英文学名: Potassium cyanide
氰化钾对机体的作用与氰化钠相似。一旦摄入 100–200 mg 的氰化钾后,意识会在1分钟,甚至10秒内丧失,这取决于身体的免疫力的强弱和胃中所剩余的食物的多少。在之后的45分钟左右内,中毒者会陷入昏迷或深度睡眠,并且如在两小时内得不到有效治疗,就会死亡。在这个过程中,会出现抽搐的症状。死亡原因多为心脏停止跳动。
KCN can be detoxified most efficiently with hydrogen peroxide:: KCN + H2O2 → KOCN + H2O
Cyanide is a potent inhibitor of cellular respiration, acting on mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase and hence blocking oxidative phosphorylation. This prevents the body from oxidising food to produce useful energy. Lactic acidosis then occurs as a consequence of anaerobic metabolism. Initially, acute cyanide poisoning causes a red or ruddy complexion in the victim because the tissues are not able to use the oxygen in the blood. The effects of potassium and sodium cyanide are identical. The person may die within two hours if not treated medically. During this period, convulsions may occur. Death occurs mainly by cardiac arrest.
注意粗体字Cardiac arrest (心脏停止跳动) : 就是MJ去世的官方解释
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