
楼主 |
发表于 2007-11-5 22:07:53
原帖由 winniejessie 于 2007-11-5 21:40 发表
问下Keen 你详细介绍Dangerous的封面故事坛子里有米 :dj
here the interview made by the Michael Jackson Fan Club to Mark Ryden Dangerous designer.
Can you give the fans a little information about yourself? In your own
words, who is Mark Ryden?
There is a Biography and Artist statement on my web site that pretty
much tells who I am, but I guess I would say I am just a guy who loves
to paint. I have always loved to paint and never questioned that that
what I would do with my life. I love to collect things (toys, Medical
things, children's books, figurines, knick-knacs, paper ephemera, etc.)
Yes, I have read your Artist Statement, and find it quite interesting
and inspiring. I noticed a flare for the magical, mystical world.' In
your statement you talk about a magical monkey who does your work and
on to talk about inspirations coming from your collection or playing
with your son. Do you find the innocence of the child's mind an
inspiration to your work?
Children are so creative. They usually don't have all the blocks,
insecurities, and other problems that can hinder the creative process.
What would you say was your biggest influence in becoming an artist?
To BECOME an artist I only really used my own instinct but AS an artist
I have many many influences. I am heavily influenced by classical art.
love David and Ingres. I also look quite a bit at the imagery of
contemporary pop culture.
But yet your paintings stand out from all of these. You paint eyes
are captivating and your images can keep a person entranced trying to
capture the entire feeling that you have painted. I have noticed that
you have painted Jimi Hendrix and Leonardo DiCaprio. Have you ever
considered painting Michael?
It seems like we have many of the same interests. Having that
can be a good basis for a portrait.
When did you first discover that you were an artist?
I had a lot of support for my art from my family and was always told I
was an artist from a very young age.
What process was involved in your being chosen to create the
'Dangerous' album cover? Did you know Michael prior to this work, and
you did, how?
I had previously worked with the Art Director at Sony Music (Nancy
Donald) on several other projects and when she was working on the
Michael Jackson project she thought of me. Michael was shown a
of my work and he liked it very much. I then met with him at his
recording studio where I got to hear a little of the new music and talk
about the idea. From there I had about a week to create some ideas. I
did 5 very elaborate pencil drawings which were shown to Michael. There
was one which stood out which everybody including Michael seemed to
and that is what I painted.
So there were 5 pre' Dangerous drawings? Can you tell us what the
others were like?
They did all seem to be in the same general style as the one I did. One
concept was in more of a Circus Poster motif with a skeleton jumping
of a clown's gut. One sketch focused closer on that girl standing on
hand holding the skull which is in the final version. One idea was
similar to the final except that it was an airy light outdoor scene
Michael's eyes floating in the clouds above Bubbles who was standing on
a heap of animals.
Would you consider yourself a Michael Jackson fan? Do you enjoy his
Yes I do like his music. I like the album "Bad" the most. I like a lot
of the same themes as Michael as well. The "Leave me Alone" video blew
me away when I first saw it. It was very inspirational.
In what way did you find it inspirational? Was it the message that the
video was sending out about Michael being badgered by the tabloids or
was it the imagery of the video?
It was the imagery. The design and subjects were great.
There are several similarities between the "Leave Me Alone" video and
the Dangerous cover. Did this video influence your work on the
What do you think of Michael Jackson, the man?
I think he is a very talented and creative person. I think that he is
overwhelmed with perfectionism and trying to live up to his own
In our visit together we had a lot of similar interests that we talked
about like the movie "freaks" and Disneyana.
Don't you think that all artists strive to live up to their success,
whatever level that may be?
Michael has only himself to compete with, and therefore is always
having to look back at his last accomplishment when moving onto the
'Dangerous' is without a doubt one of the most impressive works ever
done for an album cover. How long did it take you to complete this
project, from start to finish?
It was by far my most ambitious work. The original was large (for me)
three feet square. It took several months to do the entire project
including sketches and everything.
Would you say that this was one of your most ambitious works because
was for Michael, the man you said is overwhelmed with perfectionism and
trying to live up to his own success'? Were you striving for that as
I was actually just trying to live up to my own perfectionism.
