另一个MOTOWN传奇走了.他就是著名的公关人BOB JONES, 他为MOTOWN的公关宣传写出过辉煌的篇章
MJ歌迷对他有着特别的感情, 他本是MJ最忠实的朋友和师长, 并从1987年起开始担任MJ自己的音乐制作公司MJJ PRODUCTIONS的副总裁, 并帮助MJ公关和安排歌迷活动,一度被认为是MJ最得力的干将.
2004年, 他和MJ的关系僵化, 并被解雇. 在MJ身陷娈童案期间, 他甚至在2005年伙同一个电视记者Stacy Brown写了一本名叫<面具后的男人>, 声称亲眼见证过"MJ对小男孩有不正当行为". 作为一个老雇员和数十年来一直在MJ身边的亲信, 他的证词对MJ来说当然更具杀伤力, 于是检察官特地把BOB JONES安排出庭, 企图证明MJ有罪. 但BOB JONES上庭以后, 对所有关键问题都支支吾吾, 无法给出可信和准确的答复, 最终让检方没有得逞. 最终MJ也被判无罪.
现在, 他死了.
而他的同伙Stacy Brown, 则曾预言MJ将活不过十年.
ANOTHER MOTOWN LEGEND HAS PASSED: Publicist-author Bob Jones reportedly dies of heart attack.
*On the heels of the death Tuesday of famed producer Norman Whitfield, another Motown legend has passed. EUR has just learned that Bob Jones, who - for years - ran the label's PR department, died Saturday of a heart attack.
As of this posting, official details are not available. However, EUR was told by a source that Jones died in his garage after coming back from riding his bike
After his long stint at Motown, in 1987 Jones left the lable to work with Michael Jackson at MJJ Productions. In 2004, the association went sour and he was terminated, according to Wikipedia.
In 2005, Jones, along with writer Stacy Brown published a very unflattering book about Jackson called "The Man Behind the Mask." It was promoted as a true insider's account because Jones had spent a total of 34 years with the superstar.
EUR will have more details as they become available. |