“我们也许不能在一天之内改变世界。但我们依然可以在今天做出某些改变。以我们微不足道的方式。”——迈克尔杰克逊 "We may not change the world in one day. But we still can change some things today. In our small way." -- Michael Jackson.
我们公开组织了合唱《治愈世界》(Heal The World)活动,有超过百名歌者志愿参加。私下里,我们也询问了一些歌手朋友们,看他们能不能携手共济。很快:杜德伟、丁克森、泽北、WilsonSir、苏怡安、Jeremy、Nikki.和陆韵,欣然答应参与。感谢他们。
我们希望,继续传递MJ带给世界的爱的讯息,给疫情中的所有人带去一点慰藉和鼓励。来听歌吧。 Smile 微笑 致敬 中国战“疫”来自迈克尔杰克逊中文网00:0004:58 MJJCN出品 作曲:查理·卓别林 作词:约翰·特纳、杰弗里·帕森斯 演唱:杜德伟、丁克森、泽北、WilsonSir、苏怡安、Jeremy、Nikki.、陆韵 监制:Keen 制作:Kenny 歌词翻译:Keen、Pbiwdong、Frestylz 顾问:Smeng、廖仕伟、Badthriller、冯杰 鸣谢:LiberianGirl、Janetlee、石晋、速度之魔、秋刀鱼、道道、没什么、蕗蕗 MV制作:刘哲
微笑吧 Smile 尽管你心在痛 Though your heart is aching 微笑吧 Smile 即使你心已碎 Even though it's breaking 纵然天空有云遮挡 When there are clouds in the sky 你也终将守见阳光 You'll get by
若你微笑 If you smile 面对你的恐惧与悲凉 With your fear and sorrows 微笑吧 也许等到明天 Smile and maybe tomorrow 你会发现 生命仍有意义 You'll find the life is still worthwhile 只要你…… If you'll just...
用欢乐点亮你的脸庞 Light up your face with gladness 隐去每一丝悲伤 Hide every trace of sadness 虽然泪水已盈眶 Although a tear may be ever so near 但此时 你须努力坚持 That's the time you must keep on trying 微笑吧 毋凭悲泣 Smile, what's the use of crying? 你会发现 生命仍有意义 You'll find that life is still worthwhile 只要你 If you just
微笑吧 Smile 尽管你心在痛 Though your heart is aching 微笑吧 Smile 即使你心已碎 Even though it's breaking 纵然天空有云遮挡 When there are clouds in the sky 你也终将守见阳光 You'll get by
若你微笑 穿越你的恐惧与悲凉 If you smile through your fear and sorrows 微笑吧 也许等到明天 Smile and maybe tomorrow 你会发现 生命仍有意义 You'll find that life is still worthwhile 只要你 If you'll just 一展笑颜 Smile
值此危难 你须努力坚持 That's the time you must keep on trying 微笑吧 毋凭悲泣 Smile, what's the use of crying? 你会发现 生命仍有意义 You'll find that life is still worthwhile 只望你 If you just
终展笑颜 Smile