Michael Jackson Talks Perfection, God in 'Blank on Blank' Interview
From John and Yoko to Tupac, PBS Digital Studios' Blank on Blank series has taken music journalists' unheard audiotapes and fused them with clever animation. Now the series has unveiled yet another amazing interview: An intimate conversation with Michael Jackson from January 1980, years before Thriller and his ascension to the King of Pop. In the interview, Jackson – and, in a way, his sister Janet – discuss labeling music, perfectionism, meeting Quincy Jones and godliness while chatting with music historian John Pidgeon.
"I do deeply believe in perfection. I'm never satisfied," a young Jackson tells Pidgeon. "I'll cut a track or something, I'll come home and I say, 'No, that's not right, we got to do it over, it's not right.' And then go back and back and back. Then, when it's finally out, you say, 'Darn it, I should have done this.' It's Number One on the charts, you're still screaming about what you should have done." Jackson also speaks out at being labeled – at the time – as a disco artist, saying that all music is music, and genres are like trying to figure out if a beautiful birdcall is courtesy of a blue jay or a crow.