Surname (first character)
Given Name (middle character)
fill; full, satisfied
Given Name (last character):
You were born in the Year of the Dog
Why is the zodiac sign different than I expected?
Why do I keep getting different names?
Hello, michael jackson! Above is the Chinese name which was "inspired" by your English name. Chinese uses characters rather than an alphabet, so names cannot be directly translated from English to Chinese. However, Chinese characters can be chosen which approximate the English pronounciation, which is what this program does.
Chinese names generally have 3 characters. The surname, which is usually 1 character, comes first. Next are one or two characters which are chosen by the parents (or the grandparents in traditional Chinese culture). This program chooses the surname and given names according to the spelling of your name and the characteristics you choose. The selection is not unique though. Everytime you use this tool, you will likely get a different name. So if you don't like the first name you get, try again.
This page is mostly created for entertainment. Real Chinese names should be chosen by someone who knows the nuances of Chinese language and culture. Ask a native speaker if you want a Chinese name you will actually use. Also, this tool will not translate Chinese names written in English back to their original Chinese form.
If you came to this page directly, you might also enjoy visiting some of my other tools for learning and using Chinese. Please visit my guestbook if you have comments or questions about this tool.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-4 14:21:13编辑过]