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发表于 2006-6-11 13:43:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
摩城之声(厂牌Motown简介)  http://www.motown.com/ 在美国底特律西大街2648号,有一排白色的平房。与周围现代化的停车站、假发店、时装屋相比,它显得并不起眼。然而,它却是摇滚史上一个著名厂牌——摩城(Motown)唱片公司的发迹之地。摩城唱片公司,美国历史上最著名的独立品牌,也是黑人拥有的最大的唱片企业。      1965年6月的一个暖和的早晨,刚过9点,词曲作者兼制作人Lamont Dozier信步走进了公司大门。此时公司总裁Berry Gordy冲出办公室告诉Lamont摩城急需一支后继单曲以填补Four Tops(四尖子)组合的“I Can't Help Myself”(我不能自已)夺冠后所留下的空白。Four Tops在签约Motown之前曾在哥伦比亚唱片公司录音,Gordy告诉说哥伦比亚的纽约分公司刚刚出版了Four Tops的一张旧唱片企图趁乐队走红的时候到市场上来分一杯羹。   Dozier点点头走过了长廊,穿越那乐队与制作人彩排的狭小的办公室,而Dozier的合作者——Brian Holland与Eddie Holland,已经等候在他们的小卧室里,正在拟定一个初步的录音曲调以产生类似于Four Tops目前走红单曲的作品。Lamont Dozier在钢琴前坐下,将他们的曲调的旋律线打磨平滑,然后3个人一起为该曲调写出歌词。很快这首歌就完成了,3人将他们完成的作品带到了录音室,那里Four Tops成员们浏览着歌词,而Earl Van Dyke的乐队商议着演奏的变化。一个下午,这首歌被录完了。在3天之内该唱片将被放在各大街的唱片店的货架上,并成为当地主要电台WCHB的主打曲。哥伦比亚公司的唱片很快被人遗忘了。在8月份,这首“It's The Same Old Song”(同样的老歌)在公告牌上为Four Tops夺得了排行第5的好名次。      以上就是Motown公司一首热门歌曲诞生的过程。这一切主要应归功于一个人:Berry Gordy。这位Motown的老板,以前曾是一位拳击手,也开过爵士唱片店。凭借着好斗的性格、精明的判断以及良好的品味,一手缔造出了世界上最强大的黑人音乐帝国。     Motown神话是Gordy用800美元创造的。他用这笔借来的钱在1959年开了一家制作公司,开始走上独立制作之路。同时,他将眼光盯在一位叫Marv Johnson的歌手身上。他们首次合作的结果是产生了一首叫“Come To Me”(来到我身边)的歌曲。这首歌虽然只是一首朴实的热门歌曲,只在排行榜上名列30名,但却给Gordy的创作指明了方向。      在接下去的几个月里,Gordy完善了这种流行与福音混和的音乐形式,在1960年他与Johnson一起写出了两首类似风格的十佳歌曲“You Got What It Takes”和“I Love the Way You Love”。在将另一首歌曲“Money”租借给他姐姐的一家Anna唱片公司之后,Gordy决定开设他自己的唱片公司:Tammie,很快又将它改名为Tamla唱片公司。      Tamla公司的首支金曲属于一个叫Miracles的组合。Gordy是在底特律发现这个五重唱小组的。虽然起初Gordy只是被该组合唯一的女性成员Claudette所吸引,但后来他迅速认识到了Miracles的主唱兼词曲作者Smokey Robinson的潜力。当Robinson创作了“Shop Around”(到处购物)之后,Gordy发现最初的混音版太缓慢,就叫Miracles在一天早晨3点回到录音棚去重新混一个速度较快的版本。后来,这个新版本的“Shop Around”在1961年1月的排行榜夺得亚军,成为了Tamla唱片公司的第一支畅销单曲,Gordy的公司首度开始赢利。     刚开始时,Berry Gordy依赖一些独立的作者与制作人。1961年之后,他开始启用一些新人。其中最引人注目的便是Lamont Dozier,一位从当地乐队中退役的极具才华的乐手,在以匿名作者的方式与Motown合作2年之后,他遇上了两位搭档Brian Holland和Eddie Holland,形成了著名的“Holland-Dozier-Holland”三剑客创作班子。作为Motown的灵魂创作队伍,三剑客在音乐形式上作了很大的改革。3人很少使用标准的歌曲形式,而是选择一种更简单、更直接的ababcc的曲式来代替,并使用一种无穷尽的副歌作为衬托,这使得H-D-H的作品带有强制性的标记。甚至更好的一点是,这种常用的副歌和重复使用的连贯性使得他们的歌曲普遍存在一个特色:在你听了一个小部份之后,你就等于听了全部——因为它们除了细微的区别大部分都极为类似。   “三剑客”才能渐显,到60年代后期Gordy的公司已经成为了美国黑人所拥有的最大的唱片公司,也是历史上最有代表性的独立录音公司。Motown的成功完全超越了人们的想像,而且它也证明了黑人完全可以从技术、音乐和艺术水准上控制唱片公司。      Motown成功的原因有许多,其中最主要的便是操作者Berry Gordy。正是由于他的对音乐的远见卓识和超凡的市场感觉,使得他率领下的艺术家都遵循一个原则:使之简单。这个原则也许很快就会让人单调乏味,但是由于Gordy旗下的词曲作者和制作人的努力,使得绝大多数平凡的爱情主题理想化和神奇化。      其次的一个原因是Motown拥有自己一个极佳的录音乐队,许多乐手是60年代最优秀的节奏与布鲁斯音乐家。比如说鼓手Benny Benjamin、贝司手James Jamerson Sr、吉他手Joe Messina、键盘手Earl Van Dyke、打击乐手James Giddons等等。他们个个身怀绝技,以出色的演奏技艺为Motown的录音增添亮色。      事实上,底特律这座城市的汽车流水线的氛围也与Motown的成功有关,它使Gordy能实现对他音乐帝国的监控。他把他的这种监控称为“质量控制”。Motown的二流创作人员经常几个月不能发布作品,除非让Gordy满意。甚至那些顶尖的艺人发现他们自己也是受到限制的。他们时常被要求在一首歌走红之后,又必须制造出下一首的金曲以填补空白。此外,他们被要求以优雅的形象出现在公众视野中,以维护Motown塑造的中产阶级的形象。   Motown的根也许在福音和布鲁斯之中,但它的形象却纯粹是迎合了更多主流社会的需求,Motown的明星从来不会冒犯任何一个人:他们唱的带有罗曼蒂克的歌曲也能够感染绝大多数的听众。虽然Motown的歌曲有些千篇一律,偶然也会不被重视,但事实上在Motown的全盛期,即便是流水线作业,还是出版了一些标志性的唱片,有着不同的声音、编排和情感。当Gordy指明了总体方向时,所有制作人和录音室乐手都会制定出这类声音,而表演者将之传达出Motown的形象。以下是唱摩城之声的一些艺术家的简介。      Miracles(奇迹):在当地的一些表演中被发掘出来的组合,核心人物是Smokey Robinson(斯莫基·鲁滨逊)。当1957年Robinson初次认识Gordy时,组合中的绝大多数成员还在上高中。3年之后,当“Shop Around”成为金曲时,成员们中年龄最大的才只有21岁。在接下去的10年中,Miracles成为了一支增添趣味的乐团,以浪漫的情歌和快速舞曲见长。而Robinson成为了Motown最著名的词曲作者之一。      Mary Wells(玛丽·韦尔斯):Motown公司首位女明星。1960年,年仅17岁的Mary便推出了首支单曲“Bye Bye Baby”(再见宝贝)。后来在Smokey Robinson的协助下,她于1964年推出大热门作品“My Guy”(我的好男人)成为排行榜冠军。之后,在一份高额报酬合同诱惑下离开Motown,但却再也没有取得成功,变成了一位寻常的灵歌歌手。      Marvelettes(马弗莱茨):Motown第一支优秀组合,独特的风格风靡歌坛10余年。其中“Playbody”(花花公子)等歌曲进入排行榜前10名。      Martha and the Vandellas(玛莎和范德拉斯):Martha原先是Motown公司艺人联络部门的秘书,但Gordy发现了她演唱方面的才能,便让她组成了一个自己的女子组合the Vandellas。她们起初只是为歌手Marvin Gaye伴唱,但随着1963年“Heat Wave”(热浪)的出版,她们跻身于公司一线艺人的位置。      Marvin Gaye(马文·盖伊):这位在舞台上极为羞涩的歌手,成为了Motown史上最杰出的歌手之一,被喻为“摩城王子”。1962年他以一支叙事曲“Stubborn Kind Of Fellow”(顽固的家伙)崭露头角,之后一直活跃在歌坛前沿,成为了当代黑人音乐中极有影响的人物。1982年Gaye离开Motown加盟哥伦比亚公司,推出了他最有影响的单曲“Sexual Healing”(性的治疗)。1984年4月1日,一次争吵中他被父亲开枪打死。      Temptations(诱惑):被评论界认为是20世纪60年代灵歌最佳组合。演唱组的成员变化和风格的多样化足以开出一长串的单子。代表作有“My Girl”(我的女孩)、“I Can't Get Next To You”(我无法接近你)。   Supremes(至高无上):毫无疑问,Supremes是60年代Motown公司音乐风格——热情、魅力和风度的最典型体现,也是取得商业成就最大的组合。在这支3人女子组合最辉煌的5年中,共产生了12首排行榜冠军歌曲。