发表于 2004-9-8 00:00:00
以下是引用Polaris在2004-9-8 11:46:17的发言:
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就在流行音乐之王Michael Jackson处在猥亵儿童的谣言、诉讼和刑事调查漩涡中心的时候,由当年93事件12岁指控男童叔父Raymond Chandler撰写的一本名为《大曝光:罪行和掩盖》的新书将在5天内正式上市。同时,美国国家级电视网NBC的“日界线”节目将就书中新曝光的“惊人内幕”再作一期电视专题节目。这本因贪婪而恶意写成的书,无疑将再度给Michael Jackson的形象带来负面影响。
The family of a 12-year-old-boy who said he was abused by Michael Jackson a decade ago accepted a $23 million settlement because they were denied a request made to the Los Angeles district attorney for witness protection. That's what the boy's uncle told me last night.
Ray Chandler, uncle of the 12-year-old boy from a decade ago to whom Jackson paid a $23 million settlement, is about to publish a book about the entire episode. In it, he will expose what he described to me last night as "all the facts" of the child molestation case brought on behalf of his nephew against Jackson in 1993.
Among Chandler's claims: Gil Garcetti, then Los Angeles district attorney, refused to put the family into the Witness Protection Program after they'd received numerous death threats. When Garcetti declined, categorizing the threats as minimal, the boy's father decided not to go forward with the case, Chandler says. Santa Barbara District Attorney Tom Sneddon, now prosecuting Jackson on a new child molestation claim, was hamstrung because of Garcetti's decision, Chandler said.
Chandler, brother of the now-24-year-old accuser's father, told me last night he has been estranged from both his brother and nephew for about four years. But when he saw the Martin Bashir special, "Living with Michael Jackson," in February 2003, he felt it was time someone set the record straight. In the special, Jackson held hands with a 12-year-old boy who he said slept in his bed. He also defended having children sleep in his bed and in his room.
"It gave me the willies," Chandler said.
It is presumed that Chandler's brother and nephew signed a confidentiality agreement in 1994 when the settlement was reached between them and Michael Jackson. But Chandler, who practices law in Santa Barbara, Calif., insisted in a phone conversation last night that his book is unauthorized, unsanctioned, and unconnected to the rest of his family.
He said his brother and nephew "are not participating in the book," which will sell from between $14 and $25. Only Chandler will profit it from its sales.
The book, "All That Glitters: The Crime and the Cover Up," will start appearing in bookstores and online around Sept. 12. It is not being issued by an established publisher. Rather, Chandler told me he is self-publishing it in order to control the content. "I had friends in the business read it and they said I would have to water it down to get it published," he told me. "Even though it's based on facts and has evidence to back it up."
The evidence, Chandler said, would be many never-before-seen legal documents concerning the case. After Sept. 12, he's planning to put some of them on his website. These documents will include his nephew's deposition and sworn testimony in the civil case against Jackson that ended in the $23 million settlement.
Chandler told me he's ready to defend himself against skeptics and critics who will no doubt assail him as greedy or disloyal to his family. He said, "This whole thing is never going to end if it's buried. It has to be exposed. It's been written about in other places. All I'm doing is exposing the real facts."
Playing devil's advocate, I asked Chandler why his brother didn't allow the state to go ahead with its case against Jackson in 1993, rather than accept the $23 million settlement and bow out. That one development seems to have fueled DA Sneddon's decade-long desire to see Michael Jackson prosecuted as a child molester. Chandler maintained that his family had been so harassed that they wanted the case to go away quickly.
With Jackson facing a January 2005 trial on charges of child molestation, Chandler's book should cause a firestorm. For one thing, it validates much a previously published book by Victor Guitierrez ?banned in the U.S. ?that chronicled Jackson's relationships with several children, including Chandler's nephew. But Ray Chandler said he did not endorse that book. "Victor Giutierrez is a sleazebag," he said.
Chandler also takes issue in his book with a 1994 article in GQ magazine by Mary Fischer that portrayed the boy's case as something short of extortion against Jackson. "Mary Fischer made a lot of mistakes," Chandler said. "She was extremely sloppy. I think she got a lot of her information from Anthony Pellicano," he said, referring to Jackson's former private investigator who is currently incarcerated. "There was a manipulation of facts."
So this is going to be some wild week for Michael Jackson, considering earlier revelations of payoffs to other children and families. Ray Chandler is determined to tell the story of what happened between his family and Michael Jackson regardless of whether anyone in his family wants him to or not. So fasten your seatbelts, kids. This is only the beginning. |