Several months on one album cover seems like a long time, yet looking
at the work I can't imagine doing it in that length of time. Is this
of the longest times you have spent on a painting for an album cover?
I never had or ever again did I spend as much time on a cover. The main
problem is that it just doesn't translate into the small cd format and
is just not worth the effort. I was aware of this going into the M.J.
cover but I just didn't let that stop me from going all out on it.
Was the album completed before you did the cover, or were you working
on the cover while Michael was still recording for the album?
Michael was still working on the album while I did the painting. I did
get to hear some of it ahead of time and most of the song titles were
given to me.
Are some of the song titles represented in the painting?
If you look around you can find them.
If the album wasn't completed when you began your work, did you have
the name of the album and if so, was the name any inspiration to your
Yes the Name was one thing that was decided. It did provide a starting
point for the concept.
If the album was completed before you began on the cover, were you
inspired by any of the music on the album when working on the cover?
Yes it was some of the inspiration.
In what way?
If you were to name this painting what would you call it?
Hummmmmmmm. I would have to think about that one. I usually have to
spend quite a lot of time to title my paintings.
From the creator's standpoint, do you think you could call this
Sure, that is what I started with and suits it.
Was this particular project something that you did by hand or are
parts of it that are computer generated?
No computers. Just good old fashioned painting. Many many days of
That is just amazing. The detail in this painting definitely shows
hours of painstaking work. Can you remember what you did to prepare'
yourself mentally before beginning the painting or the sketches? How
you get that magic monkey' to begin work on such an elaborate painting?
I was younger, very energenic, and very enthusiastic about doing the
Can you tell us what medium was used for this painting?
Acrylic on panel.
Was there anything special that you did for this painting? Any special
effects that you don't normally use?
not really.
Where is the original artwork? Does Michael have it?
I still have the original.
Do you keep all your originals that you do for album covers? Do you
plan on keeping this painting? If you do not normally keep the
then why did you keep this one?
The record company only purchases the reproduction rights but they or
someone else can also buy the original, but that is a separate fee.
Did Michael have any input in the design of the 'Dangerous' album
and if so to what extent?
Michael was open enough to just let me go for it on my own. He did
specific additions to the painting after I was finished.
Really? Can you tell us what it was that he added?
He wanted his friend McCauley added in the ride car at the bottom
He wanted the 1998 pin on P.T. Barnum's Tux. The half white/half black
boy was also some thing Michael wanted added. They were a few more
things also.
Can you tell us what the picture and it's different symbols represent?
For example: Who is the man in the tux and why does he have 1998 on
What does the "amusement ride" represent? Who is the "ring master" on
top of the man in the tux, and what does the 7 represent on his hat?
is represented by the bust that is half black and half white, and what
does it mean? What about the animals? Why are the dog and the bird
represented as king and queen? And what does the MJ on the dog's crown
represent? What does the "Birth of Venus" statue represent in this
Well these are all the questions that I am sure you are very anxious
hear explained. I feel that if a painting is explained away something
lost for the viewer. I like the sense of mystery to the symbolism and
wouldn't want that to get lost. It is an important part of the image to
me. I am more interested in how other people interpret the image
There is definitely a sense of mystery to the symbolism! I do
understand your not wanting that to be lost with an interpretation of
the painting. Can you give the fans any ideas about what you were
thinking when doing this? Give them some sense of direction toward the
I am afraid they are on their own! (sorry!)
The entire picture is extremely impressive but, the thing that makes
most unique is the eyes. How did you decide to use only Michael's eyes?
That was part of the original concept decided by Michael and the Art
Director. That is what I began with.
How long did you work on those eyes? They are so lifelike, did you use
a photo of Michael to do this or did you have Michael pose for them?
I had many photographs of Michael to work from.
If asked, would you consider doing another album cover for Michael?
Have you been approached by other artists or representative of artists
because of the Dangerous' cover?
Well, actually in that way the album is a problem. Other bands don't
want an album that looks like something already out there, so I usually
have to try to conceal that I have done it!
How did you get involved with doing CD covers?
I had a portfolio of pretty out of the mainstream work when I graduated
from Art Center. I did one Album cover that became pretty visible
(Warrant's "Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinking Rich") Other Record companies
started contacting me and it just grew from there. |