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mkgenie 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-11-5 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
《指环王3国王归来》加长版预告片来了!! 下载地址: http://progressive2.stream.aol.c ... K_Extend_700_dl.mov 今年12月发行 4碟,50分钟加长镜头和情节(包括很多震撼战斗场面和更充实的情节!!) 以及超过20个小时的花絮!
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-5 23:45:03编辑过]

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mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-5 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
翻译了一篇一个已经看过该加长版的外国影迷的评论:我不知道是不是来对了地方,但我凭借自己的职业之便,于最近刚看过了《国王归来》的全新加长版,我想我得让你们了解一些东西。我曾经在电影院里看过一次它的剧场版,然后又带着我的孩子去看了两遍,但我必须得承认加长版更加的优秀,因为它把你之前认为的那一切松散的部分都连成了整体,让你认为已经不错的地方更加杰出,并加入了许多精彩的新镜头。许多角色都从这部加长版本里获益扉浅,其中法拉米尔、德勒瑟、伊欧文和梅里非常突出。 在看完加长版后,我最喜欢的角色变成了德勒瑟摄政王。关于他的新镜头让他更有深度,我简直不能明白究竟为什么当时他们要把他的戏份剪辑掉。在我看来,我们更多地了解到了德勒瑟,比其他任何角色都了解得多。我们了解到更多关于他的新故事的途径并非只通过新加入的他的镜头,而且还从法拉米尔那里了 解到,这我认为是非常不错的手法。同时,我必须给饰演德勒瑟的演员加分,因为他说了整套三部曲里最冷酷的台词:在加长版中,当他知晓城市的最初几层已经烈焰汹汹,且士兵开始弃守时,他说了这样的话:“为什么这些笨蛋要逃跑?他们应当坚立并面迎烧炙,因为他们必须烧炙。”精彩。他还和他的儿子有一番激烈而出彩的对白,非常戏剧化。甚至扮演波罗米尔的肖恩·宾也以最令人意外的方式被提起而重现。 “康复之屋”的情节也回来了,而且不错。因为它将让你在电影中的两大战役的间歇稍有喘息。阿拉贡展示了他的医术,这让我们意识到他确实配作国王,而非徒有虚名。这新加入的一段戏是法拉米尔和伊欧文温存的瞬间,当时他们正都在疗伤。这为此两位角色有了一个美好的结局,也让扮演他们的角色大放异彩。 当然你也一定听说了撒鲁曼的情节被重新安插回了电影,但我告诉你,这段戏将会有5分多钟长……撒鲁曼想再次拉拢甘道夫,但是甘道夫这次可不上当。同时,甘道夫借此机会让自己成为了中土的巫师之首,当他这样说道时,“我不再是被你出卖过的灰袍甘道夫,而是来让你出局的白袍甘道夫。”之后,该戏出现了戏剧化的转折,你将凝神屏气地观看这一段,直到撒鲁曼遭遇灭顶之灾,化作灰烬。 在加长版里还会引入一个新角色:“索荣之嘴”。他骑着一匹高大的黑马走出黑门,并为他的主人(巨大的索荣火眼)代言。“索荣之嘴”讥笑了护戒同盟的成员,并让他们相信佛罗多已经在无尽的折磨后死去。他还特别对阿拉贡说了些可憎的言辞。 还有什么可说的呢?“亡者之道”那段有些像印第安·琼斯系列,有着新的危险和陷阱。还有一场和海盗的激战非常之酷,因为它将向你展示阿拉贡是怎样拿下那支后来载他去王者之都Minas Tirith的船队的。 佛罗多和山姆的旅程更具戏剧性,他们穿越魔多烈焰之地那一段被加长了不少。还有很多关于Minas Tirith的背景故事。阿拉贡则在炙热的水晶球里直面了魔王索荣,而甘道夫也遭遇了新的挑战,戒灵王从天而降要与之交锋(这一段你不看会死不瞑目的,它简直太酷了)。

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Rank: 4

发表于 2004-11-11 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Sometimes you've got to sacrifice the things you like
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-26 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层









