
楼主 |
发表于 2008-1-4 21:17:49
on the line
前段时间遇到很多不顺心的事情,感叹人怎么会无耻到这种地步,刚开始非常的愤怒,但是听着On the line,我平静下来。Michael遇到那么多困难、羞辱和诬蔑,他都容忍了,那我有什么不能忍的呢。所以最近一直在听On the line。
On the line对我来说是一支励志的音乐作品,Nothing good ever comes easy ,All good things come in due time;只要我努力,只要我勤奋,一起都会好转的,再说塞翁失马焉知非福。
处在困境中,听听on the line
不顺心的时候,听听on the line
得志的时候,也听听on the line
Gotta put your heart on the line
If you wanna make it right
You've got to reach out and try
Gotta put your heart on the line
If you wanna get it right
Gotta put it all on the line |