主唱Diana Ross(戴安娜·罗斯)是组合的焦点人物,1969年之后开始了风光无限的独唱生涯。      Jackson 5(杰克逊五兄弟):推出许多金唱片单曲如“The Love You Save”(你保留的爱)和“I'll Be There”(我将在那儿)。主歌手迈克尔·杰克逊后来单独发展成为了超级巨星。      此外,还有许许多多的组合如Gladys Knight and the Pips(格拉迪·奈特和种子)、The Spinners(纺织工人)、Jr.Walker and All Stars(朱·沃克和全明星)、Four Tops(四尖兵)等等以及著名盲人歌手Stevie Wonder,都曾是Motown家族的一员。从表面上看,Motown像一个幸福的大家庭,但事实上这些明星都受到严格的限制。比如说唱的歌,用的制作人,外界形象包装,甚至零花钱等都严格控制在Gordy手中。后来许多人因为受不了如此严酷的制约而离开了Motown公司。      在Motowon的全盛期,它几乎没有对手。而在它的后期,由于风格的机械化使得它听上去像一部呜呜作响的保时捷跑车。但它却是现代音乐工业化的一个缩影,具有划时代的意义。正是Berry Gordy与他的军团的努力,才将黑人的语言转化成了“年轻美国的声音”。

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-11 13:50:34 | 显示全部楼层
Motown传奇艺人(Wikipedia上的简介): Commodores - Lionel Richie 所在的乐队
Commodores The Commodores were a highly successful soul/funk band in the 1970s. They met as freshmen at Tuskegee Institute, and signed to Motown having first caught the public eye supporting The Jackson Five on tour. Now they are perhaps best known for the ballad "Easy", which is not considered to be representative of their output. Usually, they recorded funky, driven dance floor hits including "Brick House", "Fancy Dancer", and "Slippery When Wet", amongst others. "Machine Gun", the instrumental title track from their debut album, has become a staple at American sporting events, and has been featured in many films, including Boogie Nights.
Four Tops - 顶尖四人组
The Four Tops The Four Tops are an American Motown musical quartet, whose repertoire has included doo-wop, jazz, soul music, R, disco, adult contemporary, and showtunes. Founded in Detroit, Michigan as The Four Aims, lead singer Levi Stubbs and groupmates Abdul "Duke" Fakir, Renaldo "Obie" Benson, and Lawrence Payton remained together for over four decades, finally forced to endure a lineup change when Payton died in 1997. At that time, Theo Peoples was added to the lineup; Peoples later replaced Stubbs, who fell ill from cancer, and Ronnie McNair assumed Peoples' spot. In July, 2005, Benson died of lung cancer with Payton's son Roquel replacing him. And as of April, 2005, Fakir, McNair, Payton and Peoples still perform together as The Four Tops.
