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Thanks to 'Baby Bubbles' on MJNEWSONLINE:
昨天晚上英国BBC的第一电台播放了The Beats组合(由Mitchell Brothers和Mike Skinner组成) 的新曲。该曲的名字就叫《Michael Jackson》。该曲由Calvin Harris混音,非常令人上瘾。播放完毕后,电台主播说播音间里的每个人都在走MJ的舞步。
"I wish I could move like Michael Jackson
Spin around have the world in a gaze
I wish I could move like Michael Jackson
Hit the ground, glide across the stage
I wish I could move like Michael Jackson
Getting down with my shoulders shakin
I said, I wish I could move like Michael Jackson
Hee-hee Aoow!
When I took a deep breath, and lifted my head up
That's when I wanted to be the man in the mirror
Right after I saw the zombies in Thriller,
I was no longer scared.
So I got a copy of Bad on VHS
Stayed up watching it to way past ten.
Played the car park scene over again and again,
religiously like a prayer."