Rank: 4

发表于 2004-11-28 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Sometimes you've got to sacrifice the things you like
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-30 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-12-3 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
最后一个6分钟预告片下载的链接直接贴出来,方便大家观看...:D http://progressive2.stream.aol.com/newline/gl/newline/lordoftherings/ReturnOfTheKing/videos/NoMansExtndCut_300_dl.mov 再来一个大的...:p http://progressive2.stream.aol.com/newline/gl/newline/lordoftherings/ReturnOfTheKing/videos/NoMansExtndCut_700_dl.mov------------------------------
mkgenie 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-12-3 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Transcript of the Return of the King Extended Edition Preview.... Hidden behind the cut, for length reasons, obviously! Enjoy! SPOILERS BELOW!!!!!!!!!! (( Soundtrack music plays throughout trailer )) Saruman: So you have come here for information.... I have some for you. Something festers in the heart of Middle-earth.....something that you have failed to see. You are all going to die. Sam: Mr. Frodo, what is it? Frod Just a feeling......I don't think I'll be coming back. Faramir: I would not use the Ring....not if Minas Tirith were falling in ruin and I alone could save her. Denethor: Boromir would have brought me a kingly gift. (( Frodo and Sam marching with the Orcs )) Frodo( desperate sounding ): Sam, help me. MOS: My master, Sauron the Great, bids thee welcome Aragorn: Long have you hunted me.... Long have I elluded you. But no more. Behold the Sword of Elendil! PJ: The Return of the King has always been the longest of the 3 movies. We had more footage for this movie than the other two, and so therefore,um, there were more choices available to us for the Extended Version. So we went through and I applied the same rationale as I have on the previous 2 movies, which is to basically put in scenes that I thought would be fun for people to see. Aragorn: You may go no further. You will not enter Gondor. Corsair: Who are you to deny us passage? Barrie Osborne: That was the most difficult thing to cut because, of course, the guy that gets shot is none other than our director, Peter Jackson. EW: The things that end up getting cut out are the things that tend to be kind of character development moments, but I love those moments. Eowyn: There is no warmth left in the Sun. Faramir; Tis just the damp of the first Spring rain. I do not believe this darkness will endure. PJ: The Mouth of Sauron is a particularly nice little sequence too....it's a memorable scene from the book. EW: It's this very creepy, awful creature that's unlike anything that we've seen in the movie thus far. MOS: I have a token I was bidden to show thee. Pippin(gasping): Frodo... Vigg Additional material in the Paths of the Dead is significant.. And some of the words in that scene - many of them - are directly from the book, which I always like. Legolas: You shall call them from the grey twilight... the forgotten people... The heir of him to whom the oath they swore. Need shall drive them. They shall pass the door to the Paths of the Dead. Richard Taylor: If the scene wasn't amazing enough, Peter decided that, uh, within the catacombs, there should be this massive earthquake. (Viggo calls out.) Christopher Lee; And everyone, all over the world - I think I'm pretty safe in saying this - is waiting for the final confrontation between Saruman and the Fellowship. Well, in the Extended Version, they will see that. Gandalf: Come down Saruman, and your life will be spared. Saruman: Save your pity and your mercy, I have no use for it! PJ: Let's face it, ROTK was always a little short, I mean, so, we did have to compensate, so we've now put an extra 50 minutes, I think, back in it. The 50 minutes of extra footage, basically equates to half of a major film, because within that 50 minutes, there's something like 300 extra visual effects shots. PJ: Alongside the, the movie itself is obviously our Appendicies, our documentaries on the making of the film and they, too, come to a conclusion, and they chart the fulfillment of this project. Rick Porras: Just like the Return of the King is the conclusion to what happens with the Fellowship, the Appendicies in the Extended cut is basically the conclusion to our own personal story in the making of these films. Sean Astin: In terms of the audio commentary, and some of the behind the scenes footage, and these interviews, there's this unbelievable, loving living breathing archive, and, uh, I love that. PJ: The documentaries, and the appendicies, on these Extended cuts has maintained the integrity and the quality of what we've tried to acheive with the feature films. We wanted our movies to be good and we wanted our documentaries to be good. And to just be able to share with people what we went through making this film. Billy: Its almost as if someone made a family movie, while we were making the movie, so when we have kids ( meaning him and Dom ) - I don't mean together of course - we'll be albe to look at these things and say "This is what we did, you know, when we were in New Zealand.... Look at us.....Look how beautiful I am!" Barrie: So for us, this is a really personal document, the DVD, that in a way especially the appendicies, documents this trip we've taken. EW: It was an amazing experience, something I hold very close to my heart, so, the fans you know and all of us, can allow the films and the experience to sort of live on in these DVDs. ((Eagle Rescue song here )) Sam: Mr. Frodo, there is light, and beauty up there, that no shadow can touch. Merry; I know it is too late to turn aside, I know there is not much point now in hoping. (but) Im a Hobbit, and I know that I cant save Middle Earth. I just want to help my friends.....more than anything, I wish I could see them again. (( Beacon music plays under this, no words )) Gandalf: Go back to the Abyss......fall into the nothingness that awaits you and your Master! WK: This is my hour!
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