate in an interview. (has nothing to do with debunking, but that one sentence got to me)
-He never talked to the family except Toya and he had nothing to do with the children seeing their dad one last time.
-Why is Murray given orders to the hospital staff?
-God Murray, you sure in hell didn't talk to Mrs. Jackson. (sorry about the language)
-He didn't tell the family, if this meeting actually happened, about all the drugs he put into Michael's body.
-Murray, you weren't in the viewing room either.
-I think he ran out of the hospital at this point when they were viewing the body.
-WTF, I know you didn't look over no press release. (sorry, Murray's words are driving me crazy)
-I know you didn't talk to Jeramine, god you suck at lying.
-Michael didn't eat or drank. That isn't what Kai said.
-Michael's organs were fine, he tested them. Now, he was a long-term addict, but somehow avoiding any liver damage.
and it wasn't so stupid and tragic. I hope he chock on these words. |