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MICHAEL JACKSON疑被CIA谋杀!!你相信吗??最新为8.13日(页面更新见第一页开头)

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发表于 2009-7-12 00:15:19 | 显示全部楼层
他肯定是被谋杀的啦 毫无疑问 不然我实在想不通他是怎么死的
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发表于 2009-7-12 00:16:52 | 显示全部楼层
★Michael,you are my hero!Forever!★
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-12 01:08:51 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 青岛MJ 于 2009-7-12 01:15 编辑


这是我见过的最好的最值得去深深体会的帖子,谢谢发此帖楼主,让我更加感受到MICHAEL的思想本质,一个伟大的拥有慈爱非常博学识广的[哲学艺人]!!!!!!他真的是已经站在了政治之上!!看看新闻吧,如今的世界已经变成什么样子了?战争,宗教冲突,政变,环境污染,犯罪,病毒扩散,生物群种灭绝等等等等,遍体鳞伤~~~世界在倒退,整个地球正在受到威胁!必须需要拯救它,我们需要团结在一起,需要一股更大力量来维护我们的唯一生存的地球,我们期待和平,我们期待美好的生活,这需要一个漫长的过程,实现这些以前我们第一步所要做的就是捡起那快要破碎的“LOVE”!!就象拼图一样,每一人一块,去用心拼起它!就是它!!THIS IS IT!!团结!!我们要团结!全世界要团结!!让我们现在扭曲的心灵现在就停止吧!!!!!!!!!!!!

曾经在我还是孩子的时候,我的朋友的家人是天主教徒,当时他们带我去了天主教堂,那是我第一次去,我感到了它的神圣与美丽,虽然那时我不知道耶稣是谁,更不知道上帝和玛利亚是做什么的,但我能深深的感觉到一股神秘的力量,那种感觉至今也无法让我忘记,也许是壁画带来的神圣,也许真有上帝存在,但我始终无法理解天主教和基督教为何不能成为一个教派?大家无非都是信仰上帝的,为何又要分开来信仰?也许我需要把英、法、意等历史再搬来看看才能知道,它在几百年以前就已经是不可调和的矛盾,有说基督教才是真教,有的说天主才是,各自都有非常充分的理由来说明自己的教派有多么的伟大与神圣,一旦谈到别的教派就能看出比较排斥的表情,这是我对中国信仰基督和天主教的教徒的印象,他们一直认为只要天天念那些福音就可以圆满的回归到天堂中去,当时小我不明白,现在的我还是不明白,我们这里信仰的基督教的人大部分都是有钱人,韩国人也挺多,开的车都很豪华,我也很奇怪基督教到底是为穷人开的还是给这些有钱人作为消遣用的?是不是加入了就代表你是贵族了?那基督死的时候有多惨烈都是死给你们有钱人看的?我有时候一到圣诞节就去基督教堂或是天主教堂去看看热闹,我不是教徒所以去哪个教堂都无所谓,但无论你信不信他们那里的气氛的确很让人感动,鼓舞人心,那个时候我很希望能成为一个教徒,苦恼自己选择哪一个好,很奇怪我为什么会有这么个疑问,到现在没有一个基督或是天主徒能真切告诉我信仰上帝或是耶稣到底是为了什么?行善?是的,这不假,但佛教也有这样的思想理念不是吗?那大家为何不去信佛呢?于是我糊涂了,到底该信仰哪个神?于是后来我变成了无神论者,我不知道为什么会演变成这样,或许太多的信仰有太多的理由都说自己的神有多么的神圣与伟大,让我不得不选择只相信命运是掌握在自己手中这个概念,但我感觉人活在这个世界上,真的是件很不容易,甚至可以说是很痛苦的事情,所以你必须有一种信念一直保持在心中,去按照这种信念一直活下去乐观的面对痛苦,我希望人能有自己的信仰,无论你是否相信它(上帝或基督)真的存在;对于生活在西方的MICHAEL来说,他的信仰就是圣经,就是耶稣,他一直坚信世间的一切都会被爱感化,是的,圣经所传达的所以福音也都是这样,无论他是真的把圣经看到了走火入魔了也好,或者说他真的读懂圣经也好,他的思想始终都是想改变现今这个正在被摧残的世界,无论他自己是否能承受得住,他都要尽自己的全部力量去挽救它,这就是他的生存理念,他不断感化,不断去爱,不断去宽容,不断去传播自己对信仰的理解和思想,一直以来他坚持了下来,但最后还是被钉在了十字架上,这就是基督最后的命运,用牺牲生命——死亡来拯救世间一切罪恶的灵魂,原谅所有对他伤害的人,看看基督在最后的晚餐那个时刻,是多么的淡定与从容,即使是面对背叛他的犹大,他仍用他那仁慈的心去做到最大限度的宽容,正如LISA所说的,MICHAEL知道自己的命,如果世界需要牺牲一个人来拯救这个世界,MICHAEL毫无疑问第一次个愿意做出这个牺牲,MICHAEL演绎了一个现代版的基督,他扮演的非常出色,他的智慧与宗教哲学理念一直影响着他自己,以及身边的人,和我们,他用WE ARE THE WORLD诠释了世界本是一家这个简单得不能再简单但却得不到实现的话题,这需要的不只是他一个人的努力能够实现的,是需要我们大家共同去团结继承MICHAEL的信仰去走出这条路!
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发表于 2009-7-12 02:29:30 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 c-lover-mj 于 2009-7-12 02:31 编辑

