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Neverland "Closed" - An Editorial

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发表于 2006-3-28 10:49:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Neverland Valley Ranch. The name resounds in the hearts of Michael Jackson fans around the world. Literally thousands of fans have passed through the gates of the property located in Los Olivos California. Thousands more have visited the secure entrance and left gifts, letters, scrapbooks, art, poetry and more. Neverland Ranch was a unique combination of the real and the magical. The ranch with it's daily workings and comings and goings . . . and the Neverland with it's shadows, light and beauty, it's magic turned reality. I consider myself one of the blessed. I was one of the ones that enjoyed that magical reality of Neverland Ranch. Statues of innocent joy sprouted from the edge of the road like daffodils ready to greet the visitor. The assembly of animals, so beloved, living in harmony, reminded us of our purpose of caring for all living things. Michael Jackson regularly opened his home and shared his vast wealth of creativity, fun with his adoring fans, the underprivileged and ill. Neverland was so beautiful, so gracious, peaceful and honest; impeccable and incredible, amazing and surprising. The child-like playfulness of the grounds surrounding the house; the trampoline, the pools, the movie house, the amusement rides. And, of course, there was music everywhere. Now, there has come a time that we must accept that dream turned reality has been spoiled by the greed and evil of one man's campaign for power. The MJFC has received many sad letters from fans, bemoaning the closing of Neverland Ranch. Do not mourn for the land. It will go on as it has for centuries. But, really, what we ALL need to remember is that Neverland is forever. No power exists that can destroy it. It lives in Michael's heart. It lives in all of our hearts. It is the light of love, creativity, innocence and understanding and it is strong. It is a unique place that we come from and we all know the directions: Second star to the right and straight on to morning. Source: MJFC / Special Thanks To Our Team Member Mary For This Editorial

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