
楼主 |
发表于 2006-5-31 12:24:22
love always in my heart ,我尽力去忘记过去那些不美的回忆,
love always in you heart ,是你们陪伴我每一天每一刻,让我不孤寂,
曾经,i believe we all live in a world in afraid ,
because deep in side nobody understand me,
but you,my friends give me lots of courage,
give me air , let me breath, give me love,let me see that
love always in my heart ,我尽力去忘记过去那些不美的回忆,
love always in you heart ,是你们陪伴我每一天每一刻,让我不孤寂,
i've feel afraid all my life,
but today i have the mean another,
i look in myself and i make a change that
i make a choice and i truth that i'll nolonger giving to afraid
i'll fait this dischoice and i'll take a stand
i'll never be afraid
because i reallised that i'm not aone
i realise you are with me
and you show me again and again that
love is more powerful than afraid
so today i choose love and i shoose to believe myself
the way you choose believe in me!
歌词大部分来源于电影台词 稍做改动
具体词曲是否搭配……还要听着旋律……才行了!!斌斌跑哪去了?歌词再出来 |