楼大,你们那里信的人都是有钱人并不代表每个地方都是这样子,我也是信基督教的(虽然我没有迈那么虔诚,并且对很多的教义以及圣经的理解还很泛泛),但是我们这整个地方很多人都是信耶稣的(其中的这些人很多都不是有钱的,甚至是贫穷的)。 我觉的你太以偏概全了。

      I  can feel  your  Halo~
             Pray it won't  fade away~
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发表于 2009-7-12 02:50:16 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-7-12 03:06:42 | 显示全部楼层
289# 青岛MJ

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-12 03:49:47 | 显示全部楼层
楼大,你们那里信的人都是有钱人并不代表每个地方都是这样子,我也是信基督教的(虽然我没有迈那么虔诚,并且对很多的教义以及圣经的理解还很泛泛),但是我们这整个地方很多人都是信耶稣的(其中的这些人很多都不是 ...
c-lover-mj 发表于 2009-7-12 02:29

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-12 04:10:33 | 显示全部楼层

Surely you've heard of the secret, seven-story deep bunker that Elvis Presley had built underneath Graceland, prior to faking his own death?

You can believe the mainstream media if you want, or you can believe that he faked his own death in order to escape a) bill collectors,
b) the pressure from his planned “reemergence,”
c) the supreme daily pain-in-the-assness of being a ultramegasuperduberstar, and/or
d) any or all of the above, plus
e) any other rationales, realistic or feverish, that might be attributed to a man of Michael Jackson's demeanour, for wanting to pretend to be dead when he is not, in fact, dead.
二)的压力,他计划“卷土重来” ,
c )在最高每日疼痛中的- assness成为ultramegasuperduberstar ,和/或
d )任何或所有上述情况,加上
e )任何其他理由的,现实的或发烧,这可能是由于一个人的迈克尔杰克逊的行为举止,为想假装死了的时候他不是,事实上,死亡。

Here the Daily Mail outlines some of the rumours:The Kings of music: Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson live on through rumour and conspiracy
LIVING IN A BUNKER WITH ELVIS PRESLEY Internet site 68comeback reported that Jackson was living in a ' bunker' with Elvis Presley.It wrote: 'Surely you've heard of the secret, seven-storey-deep bunker that Elvis Presley had built underneath Graceland, prior to faking his own death?J lives there now with Elvis and certain other "dead" celebrities. You don't have to be sad for him any more.
这里每日邮报概述一些谣言:国王音乐:埃尔维斯普雷斯利和Michael Jackson的生活通过谣言和阴谋
生活在一个安葬埃尔维斯普雷斯利的因特网网址68comeback报道说,杰克逊是生活在一个'钻'与猫王Presley.It写道: '当然,你听过的秘密,七层深的沙坑的埃尔维斯普雷斯利建造了地下格雷斯兰之前,伪造自己的死亡? J生活,现在的埃尔维斯和其他一些“死”名人。

ON THE RUN AS A NUN  运行方式假扮尼姑
Minutes after his death at 2.27pm Pacific Time in Oakland, California, Dwight Santos - an unemployed toilet cleaner - told reporters at the UCLA Medical Centre that he had seen Jackson emerging from a back door of the hospital disguised as a nun.He told those who would listen that the singer was heading for a Caribbean island where he planned to live as a fruit seller called Thomas Di Loco.
FLED BY JETPACK TO LIVE WITH ESKIMOS Moments later, another fan called Elisa Chan claimed she had seen Jackson strapping on a jetpack and flying to Los Angeles airport. From there he was going to visit his birthplace of Gary, Indiana, before flying to Greenland to live with Eskimos.

Hollywood blogger Perez Hilton alleged Jackson was 'pulling a stunt' in order to get out of his concert commitments at the O2 in London .好莱坞的Blogger 佩雷斯希尔顿指控杰克逊是'拉特技'为了摆脱他的演唱会承诺在O2在伦敦 。

