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Brand New Exclusive Interview With JOHN BRANCA

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发表于 2007-3-3 20:03:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Read it here: http://www.michaeljackson.hu/english *edit from Sr. Staff* Following MJNewsonline's lead, We have included the entire interview in this thread. While we appreciate the fact that you posted the link to your interview here, MJJForum does not serve as a promotional tool for your site. If you wish to promote your site, please go to our forum, fan and fanclub forum. Brand New Interview With John Branca MichaelJackson.hu conducted an exclusive interview with the most respectable lawyer in the music business. But John Branca is more then that. On a personal note: he is a kind person. - Do You consider Yourself as a Michael Jackson fan in any ways? Have You been impressed by his music and arts? When and how did You meet with him? I've always been a Michael Jackson fan. I began working with Michael in January of 1980 just after the release of "Off The Wall". I'm not sure there's been anybody in the history of popular music who can combine Michael's supreme talents as a singer, performer, songwriter and producer. - Have You ever been on a Michael Jackson concert? I have been to many dozens of Michael Jackson concerts, perhaps as many as 100. While I was working with Michael, I often traveled with him. I was at the "Triumph" tour in 1980, the "Victory" tour in 1984, the "Bad" tour in 1988 and the European tour in 1993. - You were the one who helped Michael to create the most sucsessful music video ever. What do You feel when You see the "Thriller" video? I was integrally involved in helping Michael do the "Thriller" video, not on a creative level but in putting the financial arrangements together that helped make it possible. Michael had a unique vision and was a real pioneer in music videos as an art form. I think "Thriller" to this day is the best music video, or as Michael would say, "short film" ever. It was simple and yet fantastic, complex and yet direct. - If you look back, what do You consider as the greatest thing in Your career? Working with Michael not only on the "Thriller" album but in helping him acquire the Beatles catalog and the merger with Sony, as well as getting Michael the ownership of his masters, are among the accomplishments I am most proud of from my work with Michael. I also helped Michael make the two Pepsi deals which pioneered modern commercial tie-ins for artists. - As it's been widely reported in the media, You are no longer working with Michael. How could this happen? Although I am not currently working with Michael, I wish him well and would certainly help him in any way I could if he asked. I believe Michael has a lot of great music and performances in him. - What's next for You? Where can we hear about you in the future? I've been fortunate my practice is thriving. I've represented 29 members of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame thus far. I'm also representing a number of very important current artists in the industry. But I always felt I had a very special connection with Michael and I look forward to seeing him again soon. In some ways I look upon him as a brother. Visit Mr. Branca's official site at www.johnbranca.com!

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