神奇的小孩 MAGICAL child
从前有个小孩,他很自由 Once there was a child and he was free
在他内里都是笑意 Deep inside.he felt the laughter
都是自然欢愉的笑声和游戏 The mirth and play of nature's glee
他不会被将来的想法困扰 He was not troubled by thoughts of hereafter
美,爱,就是他现在看到的全部 Beauty,love was all he'd see
他知道自己的力量就是神的力量 He knew his power was the power of God
他很确定,别人一定会说他怪 He was so sure,they considered him odd
这些纯真,同情,光明的力量 This power of innocence,of compassion,of light
威胁到僧侣而引起恐慌 Threatened the priests and created a fright
他们想尽办法要去注销In endless ways they sought to dismantle
这股他们无能控制的神秘力量 This mysterious force which they could not handle
千方百计,他们想去破坏 In endless ways they tried to destroy
他的纯情,他无边的欢乐 His simple trust,his boundless joy
他不可征服的甲胄是来自神恩的庇佑His invincible armor was a shield of bliss
无物能碰触,不受毒害,没有嘘声 Nothing could touch it,no venom,no hiss
这小孩永远保持在恩典中 The child remained in a state of grace
不受时间也不受空间的界定 He wasn't confined in time or place
在五光十色的梦里,他尽情嬉游 In Technicolor dreams,he frolicked and played
当他善尽本分,他就留在永恒中 While acting his part,in Eternity he stayed
预言家前来替他占卜前程 Soothsayers came and fortunes were told
有的激烈,其余奔放 Some were vehement,others were bold
宣称这个小孩,这麻烦的生灵 In denouncing this child,this perplexing creature
和这个世界其它部分无一点相像 With the rest of the world he shared no feature
他真实吗?那么奇特的一个人 Is he real?He is so strange
他无由预测的天性无边无际 His unpredictable nature knows no range
他如此迷惑我等,他是正常的吗 He puzzles us so,is he straight?
什么是他的命运?什么是他的结局 What's his destiny?What's his fate?
当他们低语密商 And while they whispered and conspired
计划用无休止的谣传令他疲劳Through endless rumors to get him tired
要谋害他的奇迹,好好践踏 To kill his wonder,trample him near
烧光他的勇气,燃起他的畏惧 Burn his courage,fuel his fear
这小孩仍然保持单纯,真纯 The child remained just simple,sincere
他只想和山比肩 All he wanted was the mountain high
涂沫云彩,彩绘天空 Color the clouds,paint the sky
超越疆界,只想要飞 Beyond these boundaries,he wanted to fly
在造物者的计划里,他永生不死In nature's scheme,never to die
别阻止这个小孩,他是所有男子的父亲 Don't stop this child,he's the father of man
别挡着他的路,他是上帝计划的一部分 Don't cross his way,he's part of the plan
我就是那孩子,但你也是 I am that Child,but so are you
你只是忘记了,只是丢失了线索 You've just forgotten,just lost the clue
在你的心里有位先知 inside your heart sits a Seer
在他的思惟中他能听见 Between his thoughts,he can hear
一首简单但惊人地清晰的旋律 A melody simple but wondrously clear
是生命的音符,那么稀有,那么亲 The music of life,so precious,so dear
如果你能有一刻看出 If you could for one moment know
道道宇宙的火光,这剧烈的炽热 This spark of creation,this exquisite glow
你将会来与我共舞 You would come and dance with me
点起这火,我们看见 Kindle this fire so we could see
所有地球的小孩All the children of the Earth
正编织他们的魔术,催生一个 Weave their magic and give new birth
自由而无痛的地球 To a world of freedom with no pain
一个更健全的欢乐世界 A world of joy,much more sane
内心深处你相信这一切 Deep inside,you know it's true
只要找到那个小孩,藏在你生命中的那个小孩 Just find that child,it's hiding in you