*there's a very rich back story, including rosters of 'dead' celebrities who aren't really dead and the top secret megacelebrity retirement communities to which they have been relocated, lists of (and interviews with) the go-to experts with whom celebrities consult in order to fake their own deaths, previously unreleased 'death strategies,' photographs from Disco Night in the big Graceland underground retirement complex, top secret blueprints of said building (including state of the art Sunshine Intake System) and lots, lots more! I'd be happy to share it all with you, in the form of a tell-all book.
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发表于 2009-7-12 04:36:44 | 显示全部楼层
294楼的意思是。。。。。 晕 我觉的世界上没什么事是不可能的 不知道为什么 我就感觉他就没死 越看他的东西这样的感觉越强烈 就是没死 不知道为什么 第六感??。。。。。。
想在凄迷的夜 喝一杯冰凉的酒 让泪水混进你的名字
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发表于 2009-7-12 04:55:42 | 显示全部楼层
I‘ll be there……Will you be there……
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-12 18:16:00 | 显示全部楼层
La Toya Jackson: Michael was murdered... I felt it from the start  迈克尔被谋杀...我从一开始就觉得

La Toya Jackson: Michael was murdered... I felt it from the start

The grieving sister of superstar Michael Jackson last night blamed ‘a shadowy entourage’ of manipulative hangers-on for effectively ‘murdering’ the King of Pop.

In a moving and revealing interview, La Toya Jackson, who was closer to her vulnerable brother than anyone else and was asked to sign his death certificate, portrayed Michael as a lonely and isolated figure at the mercy of a money-motivated clique.

She accused them of cutting him off from his family and friends and forcing him, largely against his will, to sign up for the gruelling commitment of 50 concerts at London’s O2 arena.

She believes her brother was fed addictive drugs by handlers who wanted to control his moods. She says they regarded him as a ‘cash cow’ and exploited him at every turn. It was this, she believes, that led directly to his death.

Speaking out: La Toya Jackson says she wants to expose the truth

Last week, Los Angeles police chief William Bratton confirmed that investigators had not ruled out homicide. Under Californian law, murder also covers killings that were not premeditated, which would be classed as manslaughter under the British legal system.

Though the formal state autopsy’s results will not be known for two weeks, La Toya has had a private autopsy conducted.

She received the results on Friday and although she won’t comment on the details until the police conclude their investigations, she did reveal that four fresh needle marks were found on Michael’s neck.

Fighting back tears, La Toya, 53, said: ‘I believe Michael was murdered, I felt that from the start. Not just one person was involved, rather it was a conspiracy of people.

He was surrounded by a bad circle. Michael was a very meek, quiet, loving person. People took advantage of that. People fought to be close to him, people who weren’t always on his side.

‘Less than a month ago, I said I thought Michael was going to die before the London shows because he was surrounded by people who didn’t have his best interests at heart.

‘Michael was worth more than a billion dollars. When anyone is worth that much money, there are always greedy people around them. I said to my family a month ago,

“He’s never going to make it to London.” He was worth more dead than alive.’
La Toya revealed Michael himself ‘never believed he would live to be an old man’ and feared he would die in his fifties.

'Vultures': La Toya claims manipulative hangers-on hooked her brother on drugs and made him their 'cash cow'

She says: ‘By the end, Michael was isolated from his family. He had no real friends. He was the loneliest man in the world.  I knew something terrible was going to happen.’

While there has been much speculation in the two weeks since Jackson’s death, less than 12 hours after he completed a punishing rehearsal, La Toya says she is speaking out now to ‘put the truth out there’.

She reveals specific details of the scene inside her brother’s rented £60,000-a-month Beverly Hills mansion. He was not found in bed, as has been widely reported, but instead was inside the nearby bedroom of his personal physician Dr Conrad Murray, a man who ‘disappeared’ from the hospital when La Toya began grilling him.

She tells how an intravenous drip stand was beside the bed and oxygen canisters lined the walls.

And La Toya tells in heartbreaking detail how she accompanied Michael’s children, Prince Michael, 12, Paris, 11, and seven-year-old Blanket, to see their father’s body and then, last Monday night, stood with Paris over an open casket as the child gently placed an inexpensive necklace around Jackson’s wrist and tenderly garlanded his body with coloured play stones.

So close: La Toya with her brother Michael outside court in 2004

Tragic journey: Michael Jackson's body is taken from UCLA to the city's coroner's office

In person, La Toya bears a disarming likeness to her more famous sibling. She speaks in the same breathy high-pitch tone. A diminutive 5ft, she, like her brother, is clearly no stranger to the plastic surgeon’s scalpel.

But La Toya makes a compelling witness. Two years ago, she took part in a TV reality show Armed And Famous, in which she was given basic training to be a police officer, and continues to volunteer as a deputy.

And although she famously fell out with the Jackson clan in the Eighties over a book in which she described Michael as a paedophile and denounced her father Joe for bullying them as children, for the past 15 years, she has helped keep the family together.

La Toya, who had a messy divorce from her controlling former manager, Jack Gordon, 12 years ago, remained childless and became close again to Michael and his growing family, regularly seeing them at her mother’s house on Hayvenhurst Avenue in Encino.  

She last saw her brother three weeks before he died. The family held a large dinner to celebrate Katherine and Joe’s 60th wedding anniversary at Michael’s favourite Indian restaurant, Chakra, in Beverly Hills.

