Also in the article: https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/panm5y/michael-jackson-stans-react-to-leaving-neverland-with-bus-ads-and-death-threats?fbclid=IwAR3dKDbJ0oscP9sgFUFkwABvQeZ0_jOg4C49P88_hz_tjPwN2JIJ11GSnnM however, my answers were edited, and when the reporter (clearly convinced by the mockumentary) wrote: "It began to feel like, in spite of all of their talk about evidence, the fans were acting more out of loyalty to Jackson than an interest in the truth," in his article, in order to paint us as "crazy fans" I guess. But I think, "are you kidding me ? We are the actual people who spent decades research, collect and study evidences, transcript and materials, and we have more desire and interest than you and anybody in truth." So I decide to publish the full questions and answers the Vice reporter exchanged with me, for the world to see, and for the record.
Q: What do you like about Michael Jackson? How long have you been a fan?
A: I love his music, arts, genius, gentle soul, philanthropism and big heart. He's always the role model and the light for the entire world. I have been a fan for nearly three decades.
Q: What was your reaction when you found out 'Leaving Neverland' was being released? How are you pushing back against the film?
A: I'm very angry but sad at the same time because it's been ten years since his passing and these people out of woods still don't let him rest in peace. We have organized online and offline fan events, while posting and translating many materials of truth for people to see. I hope people should have open mind to seek truth rather than listening to one-sided narratives.
Q: Are you hoping the film will be cancelled and never aired on TV?
A: Yes, I hope the TV networks can make right decisions and maintain their journalism standards and professional ethics. This four hour so-called documentary is one-sided brainwash stuff without fact-checking and balanced narratives. I do hope to see a fair and balanced TV show. But not this one. This one is just a propaganda tool for the so-called accusers to use for the future appeal for their failed and dismissed lawsuits.
Q: I heard there are going to be protests against the film by some of the Chinese fans. Is this something you're involved in?
A: Yes, we have help funded a London bus ad campagin, where there will be many London bus carrying MJINNOCENT ad touring the city against Channel 4's decision to air the film. We also donated money to support Taj Jackson's documentary series to shed light on the false information and accusations. Also we have nearly 20 cities in China to stage fan protests and we have made it in many cities already. I can share some photos with you and you are permitted to use. And we have many online campaigns to spread the facts and truths.
Q: Dan Reed, the director of the film, said he received "about a thousand" emails from people in China about the film. Do you know if that was the result of a coordinated effort by fans in China?
A: I had humbly asked Chinese fans to write to express their anger and disagreement as well as send the facts and truths to the director. Chinese fans responded to my call actively and positively. But I can't control everyone how they will write to the director. I feel sorry that he received some nasty words or threats (though it's just verbal) and that's not what we wanted, but you know, when some fans are angry, they might do so and it's understandable. We still hoped we can reason with the director and the director can listen to us. But clearly he believed so much in the two liars, and didn't check any facts. This is very unprofessional as jounalist and a documentary film maker. So that he didn't have our respect and I hope he can finally come to his sense what he had done.
Q: Are you at all worried that Wade and James might be telling the truth, and the Michael Jackson fans are actually taking part in a campaign to shame victims of sexual abuse?
A: I don't worry at all about Wade and James' stories because they are liars all the way. They have changed the stories many times all through years. They get many inspirations and lies repeated again and again from Michael's previous two cases and even copied stories from Victor Gutierrez's book -- the man who lost the lawsuit for that Michael sued him for defamation and still owed Michael's money. Wade and James wanted money all the way through, and you can check the estate's filing to see it clearly: You may view the Petition to Compel Arbitration filed today by The Estate of Michael Jackson by clicking here.
I know they have some powerful brainwashing narratives to tell the audience in the film, but the delicate tailored film and words are not facts and evidences in court. By the way, The two men shared the same lawyer and for years, the lawyer coached them well and tried to cover all the loopholes and made consistance in their allegations. My lawyer, as the fellow lawyer in the business, told me this is very very common practice in the their legal business, sometimes the accusers even believed their own lies more than truth after the coaching, that's the best scenario they can achieve. And you know Wade had called himself the Master of Deception, this speaks for itself.
But Michael Jackson is innocent and this was approved in court. He doesn't serve another trial in public opinion. As laws in US didn't protect the deceased's reputation in defaming cases, so the Wades think they can speak whatever they want to taint Michael's legacy.
From what time, the United States and media and people can no longer respect courts, evidence, legal system and even FBI's investigations which prove Michael's innocence? but rather, some of them chose to believe words of liars who intentionally made damaging and extreme allegations to gain attention and sensation?
Michael Jackson fans never want to shame real victims of sexual abuse, we do support them and show the empathy and compassion. We just want to shame real liars, vultures and opportunists. People never imagined and thought how these groundless allegations have been hurting and taking tolls on Michael's family, children, friends and fans (and their families) and all those people who loved him so dearly and cherished him as their own family.
Is there any real media member and documentary filmmakers on the other hand can really think about doing research and investigative work on these liars, vultures and opportunists and reflect on themselves, fairness and real journalism?
Q: I've spoken to two people for the article (Matt Lucas and Anthony King) who have received thousands of tweets, emails, Instagram, and Facebook messages after coming out in support of Robson and Safechuck. How do you feel about these kind of responses? Have you taken part in anything like this yourself? Do you think the fans ever take it too far?
A: I think they asked for it when they didn't look into the depth of the allegations, history and lies. Everyone has their own opinions. If they spoke in the public platforms trying to influence others, then they should have known better they would get backlashes, and hundreds if not thousands of people who disagree with them.
Others, not just fans, can also express their opinions, feelings, truths and facts. That is called freedom of speech. They are public figures so they should weigh in this controversial issue more carefully after looking into and studying more facts, rather than just hearing one-sided story and go commenting. Clearly they didn't do their homeworks well and they also need to listen to what other people are saying and try to seek truth, rather than already making up mindset and being ostrich head in sands.
I didn't take part in anything like this by sending messages to them. but I heard about what they said and I know some fans will go arguing and educating them. Especially Anthony King. He made money off Michael by exploiting his arts, dancing his dance, teaching his dance, publishing books related to him. I actually bought a book from King and now I'm really disappointed. So I guess he should know what Michael really is all through years. Michael is innocent, but may be eccentric in some people's eyes, but he's an artist, and being eccentric doesn't mean criminal. Mr. King knew that and he said he didn't believe Michael's guilty. But he chose this time to stand out against Michael, we have to ask, why now? The reason could be just that he wanted to create some hype and presence for himself in this mess, from my personal opinion.
I don't know how far fans should take it is appropriate for you. But you have to know the true victim of media manupulation and false accusation is Michael Jackson all along, and this man can't defend himself now. Fans just want to remember him in good old memories peacefully as his ten anniversary of passing approached. But the so-called documentary put many of us in a defense mode and sadness and anger. Some media outlets can dream of gaining back manupulation and brainwashing people about how they thought Michael's guilty like they did in 1993. But now is different. It is internet era. Even we are in China, we can also read court scripts, real evidences, FBI investigation files and tons of other facts online and organized these materials well to get the truth out. No lies can stand test of time and careful scrunity in this era, and those opportunists should have known better.