Funk Brothers - 疯克兄弟
The Funk Brothers The Funk Brothers were a group of Detroit musicians who played club gigs and were the house band at Detroit's Motown Records from 1959 to 1972, when the company moved to Los Angeles. Their story was told in Paul Justman's 2002 documentary film Standing in the Shadows of Motown. Early members included bandleader Joe Hunter and Earl Van Dyke (piano); James Jamerson (bass guitar); William "Benny" Benjamin and Richard "Pistol" Allen (drums); Robert White, Eddie Willis, and Joe Messina (guitar); Jack Ashford (tambourine); and Eddie 'Bongo' Brown (percussion). Hunter left in 1964, replaced on keyboards by Johnny Griffith and as bandleader by Van Dyke. Around the same time Uriel Jones joined the band as a third drummer.
Marvin Gaye - 马文·盖,代表作是“What's Going On”
Marvin Gaye Marvin Gaye (born Marvin Pentz Gaye, Jr.) (April 2, 1939 – April 1, 1984) was an pop, soul, and R singer, arranger, musician, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, and record producer who gained international fame during the 1960s and 1970s as an artist on the Motown label. His best records are still extremely highly regarded, and he is often cited as one of the finest singers of his era. He was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 1987 and posthumously received the Grammy Awards' Lifetime Achievement Award in 1996. His What's Going On album is widely considered the greatest album in black music history.
Michael Jackson - 不用说了
Michael Jackson For other people with the same name, see Michael Jackson (disambiguation) Michael Joseph Jackson (born August 29 1958 in Gary, Indiana) is an American singer-songwriter, producer, musician and philantropist who is known by his peers and fans as the "King of Pop", and by his critics as "Wacko Jacko". He began his career at the age of 11 as lead singer of the Motown produced act The Jackson 5 (later "The Jacksons") in the 1960s, and made his first solo recordings in 1971 as part of the Jackson 5 franchise. Jackson began a full-fledged solo career in 1979 and formally parted with his siblings in 1987. He has since become the most successful recording artist in black music history, and the biggest selling solo artist of all-time, with worldwide sales of over 350 million as a solo artist. He has also sold an additional 150 million records as lead singer and chief songwriter of The Jackson 5, bringing his total record sales to 500 million.
Jackson 5 - 也不用说了
The Jackson 5 The Jackson 5 (also spelled The Jackson Five or The Jackson 5ive, abbreviated as J5, and later known simply as The Jacksons) were an American popular music quintet from Gary, Indiana. The group, active from 1962 to 1990, regularly played from a repertoire of R, soul, funk, and later disco. Considered "one of the biggest phenomenons in pop music" during the early 1970s, the Jackson 5 group is also notable for launching the career of its lead singer, Michael Jackson.
Rick James - 这个不是太熟
Rick James Rick James (James Ambrose Johnson, Jr.) (February 1, 1948 – August 6, 2004) was an American funk and soul musician, who worked as a singer, keyboardist, bassist, record producer, arranger, and composer during his long career. One of the most popular artists on the Motown label during the late 1970s and early 1980s, James was famous for his wild brand of funk music and his trademark cornrow braids, sporting them well before the style was popularized by the hairstylist Nantille Charbonnet, as worn by actress Bo Derek, and songstress, Donna Summer.
Gladys Knight & The Pips - 格雷蒂丝·奈特,这个女人也是最早的Motown艺人
Gladys Knight & the Pips "The Pips" redirects here. For the BBC pips, see Greenwich Time Signal. Gladys Knight & the Pips were an R/soul musical act from Atlanta, Georgia, active from 1953 to 1989 and most popular during the 1960s and 1970s. Best known its hits for both the Motown and Buddah Records labels, the longest-lived and best-known incarnation of the act featured Gladys Knight on lead vocals, with The Pips, who included Knight's brother Merald "Bubba" Knight and their cousins Edward Patten and William Guest, as background singers.