Michael was already at the party with his children when she arrived: ‘He was standing by the door and said, “Oh La Toya, you look fabulous.” He was thin but he ate that night. Michael loves his curries. He enjoyed every minute of it. At the end, he embraced me and said, “We have to do this again.” Then he went to the door, looked back and gave me a wave goodbye. That was the last time I saw my baby brother.’
Loneliest man in the world: La Toya says her brother had no real friends and she knew something terrible was going to happen. Michael at the launch of the O2 concerts

La Toya has clearly endured an extraordinary two weeks, which began with the news of her brother’s death and ended with his poignant memorial service last week.

Now she wants to set the record straight. Frequently welling up with tears while insisting ‘I am trying to be strong’, La Toya says: ‘I was at home when I received the news that Michael had been rushed to the hospital.

‘I live about three minutes away from Michael in Beverly Hills. I was talking to a friend about the fact that Farrah Fawcett had just passed away.

Her death came just after Ed McMahon [famous in America as the sidekick of talk-show host Johnny Carson] died. I said, “There’s going to be another one because they always go in threes.”

‘About an hour-and-a-half later, my father called me from Las Vegas and said, “Get to the hospital right away. Michael’s been rushed to hospital.”’

La Toya immediately rang her mother’s personal assistant to be told her brother was being treated at UCLA Medical Centre in Westwood, a ten-minute drive from her home.
‘I jumped into my car and kept calling my mother’s assistant saying, “How is he? How is he?”’ she recalls. ‘But he wouldn’t tell me.

‘Finally, I heard Mother in the background asking, “Who is that?” When she learned it was me, she screamed, “Why don’t you just tell her?” and she grabbed the phone and just screamed as loud as she could, “He’s dead!”

‘I nearly crashed my car. My legs went weak. I couldn’t press down on the gas pedal. I got to the wrong entrance at the hospital and was begging the security guys to help me and take my car because I was so weak and faint. They took me up to the area where Michael had been taken. Mother was crying and Michael’s kids were crying.
Heartbroken: La Toya accompanied Michael's children, Prince Michael, 12, Paris, 11, and seven-year-old Blanket, to see their father's body

‘I screamed, “Is it true?” and she said, “Yes, he gone.” I couldn’t stop crying. I’m screaming and the kids are screaming. My mother was sitting there with all three of them on her lap, just crying.’

She says Paris demanded to see her father ‘one last time’. After a nurse told La Toya it would help the children grasp the reality that their father was dead, she held Paris’s hand as all three children, together with Michael’s brother Randy, went into the small ante-room off the emergency room where Michael lay, still warm to the touch.

She says: ‘There was a towel over his face and I lifted it and the kids saw him and Paris said, “Oh Daddy, I love you.”

‘We hugged and kissed him and the children lifted up his hands. He didn’t look like he was gone. His eyes were half open and he looked like he was sleeping. He wasn’t cold.

‘The kids had been screaming and crying but once they were in that room and saw Michael they stopped and became calm. We said prayers over him. I asked them, “What do you want to say to Daddy?” and they said private things to him.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-12 18:18:58 | 显示全部楼层
Paris was holding his hand. We were all sitting around the bed. His chest was very red from the attempts to revive him. I lifted the covers to see his legs. Everything looked fine.’

So loved: Fans hold up Michael Jackson photos during a memorial at the Steel Yard Stadium in Gary, Indiana, for his memorial

She said reports Michael was bald and looked terrible without make-up were ‘plainly false’. ‘He had no make-up on but he looked fine. He just looked like Michael.’

Then, in true Hollywood fashion, Paris Hilton’s mother Kathy turned up. She had gone to school with Michael and La Toya and spent time in the room with the family, saying goodbye.

After the 30-minute farewell, La Toya signed the death certificate as the  ‘informant’ who provided the information about her brother.

‘My mother and brothers chose me because I had a special bond with Michael,’ she said.

La Toya says her brother will never be buried at Neverland, his sprawling 2,400-acre former home in Central California: ‘Michael hated that place. After the second [child abuse] trial, he said to me, “I will never come back to this place again. I hate it. This place helped destroy me.”’

La Toya says the behaviour of Michael’s £100,000-a-month personal doctor, Conrad Murray, at the hospital left her deeply troubled. Dr Murray, who is not certified as a
cardiologist, did not identify himself to the family, even though La Toya says she was demanding to see Michael’s doctor ‘to find out what the hell happened’.

It was Paris who pointed out the figure dressed in white, telling La Toya: ‘There’s Dr Murray. He’s the best cardiologist in the world. How could this happen to Daddy?’

Dr Murray’s lawyers have denied any wrongdoing and say he has cooperated fully with investigators.

Memorial: Isaiah Mercado of Gary, Indiana, USA performs as Michael Jackson during the Thriller part of the memorial service

Remembering Michael: Indiana Mayor Rudy Clay (right) presents Joe Jackson, father of Michael Jackson, with a plaque during the service

But La Toya says she approached the doctor, saying, ‘I want to talk to you. I want to know what happened to my brother.’ But, she says: ‘He mumbled a bunch of nothing.

