本帖最后由 青岛MJ 于 2009-7-1 01:39 编辑
Three times 13 for Michael jackson的帖子内容中:
我觉得MTV之外,也包含他的专集,那就是Michael Jackson1991年的专辑《Dangerous》,大家是不是一直很费解他的封面?到底什么深刻含义?大多数回答是:种族,和谐,神秘,后工业化世界。是的,不过我觉得这只是表面的一部分,一直以来我只是喜欢这里面的歌曲有多好听,但从今天开始我对这张专集有了重新的认识,查了一些不确定的资料,MICHAEL,从那时候起或者时间更早就已经处于危险之中了,可能他意识到自己的命运,他选择了这次危险之旅,Dangerous,看看他的那段舞蹈,多么的富有黑暗色彩;
再看看这张专集的封面,我突然注意到了!!图中发现象征性的 一只眼睛(共济会象征)以及图片的右下角有一个穿西装的秃头老人,这个老人的外形和 阿莱斯特·克罗利的自我描述很相像。隐匿( Satanists 恶魔) 稍微提一下 封面设计师:Mark Ryden 1991年的专辑《Dangerous》这幅由美国插画家Mark Ryden绘制的专辑封面一改Michael Jackson以往专辑封面纯以其人像设计的风格,改以高度技巧的喷画艺术构图,不仅鲜艳精彩,且富有高度创作寓意。 从Mark Ryden作品可以看出其本人是很憎恶由共济会控制的美国制度以及加入会的高级官员,我想MICHAEL选择他来做专集的设计也是别有用心的,可以断定他在Mark Ryden作品中得到了共鸣。所以MICHALE很痛恨有种族歧视的并带有3K党性质的共济会,他不会选择加入这个邪恶的组织。同时共济会也不会让一个黑人来加入他们队伍中去。
阿莱斯特·克劳利:Aleister Crowley 金光黎明里最著名的神秘学学者,更多人称呼他是“野兽之王”或是“启示录之兽”,在1920年被认为是地球上最邪恶的男人,他是近代第一个将魔法理论转为实践仪式的魔法师。他的母亲曾宣称,阿莱斯特˙克劳利就是《启示录》上所说带有“666”标记的野兽。恶名昭著的阿道夫·希特勒也曾是金光黎明会成员,并且与阿莱斯特˙克劳利有来往。
Alistair Crowley was a freemason who became a Satanist. ( Brainwashing for the CIA 洗脑的中情局) 也就是说也许阿莱斯特·克劳利曾是共济会会员并且崇拜恶魔!
美國歷史頻道播放的影片名為:頭腦控制: 美國的秘密戰爭。
What is 'MKULTRA'?
Eleanor White
Before the current day harassment of citizens in their homes and communities using advanced electronics began, secret programs of torture were carried out by the U.S. Government for purposes of mind control. These programs are often conversationally referred to as "MKULTRA",but also included others such as MKNaomi, MKSearch, MKDelta, Matrix and more, and were carried out throughout the Cold War.
在现今用先进的电子技术开始在公民自己的家中和社区折磨他们之前,秘密的折磨项目已被美国政府用于精神控制的目的。这些项目称为"MKULTRA"经常被提及,但也包括其他的,例如MKNaomi, MKSearch, MKDelta, Matrix和更多的项目,而且用于整个冷战时期。
In spite of the publicly disclosed MK-type sub-projects involving the use of LSD, the public today is unaware of just how atrocious were the crimes carried out in the MKULTRA-era, in the name of "national security". The LSD phase was only a MINOR part of the full range of programs.
The purpose of the MKULTRA-era projects was to create a means of total control over the test subjects and ideally cause them to have no memory of an assignment once the assignment was carried out. Furthermore, the test subjects were to not even consciously know about the assignment until a 'trigger' or password was given to them.
The mechanism for accomplishing this was to create "Multiple Personality Disorder" in the test subject. Multiple Personality Disorder can be, and was, created through a combination of hypnosis and torture.
Adult torture subjects were obtained by deceiving them. CHILD torture subjects were obtained by permission of parents and guardians who had connections with intelligence agencies, and/or, had serious lack of morals, for example, some were pedophiles. Child torture subjects were often chosen between ages 4 and 12, and those who were successfully programmed continued serving as "Manchurian Candidates" into adulthood.
Torture methods included military prison camp treatment, being kept naked in cages, given minimal food or water, being kept awake around the clock, being sealed in dark "flotation tanks" in padded suits for total sensory deprivation. Application of electric shock, including to the genitals was a common torture tactic. Some MKULTRA survivors report ritual abuse including having to watch babies killed. This made it possible to hypnotically create and program different personalities for different assignments.
As of the date of this report, only eight adult victims, mental patients at the Allen Psychiatric Institute in Montreal, have had their torture recognized and compensated. These eight were fortunate in that one of them, Velma van Orlikow, was married to a Member of Canadian Parliament.
到这篇报道为止,仅仅8个成人受害者,蒙特利尔的Allen精神病院的精神病人,他们的被折磨被承认和赔偿。在这8个人中有一个是很幸运的, Velma van Orlikow,嫁给了一个加拿大国会的人士。
Most often, the MKULTRA-era victims were chosen from among people of modest means, as they would be less likely to effectively fight back after their torture. The eight from Montreal were kept drugged, half asleep, half awake for weeks, and were forced in their disabled state to listen to
hypnotic tapes designed by Dr. Ewen Cameron for the express purpose of destroying all of their memories. This did work to some extent, and Dr. Cameron was to be brought up on charges, but died before proceedings could begin.
通常MKULTRA的前受害者是从害羞的人中选择的,因为他们可能在受到折磨后缺少有力的抵抗。8个来自蒙特利尔的受害者被迫吸毒,半醒半睡长达数周,并被迫处于丧失能力的状态,以听由Ewen Cameron博士为快速破坏他们所有记忆的目的而设计的催眠磁带。
It is very important that the public never forget the MKULTRA-era atrocities, because they show beyond doubt that even the United States and Canadian governments, seemingly benign and democratic on the surface, are just as capable of brutal crimes as any of the world's dictatorships. AND, entirely capable of carrying out TODAY'S mind control attacks on innocent citizens in their homes and communities!