Teena Marie - 这个我不是太熟
Teena Marie Teena Marie (born Mary Christine Brockert on March 51956) is an R singer/songwriter/producer. She is a protegé of late funk legend Rick James, and is notable as one of the few successful Caucasian R&B performers. After signing with Motown Records in 1976 as a backup singer, Teena hooked up with James for her first album titled Wild and Peaceful, released in 1979. Legend has had it that thanks to James refusing to work with Motown diva Diana Ross, Marie found her first successes with songs like "I'm A Sucka For Your Love" and "Deja Vu (I've Been Here Before)" to name a few.
The Marvelettes The Marvelettes was an American singing girl group on the Motown label. The group's first successful female vocal group, the Marvelettes are most notable for recording the label's first US #1 pop hit, "Please Mr. Postman", and for setting the precedent for later Motown girl groups such as The Supremes and Martha & the Vandellas.
Martha Reeves & The Vandellas
Martha and the Vandellas Martha and the Vandellas were an American Motown group of the 1960s. The label's second most-successful girl group after The Supremes, Martha and the Vandellas were known for a churchier, more southern-styled soul than the Supremes, as typified in Motown hits such as "(Love is Like a) Heat Wave", "Nowhere to Run", and, their signature song, "Dancing in the Street".
Lionel Richie - 莱昂内尔·里奇,We Are The World的创作人之一,他唱的“Stuck On You”好听
Lionel Richie Lionel Brockman Richie, Jr. (born June 20, 1949 in Tuskegee, Alabama) is a popular American musician and pop singer, most famous for a series of hits during the 1980s. His sales are reported to be over 100 million units worldwide. He has a fortune of over $200 million. Richie got his start with The Commodores, writing most of their hits in the late 1970s, including "Three Times a Lady" and "Still". By 1980, though, the media had begun to focus on Richie and he left to embark on a solo career the next year. That year his duet with Diana Ross "Endless Love" from the film of the same name spent nine weeks atop Billboard's pop chart. He also wrote the song Lady for his friend Kenny Rogers and Rogers recording of the song topped the charts for several weeks.
Smokey Robinson - 最早的Motown艺人,是很多艺人的偶像,比如George Michael
Smokey Robinson William "Smokey" Robinson, Jr. (born February 19, 1940 in Detroit, Michigan) is an American R and soul singer and songwriter. Robinson is noted for being one of the primary figures associated with the Motown record label, second only to the company's founder, Berry Gordy. As both a member of Motown group The Miracles and a solo artist, Robinson recorded seventy Top 40 hits for Motown between 1959 and 1990, and also served as the company's vice-president from 1961 to 1988.
Smokey Robinson & The Miracles
The Miracles The Miracles is an American R/soul group from Detroit, Michigan, notable as the first successful group act for Berry Gordy's Motown Records. The Miracles went on to become one of Motown's signature acts of the 1960s, during which time their original lead singer and founding member Smokey Robinson became one of the most successful songwriters and record producers of all time.
Diana Ross - 这个是熟人了,她发掘了Jackson 5,她是Motown最红的女艺人
Diana Ross This article is about the American musician. For the author, see Diana Ross (author) Diana Ross (born Diane Ernestine Earle Ross [1] on March 26, 1944 in Detroit, Michigan) is an African-American soul, R and pop singer and actress. Ross is one of the most successful female artists of her era, both due to her solo work and her role as lead singer of The Supremes during the 1960s.
Diana Ross & The Supremes - 至高无上,最早的黑人女子组合,六、七十年代很有名的,她们的唱片销量也非常高
The Supremes The Supremes were a very successful Motown all-female singing group active from 1959 until 1977, performing at various times doo-wop, pop, soul, Broadway showtunes, psychedelia, and disco. One of Motown's signature acts, The Supremes were the most successful black musical act of the 1960s [1], recording twelve #1 hits between 1964 and 1969, many of them written and produced by Motown's main songwriting and production team, Holland-Dozier-Holland. The crossover success of the Supremes during the mid-1960s paved the way for future black soul and R acts to gain mainstream audiences both in the United States and overseas.