He said something like, “Michael didn’t make it, I’m sorry.” It wasn’t right. It felt weird.’In all the confusion, she says, the doctor later ‘disappeared’. It is at this point, La Toya says, that her concerns were heightened. She was told by a different doctor that

Michael had fresh needle marks on his body.

According to reports, Jackson used intravenous anaesthetics to help
him sleep, including Demerol and

Diprivan, a drug never normally used outside the operating theatre.

Police also removed two bagfuls of prescription drugs issued to various aliases from pharmacies in different US states. They have subpoenaed the star’s medical records from a series of doctors. La Toya says: ‘It will all come out. You will be shocked.’

The official coroner’s report is due soon along with the results of a second autopsy, which La Toya arranged, She says: ‘We want to sit down and compare the two reports before anything is made public. I have a strong idea of what the outcome will be but
I cannot say anything at this stage.

‘He had needle marks on his neck and on his arms and more about those will emerge in the next few weeks. I cannot discuss that any further as I may jeopardise the investigation. I can, however, say that I have not changed my mind about my feeling that Michael was murdered.’

After returning from the hospital with the children and her mother to Katherine’s home, they received a troubling call from the Jackson mansion. It was Michael’s long-term assistant Michael Amin, a devout Muslim known as Brother Michael.

Prayers for Michael: The Reverend Jesse Jackson bows his head in prayer during the memorial for Michael Jackson

He told La Toya that her brother’s Lebanese-born, self-appointed business manager Dr Tohme Tohme had fired all the staff at the Beverly Hills property and at a second rented home in Las Vegas.

‘I want to know how Michael died, and then, at 11pm on the day he dies, all the staff are fired?’ she asks rhetorically. ‘That raised my suspicions.’

When she arrived at the house with her manager and close friend Jeffre Phillips, new security guards were in place.

She says: ‘I could smell and sense my brother everywhere. I could smell his favourite cologne, Black Orchid by Tom Ford. I went into his bedroom. There was a shirt discarded on the floor.’

She says Michael was taken to hospital from Dr Murray’s bedroom, across a large hall from his own.  ‘Michael walked from his room to Dr Murray’s room. What happened in there we don’t know. He ended up alone in the room with the doctor.’

Shortly after midday, the doctor ran downstairs and screamed at bodyguard Alberto Alvarez to call the emergency services.

La Toya says: ‘No one was allowed upstairs apart from Dr Murray and the children. Paris has since told me that even they were not allowed in that room when Dr Murray was giving Michael his “oxygen”.

Murray, said La Toya, initially gave the star CPR on the soft surface of the bed before moving him to the ground, on the instruction of the 911 emergency operator who told him the procedure needed to be conducted on a hard surface.

She says: ‘Why, if this man was a cardiologist, was my brother on the bed? Michael was dead in that room. I was told the doctor kept telling everyone he was alive, but

Brother Michael saw him and said it was obvious he was dead. There were oxygen tanks along the wall next to the dresser. There was a metal stand with a cord hanging down. The police had already been in the house and had removed all the drugs and whatever bag was hanging there.’

Diprivan, when administered in hospital, is always given with oxygen. La Toya admits her brother had a prescription drug problem which the family believes began after he damaged his back in an on-stage accident during the Jacksons’ 1984 Victory tour.

But she insists she believes he was ‘clean’ in preparation for the O2 shows. ‘He had just been to England on a cleanse and he was drinking juices and being pure. He had cleaned everything out of his system ready to do the concerts in London.  

But Michael never wanted to do 50 shows. He agreed to do ten and then the promoters and those around him added more and more shows because they were selling out.

‘It’s impossible even for a healthy person to do that many shows. Michael was fragile.

He always wanted to believe the best of people. But he was meek. In the last few months, he became isolated. I believe the staff were given strict instructions that if any of the family called, not to tell him. And if any of the family came by, not to let them in.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-12 18:20:25 | 显示全部楼层
Adored: A poster of Michael Jackson is covered with messages from fans at a one-day tribute to the "King of Pop"

Those people around him didn’t care about Michael the man. They were interested in Michael the cash cow.

‘Michael didn’t keep a close eye on his finances. A lot of people made a lot of money out of Michael. The house he was renting at the end is a classic example. It would cost £15,000 a month to rent but he was charged £60,000 a month because he was Michael Jackson.’

‘As a family, we tried to get involved. We wanted to stage an intervention. But we couldn’t get near Michael. I knew something terrible was going to happen.

‘I believe he was cut off from the real world and the drugs were a way [for his hangers-on] to get in there.  They got him hooked on drugs. He was pure and clean and then drugs came back into his system. I think it shocked his system so much it killed him.’

