Music video channel has 24 Michael hits for selection
This weekend, UK digital music channel Magic have declared their channel King & Queen of Pop Weekend, showing music videos from only Madonna and Michael Jackson.
As the Monday release of the Visionary box set nears as well as the exiting chart-eligible release of Michael's 70's hit Don't Stop 'till You get Enough, the music channel have 24 of his videos available for selection as well as various others being shown throughout the weekend during Michael specials.
At the time of sending this Hotshot the Michael special, Michael Jackson: King Of The Video, is currently being shown and will be on until 4:30pm.
If you would like to make a selection, click on the link below to view a list of the 24 Michael hits along with their selection numbers.
Meanwhile, the first two videos from the Visionary release - Thriller and Don't Stop 'till You Get Enough - will be shown on Channel 4 in the early hours of Sunday morning (1am) following the Saturday night schedule. It is expected each Visionary release will have the same time slot each week.
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