The Supremes - Diana Ross单飞后,这个组合的名字改为The Supremes
The Supremes The Supremes were a very successful Motown all-female singing group active from 1959 until 1977, performing at various times doo-wop, pop, soul, Broadway showtunes, psychedelia, and disco. One of Motown's signature acts, The Supremes were the most successful black musical act of the 1960s [1], recording twelve #1 hits between 1964 and 1969, many of them written and produced by Motown's main songwriting and production team, Holland-Dozier-Holland. The crossover success of the Supremes during the mid-1960s paved the way for future black soul and R acts to gain mainstream audiences both in the United States and overseas.
Temptations - 诱惑乐队,Papa Was A Rolling Stone……Jackson 5和George Michael翻唱过
The Temptations The Temptations (also abbreviated as "The Tempts" or "The Temps") are an American Motown singing group whose repertoire has included doo-wop, soul, psychedelia, funk, disco, R, and adult contemporary. Formed in Detroit, Michigan in 1960 as The Elgins, The Temptations have always featured five African-American male vocalists/dancers. The group, known for its finely tuned choreography, distinct harmonies, and stylish suits, has been said to be as influential to soul as The Beatles are to rock . Having sold an estimated 22 million albums by 1982 , The Temptations are one of the most successful groups in black music history and were the definitive male vocal group of the 1960s . In addition, they have the second-longest tenure on Motown (behind Stevie Wonder), as they were with the label for a total of 40 years: 16 years from 1961 to 1977, and 24 more from 1980 to 2004 (from 1977 to 1980, they were signed to Atlantic Records). As of 2005, The Temptations continue to perform as an independent act with only one original member, founder Otis Williams, in its lineup.
Stevie Wonder - 瞎子,Motown的大牛人,出名比较早,也是很多人的偶像
Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder is the stage name of Steveland Morris, born on May 13, 1950 in Saginaw, Michigan. He is an American singer, songwriter, producer, musician, humanitarian and social activist. Although his name at birth was Steveland Judkins, he later changed his last name to Morris, his mother's maiden name. Wonder has recorded more than 30 Top 10 hits, won nearly two dozen Grammys, including one for lifetime achievement, and been inducted into both the Rock and Roll and Songwriters halls of fame.









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Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2006-6-12 20:42:38 | 显示全部楼层
我好像听说当年发掘到J5的人事实上并不是Diana Ross 而是Glady Knight 但公司为了起到宣传作用一直都说是Diana Ross发现了J5 Diana Ross的影响力也不用说了。。。。连记者采访的时候年龄都要说假的








Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2006-6-12 21:01:12 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 小爱尔达 于 2006-6-12 20:42 发表 我好像听说当年发掘到J5的人事实上并不是Diana Ross 而是Glady Knight 但公司为了起到宣传作用一直都说是Diana Ross发现了J5 Diana Ross的影响力也不用说了。。。。连记者采访的时候年龄都要说假的
只能說共同發掘。。。 Glady Knight,Bobby Taylor做的是幕后推动,而利用Diana Ross在歌坛的影响力推出了Jackson5。。。。 这笔生意让Berry Gordy赚死了。。。。。。。
飘渺岛主 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-6-20 13:56:06 | 显示全部楼层
灵感啊 抱着亲一个 下一期准备给<滚石>做一篇大专题 各位来帮忙....








Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2006-6-20 14:13:00 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 MkGenie 于 2006-6-20 13:56 发表 灵感啊 抱着亲一个 下一期准备给<滚石>做一篇大专题 各位来帮忙....









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-20 14:23:58 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 东东 于 2006-6-20 14:13 发表 两只又在公开断背鸟~!:lol








Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2006-6-20 14:29:27 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 mystlynx 于 2006-6-20 14:23 发表 再用马甲小心封ID、IP、IQ!
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