She says the family will file a civil lawsuit against anyone they believe responsible, as well as pushing for police to serve criminal charges:

‘I am going to get down to the bottom of this. I am not going to stop until I find out who is responsible. Why did they keep the family away? It’s not about money. I want justice for Michael. I won’t rest until I find out what – and who –  killed my brother.’

Trawling through Michael’s personal possessions at his house, La Toya was shocked when she saw his work schedule: ‘They worked him so hard. There was no breathing room.

Every hour was packed with costume fittings, vocal lessons, rehearsals. Even Paris noticed. She told me, “They worked Daddy too hard. They worked him so hard.”

‘When someone is fragile you can’t keep them going like that. A lot of people are responsible for this, directly or indirectly. They told him, “The shows are booked, the tickets are sold.”

And Michael being Michael, he didn’t want to let down his fans.
‘His kids made him so happy but he didn’t have any real friends. His problem was he didn’t trust people. In the end, he died a lonely man surrounded by this shadowy entourage.’

While Michael regularly kept up to £1million in cash inside his home, La Toya says none was found. Nor was any of his vast collection of jewellery: ‘Someone went in there and did a good job. So many people were in the house before I got there.’

In the hours after Michael died, his sister Janet was so worried, she put her own security team in place inside the house. The sisters plan to move all of Michael’s possessions into storage to safeguard them for his children.

La Toya says the children are coping well. They are with Katherine and nanny Grace Rwaramba who turned up for a day ‘and has been there ever since.’ La Toya says, however, she is ‘highly suspicious’ of the nanny’s motives.

‘The family has mixed feelings about her,’ she says. ‘Mother says she wants to be with the kids but I warned her to be careful. It’s not like the children like or dislike her. They like everyone. Mother is gullible and feels sorry for her.’

Private ceremony: Seventy family and friends attended the closed ceremony at the Forest Lawn Cemetery

She says reports that Grace was Michael’s girlfriend are false. ‘I heard Grace liked Michael but he didn’t like her. He let her go last Christmas. I have a lot of questions about Grace. She was instrumental in keeping the family away. All of a sudden she is back, listening and watching the family. I think her behaviour is odd.’

La Toya says her focus is now on the children. All three are said to be well-behaved but innocent of the wider world. They don’t watch television. They are tutored at home and are only allowed to watch Disney movies. The family have hired a grief counsellor for them.

She added: ‘Michael always said he was a single parent. But he was a very good parent. It was funny seeing him changing nappies, because you never imagine him that way. But Michael was a hands-on dad. He was quite an expert. They are happy children, despite what has happened.

‘Paris wants to be an entertainer. Prince Michael, the oldest, is assertive. I see such sadness there. He cried at the hospital but hasn’t cried since. He has become the little man of the family. Blanket is the baby. He is very funny, a real prankster like his father.’

Although the memorial was watched by millions on TV, the most poignant farewell came last Monday night at Forest Lawn Cemetery, where the family had an open coffin viewing.

She says Paris bought a cheap ‘mood’ necklace – a metal heart which changes colour when it touches the skin. ‘The heart is in two pieces. Paris told me, “I want one half to go to Daddy and I will wear the other half for ever.”

‘She carefully wrapped it around his wrist. She said; “Daddy this is for you.” Then she placed it on him and said, “On Daddy, it will be blue because he is cold. On me, it’s purple.”

‘She got some coloured stones and she decorated his body. She said, “He’s so cold, he is so cold.” His lips were slightly swollen from the autopsy. She asked, “Who did that to Daddy?” I told her it was because he had passed.

‘I put one of his sequined gloves in there. And a pair of his favourite sunglasses.’
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-12 18:21:22 | 显示全部楼层

Yet to rest in peace: Jackson's body has been been temporarily placed in a crypt at Forest Lawn belonging to Motown record founder Berry Gordy while the family decides on a final burial place
Michael Bush, Michael’s long-time costumier, made an elaborate cream jacket decorated with pearls and beads. He was dressed in black trousers with a large gold belt with two cherubs on either side of the buckle. Karen Faye, his make-up artist, applied cosmetics to his face.

La Toya says: ‘I am so proud of Paris for speaking at the memorial service. When Stevie Wonder was performing she whispered to me, “Auntie La Toya, I want to go up there and say something about Daddy.”

I couldn’t just walk her up on stage but at the end, when we were singing We Are The World, she said, “I’m too shy now” but then changed her mind and said those words about loving her Daddy that everyone saw.

‘The boys didn’t want to come to the viewing, but Paris was insistent. She wears Michael T-shirts every day and the walls of her room are covered with posters and pictures of her daddy. She still writes him letters every day, sweet lovely letters about how much she loves him.

‘Her letters are brilliant. When you read them you cry. She loves the light on stage. She is always singing Daddy’s songs and she is special. She has it – the X factor.’

La Toya says she was shocked by the emergence of a 2002 will stating Diana Ross should be a back-up to Jackson matriarch Katherine as the children’s guardian.

