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发表于 2011-10-21 00:34:00
diprivan is deactived when its been through the liver to the point of 99%!! before it gets into the body/blood stream.
the lining of the gut is very active against diprivan. thats new info they found not long ago.
0% chance in his opinion that mj died cause of orally taking diprivan based on what he said above. something that is taught to first year med students!
also animal studies that support that mj didnt take it orally. study from 1985 by a dr. shaffer knowns him quite well dr glenn did the report hes a scientist who worked for ICI who created diprivan. glenn was invlolved in the developent of diprivan hes the father of diprivan according to shaffer. the study looked at diprivan given to mice by different means. IV doses of 5-15mg per kg were effective. 300mg kg given orally did not cause the animals to go into general anesthesia 20x more OD orally didnt produce general anes.. because of the liver and as mentioned above about the liver deactivating the drug.
the pig study given IV and up their behinds. published in 1991. 0.4% of dirpivan was available after it had been through the liver. the diprivan goes into the colon and then liver after its given up the pigs backsides. so once again the liver cleaned the diprivan out before it got to the bloodstream even when it was given up their backsides
rats.published in 96. 10% available in a rat. after given orally. 90% cleaned out in the liver.
another rat study. availability 0.23% in these rats. so alot lower than the rats above.he said it seems to vary in rats. doesnt know why
another study dogs and monkeys and how much was in the blood after being given it orally.only 0.25% appeared in the blood
white suggested mj drank it. all the studies above were available to white when he made his report in march 11 all the above studies supported shaffers opinion that 0% chance mj drinking it and it being the COD
knowing what white wrote in his report shaffer then did another test but this time on humans.before that to shaffers knowledge a company was looking at studying this. but nothing was ever published about testing it on humans. shaffer thinks a human study wasnt done before because the animal experiments result were so one sided. ie taking it orally doesnt effect you.
shaffer did the study in chile with a dr from there who he knows. shaffer went to a conference in may in chille and asked the dr then to be involved in the study. they carried out the study by having the students drink diprivan. 6 students were involved in the study 3 drank 200mg of diprivan (no doubt fanagan will say it was only 6 ppl!)
side bar, chernoff is upset!
side bar finished 3 other students drank twice that amount. B.P was measured sedation was measured.pulse oxy monitor. and they took blood every so often to see what amount of diprivan was in the blood. none of the students were sedated at any time after taking the diprivan orally. oxgyen levels never dropped. B.P never dropped.
last week shaffer presented the study it was presented at the event he missed last weeked cause of his dads death. it was an anethatist event big event that many attend.many important findings come out of the event.the paper was presented at that event. he got his lifetime award at the same event for his work in the field. this case was one reason for the study.another reason DEA want to make it a restricted drug.shaffer thought it might be because of this case that the DEA want to do it and the talk of mj drinking it so he wanted to address the whole drinking issue and whether it can harm you if you drink it.. he thinks thats a bad thing. as it may block dr from using this drug and that may put paitents at risk.shaffer rejects the whole idea of drinking it from the very begining.b4 he did his own study. the chile study confirmed the opinion he already had |