Ok, I am late: no collector's item last month !
But well, you know what? My "absence" got me a lot of emails and messages from all around the world !
I can' thank you enough for all the kind words, pictures and more you sent.
I'd like to thank Tabatha Jackson for showing me her "Collection" in a way I never thought could exist... But I don't think that it is legal to mention this here...
Ok, I'm late, but I have TWO Coolector's Items for you this month !
Call it a combo, a Fan Deluxe Package, whatever... But here it is !
And this month, I'm going to show you some items geared for the Number Ones promo.
Sure you know what Number ones is all about: posters, double promo LP, Twelves promo Box Set... But there was more !
"Watch this...."
1: Ad Lib : published in Japan in January 2004, the magazine is full of MJ articles and pictures. You have to read through the pages and find them. The mag includes a complete retrospective of MJ Ad Lib covers, a complete Discography, and not to be forgotten: a special written "interview": MJ actually wrote down answers to questions addressed to him during the Thriller era. It's always cool to read about MJ... In his own words, and in his own writing....
2- Number Ones whistles: well, tha's some goodies! I love those ones ! I remember the day I catch them in London during the MJNI party in November 2003. You have them in lots of colors. I'd say the different colors fit the Invincible covers design, but they look good for Number Ones as well.
I love to have them with me when I go to the club... You can also use them to stop traffic, very useful when you are not english and try to cross a road in England. Maybe that's why those whistles were produced for... ?
Now it's done: you'll look at Number Ones in a different way. Keep in mind that whenever there is a CD, there is a Goddy ! |