FYI: Friedman - Michael Jackson Sued By Bahrain Prince
情况正如以前迈克尔和Myung-Ho Lee and Marcel Avram的事情一样,迈和他们签订了繁复的条约,许诺为他们工作从而换来现金,然后把合伙人搁浅在一边,这两个案子里迈克尔均被起诉并输了官司。
Last year, Jackson lost another case, to former partner Marc Schaffel, who advanced the singer money and was never repaid. Schaffel won the case and a lien on Neverland. He抯 in second place for liens behind Fortress, which has a $25 million attachment to the ranch.
Jackson recently settled another case, with Prescient Capital, a firm that sued him for $48 million in fees
But the suit brought by Prince Abdulla is the worst yet. Here Jackson has consciously betrayed a huge ally who saved him at his lowest point.
How Jackson stiffed Abdulla should serve as a warning to all the singer抯 future or possible defenders. According to the prince抯 claim, Jackson left Bahrain to attend the MTV Japan Awards at the end of May 2006. He was supposed to return, but didn抰.
On July 11, the prince says, Jackson toady Raymone Bain faxed him a letter "aggressively seeking [the prince抯] personal agreement to an express release of from his obligations. ?
When that didn抰 happen, Bain sent another letter, this time stating that Jackson did not intend to work with the prince and "was unwilling to perform or observe his obligations." Another legal letter followed, and that was it.
Source: MJFC / fox news by special permission
[ 本帖最后由 winniejessie 于 2007-10-18 17:55 编辑 ] |