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发表于 2008-1-9 14:58:59
The below quotes are in dated order, from November 2005 through until December 2007.
Michael personally calls Gloria - MJNI president November 2005
Michael then became very excited as he told me about a new song which he had written and which he wanted the fans to know about, saying, "I can't wait to record it. I wrote it during the trial. You could let them know..." The song Michael was inspired to write for the fans during the trial is titled 'You Are So Beautiful.' I asked him to clarify for me - would this song be on the next album? And, this is a different song to the as-yet unnamed charity single? He confirmed "yes" to both questions.
Michael says, "I love the fans and everything they do... everything. I see everything they do, I don’t miss anything. I notice and feel everything, from their letters and posters and signs and gifts."
Michael Jackson speaks to Billy Bush from Access Hollywood October 2006
(asked if he is writting music again) I never stopped (smiles).. I'm always writing a potpourri of music, you know, it's how it is.
Will.i.am speaks to Billy Bush from Access Hollywood October 2006
Something needs to put a jolt back in the music industry. And the only thing that can do that is the jolt itself. The energy that sparked the imagination of the kids that are... me, you know, the Justin Timberlake's, we're all products of this. (Motions to Michael) So the only person that can put that jolt back in to that monstrosity of entertainment and music is the one who created that. (Motions to Michael again)
Michael Jackson speaks to reporters at World Music Awards November 2006
(asked if he has started recording new material) Yes.
(so far its going) Excellent.
(is the king of pop back) Yes.
Im putting it together - mainly writing it myself, and working with other people.
Will.i.am talks to Billboard.com in January 2007
Man, he still sings like a bird. He could go anywhere. I think we have a real opportunity to do something here. It's either gonna be really big or nobody's gonna care. Ain't no middle ground on this one.
Will.i.am speaks to reporters at Cannes MidemNet Conference January 2007
Michael Jackson is working day and night on this great, great record. I heard and see him in the studio and he is creating a masterpiece. A lot of people in the industry are involved or want to be involved. From producers to marketing people.
Raymone Bain statement re: Michael's current career situation 2007
"He hasn't made up his mind about whether a Vegas show is in the cards for him," stated his rep, Raymone Bain. "He's been in the studio since November 2006 working on his music. He's been presented with various proposals. A Vegas show isn't a priority". "He's in Las Vegas now. He's pretty grounded in Vegas. It's very convenient for producers and songwriters to get to him. He's worked there before. He's been recording with producers Rodney Jerkins, will.i.am and Neff-U"
Akon talks to Rolling Stone in April 2007
I'm excited, im highly excited because I think it's gonna be magic when we get together.
All the stuff that he's going through, that he's been through the past two years, the stuff that's been out in the media... the stuff that hasn't been out, I think he needs to just take all that (and) put it in his records. It's a big story.
Nobody's ever really heard Mike's story... People go by what they heard or what they're told but nobody never really heard him and his story, and what captivated all those movements. If he takes that and accepts what's been out there and expresses his opinion, express his feelings, express what he felt on a record I think it'd take his whole album to a whole 'nother level because the album now becomes a soundtrack of his life from that point to this point and that's something people are gonna want to know about - that's something people are going to want to hear from him. And with his voice, and with our melodies, with the way and how we can bring it across I think it would be incredible.
Big Chuck (uncle of Neff-U) re: Michael's new album tracks
(Michael is) ready to take over the world. He's got some hot records. Will.I.Am did one, Teddy Riley (did one). We're giving Michael a lot of edgy street records. He's putting melodies to some hard party records.
Will.i.am revealing two song titles Feb & August 2007
Rolling Stone magazine article published in February of 2007 stated that the pair had drafted eight new songs and physically tracked one, titled "I'm Dreamin'".
On the 13th of August 2007, will.i.am told reporters at a Black Eyed Peas press conference in South Korea that another track he recorded with Jackson is titled "The Future". Another song title that will.i.am has revealed is "Still The King".
Will.i.am speaks to Times Online in August 2007
[Jackson's] voice is still incredible. It’s not about crazy beats that are going be here today and gone tomorrow, but melodies that will stay for a lifetime.
Will.i.am speaking to Ryan Seacrest in August 2007
I went to Ireland to work with Mike, that was a great experience.
We probably did like 3 or 4 songs - 2 of them are (finished)
I dont know when he's gonna put em out, its his project, ya know - I'd put em out tomorrow!
(how is he doin?) Awesome - (how was he to work with?) The freshest.