She says: ‘Michael always told us that he wanted his eldest sister Rebbie Jackson to look after the children. Rebbie had a nice family, which Michael loved. He told many family members that she was his choice. We believe there is another will which will emerge. He updated his wills almost every five years, so we expect one to come out from 2007.  

As the question of the children’s future remains unresolved, Debbie Rowe, the birth mother of the two eldest, is expected to begin her fight for custody of the children in the Los Angeles courts next week.

La Toya dismisses her: ‘These are not Debbie’s kids. They don’t even know she’s their mother. Like everyone else in his life, she was motivated by money. She has always said she’s not their mother.

Peaceful: The grounds of Forest Lawn Memorial-Park and Mortuary in Los Angeles, California. Michael Jackson's death certificate lists Forest Lawn as the place where his body is being held

‘My understanding is that she will now go after the kids. I know a few things about Debbie and I will prevent that from happening.

‘Debbie has only seen the children a handful of times. Michael never introduced her as their mother.’

She confirmed that Blanket, the youngest, was created from a donor egg and donated sperm: ‘Michael didn’t want to know who the biological parents were.

‘They took eggs from a donor and I believe the sperm came from one of five donors picked from a book. Michael didn’t know who the mother and father were. I don’t know who carried the child and if the surrogate knew whose child she was carrying.

‘Those children were his greatest joy. He was a superstar but the only people who loved him unconditionally were the children.’

She fears for her mother, Katherine now 79: ‘She’s the rock of the family, but I’m the glue that holds it all together. Everyone is hurting. I’ve hardly slept since this started. I am frightened the stress will hurt Mother.

‘Michael knew he was never going to be a grey-haired old man. He
didn’t want to grow old. He told me he thought he would die in his 50s. He said he would get married at 45 and die around 50. He had a gut feeling.’

Despite the intense pressures, La Toya is convinced Michael had much to look forward to. He was trying to buy a £40million house in Las Vegas from the Sultan of Brunei, which was to have been his base after the O2 shows ended.

He was reading books on directing movies. ‘The first one was to be a
horror film called Thriller,’ she said. ‘He had already designed the poster. He was going to retire from music. This Is It really was the end. He didn’t want to perform any more.’

Ironically, the extended Jackson family, which has been badly fractured throughout the years, now appear to be united in their grief and determination to seek the truth about Michael’s death.

As La Toya puts it: ‘I’m doing what I can to find out how he died. If he died of a drug overdose, then I want to find who supplied him the drugs and who first introduced him to them. We’ve still not had a chance to speak to Dr Murray about Michael’s final days. I need to know what he may have seen or heard.

‘Michael didn’t have to die. We are all mourning his loss, more than anyone can ever know. But we are also determined to get to the bottom of what happened to him.’
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Rank: 4

 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-12 18:22:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 青岛MJ 于 2009-7-22 21:45 编辑


