楼主 |
发表于 2007-6-4 00:47:43
Norm Clarke
June 3 2007
A lot of "ifs" come attached to that proposed six-story, laser-firing Michael Jackson robot. Chief among them: If somebody else will put up the money, and if Las Vegas city and tourism officials buy into it.
In Las Vegas, the land of slick pitches, that adds up to a hard sell.
"It's something that will change Las Vegas forever," said Andre Van Pier, an eccentric New York fashion designer.
For his Friday "press conference" in his room at Planet Hollywood Resort, he had covered the floor, table and bed with dozens of fading press clippings and fashion sketches, mostly from the 1980s. There were few robot drawings.
His dream is to have a multimillion-dollar robot/entertainment complex built on a patch of desert where a gazillion tourists can see it from planes and cars.
"It would have slot machines and music videos. It would be like the Statue of Liberty," said Van Pier, without a hint of a smile.
He's counting on the city "to get involved" because, as he said in his news release, the iconic robot would be "the first step in helping to transform Las Vegas into the city of the future."
After listening to Van Pier's pie-in-the-sky ramblings and celebrity name dropping for an hour plus, I asked him if anyone ever considered him crazy.
"Some people think I'm crazy, but a good crazy," said the 50-something Van Pier, who changed clothes five times during a TV interview the day before.
His partner in the plan, Michael Luckman, is co-executive producer of the Signal to Space Concerts, which will beam live music by major recording artists to the solar system and beyond.
Luckman believes Jackson's music contains coded messages to space aliens.
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