When i was with him it was super-duper place, ya know - Flying to Ireland, and being there for like a week, this great facility, great studios, great vibe, great atmosphere - it was just the awesomest.
(the songs) Are just feel-good joints - just really feel-good songs. I wrote 2 songs, then he wrote one song, and we wrote one song together.
Will.i.am talks to Rolling Stone magazine September 2007
We’re taking it day by day, we’ve finished some songs. I like what I’m doing, I’m really happy with it, but it’s not my project to talk about. I could be talking about song titles what they sound like and be excited about it, but those songs I made may not make his record and then I look like an idiot.
Will.i.am at Pepsi/BEP press conference 2007
I've done 3 songs with Michael Jackson now, and maybe it will come out next year - we dont know - but ima continue to work with Michael Jackson.. yep.
(asked about the sound of the tracks) I heard it (laughs). Yeah, its pretty amazing, yep. But i cant, you know its Michael Jackson, I cant talk about it.
Will.i.am talks to AP in September 2007
Just working on records, making music, working on stuff for his next project. I'd be like, ''Hey Mike, you like this?'' (He imitates Jackson's voice) ''It's all right, it's cool. But I think we need something a little bit bigger.'' OK, if you don't want it, I'll just put it over here (on my album). Ain't nothing to me, just drag the little folder to the ''will ''folder (laughs)
Will.i.am on German MTV in September 2007
(about jackson's new album) Melodies, it's all about the melodies. About the melodies and the king of grooves you will play 10 years from now - Anticipate 10 years from now.
Kanye West on Michael Jackson October 2007
I'm working on stuff for Michael Jackson. If I like a person's outlet or what a person brings to the table then I'll speak to them.
Will.i.am talks to Sydney (Australia) reporter October 2007
We ... treat Michael Jackson as a new artist and just make songs with infectious melodies. The songs will speak for themselves. I am sworn to silence or Michael is known to get pretty violent (laughs).
Akon to MTV in November 2007
He's a genius. Just to be in the same room [with him], I felt everything I wanted to accomplish in life has been achieved. That aura ... that's how incredible that aura is. We about to shake the world up, man. You know how you be with somebody and you can't even explain [the feeling]? I used to sit and think, 'How does somebody sell so many records and dominate a whole business genre, to a point [where] nobody can't be a part of that without associating with you?' The way he thinks ... some artists think regional, some think national, I was thinking international. He thinks planets. It's on another level."
Michael Jackson talks to Bryan Monrow from Ebony Magazine November 2007
(asked can we expect more of Michael Jackson)
I'm writting alot of stuff right now. I'm in the studio, like, every day. I think, like, the rap thing that is happening now, when it first came out, I always felt that it was gonna take more of a melodic structure to make it more universal, 'cause not everyone speak English. (laughs) And you're limited to your country. But when you have a melody, and everybody can hum a melody, then that's when it became France, The Middle East, everywhere! All over the world because they put that melodic, linear thread in there. You have to be able to hum it, from the farmer in Ireland to the lady who scrubs toilets in Harlem to anybody who can whistle to a child poppin' their fingers. You have to be able to hum it.
Will.i.am speaking to reporters November 2007
The sh** is awesome.
(when will the album be finished?) I dont know. Mike, Mike is ahh, he's real like.. fine-tune king. Whenever he says 'go'.
Ne-yo gives radio interview December 2007
(when asked what he did for Michael Jackson) I can't talk about it. They won't let me, they, you know - He wants to world to be shocked. They said, let it be known that your working with him, but you cant give no song titles, you cant go into detail. And out of respect for the King you, i gotta.. (stops talking) Thats real respect right there.
(asked when its being released) I'm not sure. He's taking his time on it and being extra extra picky, you know. This is gonna be a big album for him - So he's taking his time, yeah.
(asked how many songs he submitted) I've submitted a bunch of songs, you, we have conversations about it but i dont know exactly what he's gonna use.
Akon talks on radio interview December 2007
(asked why he got in late) I was workin on MJ's new project. Yeah man, working on his new project, getting ready to launch his album. Oh man he got a surprise for you guys for Superbowl. Yeah man the guy's about to and take over 2008.
(asked is it a performance) I cant say anything.
I didnt say he was gonna perform. Im not gonna tell you too much, i may have told you too much already.
You see Mike has something totally separate going on, its just happening around the Superbowl time, so, ill give you a hint - His prescence will be felt around that time. |