Exclusive: Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' Plans
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
By Roger Friedman
At last, there’s some real news concerning Michael Jackson and his plans for recording and releasing material. 最终,有点关于MJ要发行什么东西的真实消息了。
So far, Jackson has no plans for a new album, but his die-hard fans will be happy to hear what else is happening. 至今为止,MJ并没有要发行新专集的计划,但他的铁杆会高兴听到其它事情要发生。
Jackson is involved in putting together a 25th anniversary edition of his best-selling album, "Thriller." Those with long memories will recall that "Thriller" is considered the biggest-selling pop album of all time, succeeding Carole King’s "Tapestry" and Pink Floyd’s "Dark Side of the Moon" and breaking every record it came near.
Jackson’s new music attorney, Peter Lopez, told me on Tuesday that about four of the original "Thriller" tracks are being remixed as "extras" for the CD package. Kanye West, Akon and will.i.am of the Black Eyed Peas are supposed to be doing that work. The songs are "Billie Jean," "The Girl Is Mine," "Wanna Be Starting Something" and "Pretty Young Thing."
MJ的新一任音乐界律师Peter Lopez在周二告诉该专栏作者说,将有四首THRILLER专集中的原版歌曲会被重新混音,收在CD套装里。混音工作也许就是由传言的“新专集制作人”Kanye West, Akon和 will.i.am来做。 这四首歌是:"Billie Jean," "The Girl Is Mine," "Wanna Be Starting Something"和"Pretty Young Thing."
In addition, Lopez says that four tracks left off "Thriller" in 1983 will be included. Jackson’s longtime producer Bruce Swedien, who no longer works with the pop star, told me that one track he knows of is a killer. It’s called "Don’t Be Messin’ Around." Swedien doesn’t know any of the other tracks left off the album but said there may be some out there.
此外,Lopez还表示,还有四首在1983年落选《Thriller》的未发行歌曲也将被收录。MJ原先的录音师Bruce Swedien告诉说,其中有一首非常强大,叫“Don’t Be Messin’ Around”。其他将再选三首什么,Swedien并不知道,反正落选的歌曲还有一些。
The whole "Thriller" project is an attempt to resurrect Jackson’s moribund career at a time when he continues to be in financial peril. This column confirmed on Tuesday that Jackson is in hot water again. He owes a $5 million interest payment to Fortress Trust, the publicly traded hedge fund that bought his $272 million loan from Bank of America in April 2005. The payment is due on Oct. 31.
According to my sources, Fortress, however, already has tried to sell the loan, which was refinanced to $325 million in April 2006. A new lender appeared a few weeks ago but since has disappeared. Whether Fortress keeps the loan or sells it, Jackson will have to refinance before Halloween to stay afloat.
My sources say that should happen, but Jackson’s debt load just continues to increase with no hope of ever being reduced.
What’s more, Jackson has no immediate solution to make money. Many older pop stars have found gold in live performances. Elton John, Celine Dion, Gladys Knight and Bette Midler, for example, have made Las Vegas their headquarters. But Lopez, the new attorney, tells me the beleaguered pop star has no interest in touring or performing. "He feels he’s done that," Lopez said.
而且MJ还没有立刻的办法去搞到钱。许多老明星,像Elton John, Celine Dion这些,都到处开唱驻唱的,赚得金盆钵满。但MJ的音乐律师Lopez却说,MJ没有兴趣巡演和表演。“他觉得他已经做过这些事了。”Lopez说。
"Thriller 25" will be issued by Sony because it’s part of that catalog. But Jackson has no recording contract and, frankly, no interest from record companies.
THRILLER 25将由SONY发行,因为属于SONY的老曲库。但MJ现在依然没有唱片合约,也,坦白的说,没有唱片公司对他感兴趣。
我真的有时候会怀疑,他也许根本就连一首新歌都没录!(去年底和那个WILL I AM在录音室装着录新歌的样子,结果当时那些“新歌”现在全部收入WILL I AM自己的个人专集里去了,而且人家都发行了。)
好容易跑去给时尚杂志拍封面了,以为这是他要复出的高调宣传了,结果才是为了庆祝THRILLER 25周年。反来覆去庆祝THRILLER有什么意思?MJ你自己都曾说过把奖杯都扔到地下室去,从来不看,因为往后看没用,要看就往前看。那么先锋的锐意进取的你去哪里了?
如果他自己不站起来,歌迷再怎么支持和为他辩护也没用。不要以为铁杆歌迷的钱好骗,不要以为铁杆的永远铁杆,不要以为铁杆的就没有脑子。市场是残酷的,消费也是残酷的。我今天在这里发誓,没看到你任何新作品之前,我坚决抵制你任何精选/纪念专集! |