在移动和揭示采访,La Toya 杰克逊,谁更接近她的脆弱的弟弟和比任何人都被要求签署他的死亡证明书,描绘迈克尔作为一个孤独和孤立的人物的摆布金钱动机集团。
她认为她的兄弟是美联储成瘾药物的处理谁想要控制自己的情绪。她说,他们认为他是一个'摇钱树' ,并利用他动不动。这是庖坏悖??衔??庵苯拥贾滤?乃劳觥?
大声疾呼:La Toya 杰克逊表示,她想揭露真相
反击眼泪,La Toya , 53岁,说: '我相信迈克尔被谋杀,我认为,从一开始。不只是一个人参与,而这是一个阴谋的人。
“他永远不会让伦敦。 ”他是值得死亡比活着更。
La Toya 发现迈克尔本人,从来不相信他会活到一岁的男子,并担心他会死在50多岁。
'秃鹰' :La Toya 索赔操纵衣架,她的弟弟就上瘾毒品和他自己的'摇钱树'
她说: '到年底,迈克尔是孤立于他的家人。他没有真正的朋友。他是孤独的人在世界上。我知道什么可怕的是会发生什么。
虽然人们一直推测,在两个星期,因为杰克逊的死,不到12小时后,他完成了一项惩治排练,La Toya 发言时说,她现在对'把真理有' 。
和La爷讲述如何在令人心碎的细节,她陪同迈克尔的儿童,迈克尔亲王, 12日,巴黎, 11日,和7岁的毛毯,看到他们的父亲的尸体,然后,上周一晚上,站在巴黎作为一个开放的棺材孩子轻轻放在廉价项链围绕杰克逊的手腕,他的身体温柔garlanded发挥与有色宝石。
如此接近:La Toya 与她的弟弟迈克尔在2004年在法庭外
在人,La Toya 负有解除像她更著名的兄弟姐妹。她说在同一breathy高音调语气。阿小5英尺,她,她的弟弟一样,显然是不陌生的整形外科医生的手术刀。
但La Toya 提出了令人信服的证人。两年前,她参加了一个电视真人秀节目和著名的武装冲突中,她获得基本训练的警务人员,并继续作为副志愿。
La Toya ,谁了混乱离婚前从她的经理人控制,杰克戈登, 12年前,仍然是孩子,成为密切再次迈克尔和他的家庭越来越多,经常看到他们在她母亲的房子Hayvenhurst大道360 。
迈克尔已经在党与他的孩子当她抵达: '他是站在门口,说: “哦La Toya ,你看精彩。 ”他是瘦,但他吃了,那天晚上。迈克尔热爱咖喱。他喜欢每一刻。最后,他拥抱我,说: “我们不得不这样做了。 ”然后,他走到门边,回头一看,给了我一个波再见。
孤独的人在世界上:La Toya 说,她的弟弟并没有真正的朋友和她知道可怕的事情是会发生什么。迈克尔在推出O2的音乐会
La Toya 已经非常清楚地忍受两个星期开始的消息,她弟弟的死亡和结束与他的辛酸追悼会上周。
现在,她希望以正视听。常见威林了眼泪,而坚持'我想成为强有力的' ,拉爷说: '我是在家里时,我收到的消息,迈克尔已被送往医院。
'我住约3分钟远离迈克尔在比佛利山庄。我是跟朋友的是, Farrah福塞特刚刚过世。
她去世后,爱德华麦克马洪[在美国的著名的Sidekick的脱口秀主持人约翰尼卡森]死亡。我说, “目前将是另外一个,因为他们总是在三分。 ”
'大约一个小时半后,我的父亲打电话给我从拉斯维加斯和说: “去医院了。迈克尔被送往医院。 “
La Toya 立即让她母亲的个人助理,被告知她弟弟当时正在加州大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心维斯特伍德,一个10分钟的车程,从她的家。
'我跳进我的车,并不断打电话给我妈妈的助手说: “他怎么样了?他怎么样了? “她回忆道。 '但他不会告诉我。
'最后,我听到母亲在背景要求, “是谁? ”当她得知这是我,她尖叫起来, “你为什么不告诉她呢? ” ,她抓住了手机和公正的尖叫,她大声可以, “他死了! ”
伤心:La Toya 陪同迈克尔的儿童,迈克尔亲王, 12日,巴黎, 11日,和7岁的毛毯,看到他们的父亲的尸体
'我大喊: “是真的吗? ” ,她说: “是的,他走了。 ”我无法停止哭泣。我尖叫声和孩子们尖叫。我的母亲坐在那里所有其中三个在她圈,只是哭泣。
她说,巴黎要求见她的父亲'最后一次' 。经过护士告诉La Toya 这将有助于孩子们把握现实,他们的父亲死了,她担任巴黎的手所有三个孩子,加上迈克尔的兄弟兰迪,走进小接待室从急诊室,迈克尔在于,仍然温暖的感觉。
她说: '有一个毛巾了自己的脸,我取消它和孩子们看到他和巴黎说, “噢爸爸,我爱你。 ”
'孩子们已经尖叫和哭泣,但一旦他们在那个房间,看到迈克尔他们停止并成为平静。我们祈祷说他。我问他们, “你要什么要告诉爸爸? ” ,他们说私人的东西给他。
她说,报告迈克尔秃顶,并期待可怕不化妆是'显然错误' 。 '他没有作出行动,但他看起来很正常。他只是像迈克尔。
经过30分钟的告别,La Toya 签署了死亡证书的'线人'谁提供的信息她的弟弟。
'我的母亲和兄弟们选择了我,因为我有一种特殊的债券,迈克尔, '她说。
La Toya 说,她的弟弟将永远埋在Neverland ,他的庞大2400英亩的前家庭在加州中部的: '迈克尔讨厌那个地方。在第二次[虐待儿童]的审判,他对我说, “我永远不会再回到这个地方了。我讨厌它。这个地方帮助消灭我。 “
La Toya 的行为说迈克尔的百点○○○英镑-每月私人医生,康拉德穆雷在医院离开了她深感不安。穆雷博士,谁不是认证作为
心脏病,没有确定自己的家庭,即使La Toya 说,她是一个非常严格的,看看迈克尔的医生找出地狱发生。
这是巴黎谁指出,数字穿着白色,告诉La Toya : '有博士穆雷。他是最好的心脏病专家在世界上。怎么会发生到爸爸? '
纪念:以赛亚梅尔卡的加里, Indiana ,美国执行的迈克尔杰克逊在惊悚部分追悼会
但La Toya 说,她接触的医生,说, '我想与您交谈。我想知道到底发生了什么我的兄弟。但是,她说: '他咕哝着一群什么。
他说,这样, “迈克尔没有它,对不起。 ”这是不正确的。它感到奇怪。 '在所有的混乱,她说,医生后来'消失' 。正是在这一点上,La Toya 说,她担心加剧。她告诉医生说,不同的
警方还取消两个bagfuls印发处方药的各种别名从药房在不同的州。他们已经传唤了恒星的医疗记录了一系列的医生。La Toya 说: '这都将出来。您将感到震惊。
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