2009年3月26日 - 据国外媒体报道,“流行音乐之王”迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson)在英国的演唱会还未拉开帷幕,就有传言万千。昨天,一则关于他要骑着非洲大象出场的谣言立刻就招来了一个动物保护组织协会的警告。
传言称,迈克尔·杰克逊计划在演唱会的“丛林部分”演出时骑着一头非洲大象出场。这立刻遭到了动物保护组织协会PETA(People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals)的反对。据昨天小报《每日镜报》绘声绘色的报道,计划的具体细节为:“他希望把这台演唱会做成最壮观的演唱会。在‘原始丛林’段,他想骑着一头非洲大象上台,同时前方有戴着黄金锁链的黑豹开路。鹦鹉和其它各种飞鸟在他背后飞翔。如果一切真的成功了,那将看上去非常惊人。”
(作者:Keen 来源:MJJCN.com)
MICHAEL JACKSON has been urged to reconsider his plans to use a range of live animals in his forthcoming shows.
It was recently reported that the eccentric singer wanted to make his stage entrance on an elephant, as well as using tropical birds, snakes and a panther.
However, the Captive Animals' Protection Society has claimed that it is not appropriate to use animals in such a way.
In a statement, Craig Redmond, campaigns director for the group said: "Exploiting animals in this way really is a thing of the past and not something such a high profile star should be doing.
"This would be like an animal circus, a practice opposed by most people in the UK"
It recently emerged that some of the Thriller star's most iconic outfits are to be on display ahead of an auction.
The items will be exhibited to the public at the Hard Rock Cafe in Times Square New York this week. |