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mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-11-5 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
http://www.mjdb.cn/ep3.mov 00:07 - 20th Century Fox Logo 00:09 - Lucasfilm Logo 00:14 - "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." 00:19 - Luke Skywalker in ANH walks out to view the binary sunset on Tatooine. 00:23 - Obi-Wan Kenobi in ANH speaks to Luke about the Jedi. 00:26 - Qui-Gon Jinn in TPM brandishes his saber before the final duel with Darth Maul. 00:27 - Shot from AOTC of the Clonetroopers walking into the transport. 00:29 - Shot from AOTC of the Clonetroopers at the end of the movie with transports lifting off in the background. 00:23 - First Revenge of the Sith shot of Obi-Wan and Anakin with their backs toward the camera, walking up to a window during the day. 00:36 - AOTC shot of Anakin looking evil just before the Tusken slaughter. 00:38 - AOTC shot of Anakin riding the Swoop on Tatooine. 00:41 - ANH Obi-Wan continues his voice-over. 00:42 - Second Revenge of the Sith shot. A hooded Anakin turns to the camera with red and yellow eyes much like Darth Maul's. 00:50 - Shot of erupting volcanoes on Mustafar. 00:56 - Geonosians ride giant beetles in a Mustafar lava field. 00:58 - Black screen with Darth Sidious saying "Lord Vader?" followed by Vader's "Yes Master?" and Sidious' "Riiiiise". 01:04 - Darth Vader, strapped to a table, begins to rise. 01:05 - A hooded Obi-Wan looks up. He is in a darkly lit area with sunlight seen in the background. This is possibly a location on Utapau. 01:06 - Palpatine turns to look at the camera. 01:07 - Vader continues to rise. 01:08 - R2D2 on the Tantive IV. 01:08 - C3PO on the Tantive IV. 01:09 - Padme turns to look at Obi-Wan with a terrified look on her face. 01:09 - Mace Windu raises his saber above his head. This shot is inside Palpatine's office. 01:10 - Vader continues to rise. 01:11 - Chewbacca and Tarfful. 01:12 - Yoda, in Palpatine's doorway, opens his cloak to reveal his saber. 01:13 - Vader finishes his rise and locks into frame. 01:17 - Two starfighters speed past the camera during the Battle of Coruscant. 01:18 - Anakin kisses Padme. 01:19 - Yoda, in Palpatine's office, pulls out his ignited saber and points with it. 01:19 - A starfighter in the Battle of Coruscant speeds along the hull of a capitol ship towards the camera. 01:20 - Mace Windu fights against a red lightsaber in Palpatine's office. 01:20 - A large Wookiee army cheers on the Kashyyyk beach. Republic walkers and troop transports can be seen in the background. 01:21 - Tion Meddon snarls at Obi-Wan. 01:22 - Flaming capitol ship heads into Coruscant with a fire ship spraying water on it. 01:22 - A very angry Anakin does an overhead slash with his saber. 01:23 - R2D2 in a grimy area. 01:24 - Padme, with a ANH Leia haircut, hugs Anakin. 01:24 - A small Naboo cruiser flies away from Mustafar. 01:25 - Obi-Wan and Anakin, both with blue sabers, fight on Mustafar as lava erupts around them. 01:26 - Capitol ships fire on each other above Coruscant. 01:27 - Anakin grab's Obi-Wan's neck with his robotic arm. 01:27 - A "Tri-fighter" flies toward the camera during the Battle of Coruscant. 01:28 - Obi-Wan held near the ground by Anakin. 01:29 - Anakin holds Obi-Wan's saber arm as he continues to force him to the ground. 01:30 - A starship hanger door slams shut. 01:30 - A very angry Darth Sidious swings his red lightsaber at something possibly small and close to the ground. 01:31 - A large explosion on a capitol ship above Coruscant. 01:36 - Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith logo.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-5 13:57:47编辑过]

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发表于 2004-11-15 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
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