发表于 2009-8-4 00:57:11
Words from Dick Gregory
''upstairs with mike one night after a trail day, he hugs dick and says ''don't leave me, they trying to kill me''
一天出庭回来, Dick跟Michael走上楼梯,Michael拥抱Dick说“不要离开我,他们会杀了我的”
Sony- ''We will loan you all the money you need and We will give you half of the atv catalogue if you do this deal with us''..there was a clause, if you die before the money was payed back, sony gets all the money and can do what they want with it or if something morally goes wrong with Michael, then sony gets the whole catalogue.
''That catalogue owns ALL country western music, Michael owns half off that...After he signed this contract THEN the first child molestation appears, 12 years ago....He had to go in, strip and dispute a claim that chandler said he had a mark on his testicle...they showed pictures...and had to settle..A violation of contract wasn't created as mike was not guilty, so sony could re coup the money.''
“这个歌曲目录中包括所有的西部乡村音乐,Michael拥有他的一半。12年前,在他签署完这个合同之后,第一宗娈童案被提上了桌面,他不得不走进这个泥潭里,就为了chandler说他睾丸上有斑点印记而被逼脱下裤子让警方拍照。而最后不得不花钱脱身。” 如果Michael罪名不成立的话那么就没有违反合同的约定,所以Sony也就得不到钱。“
''Took 12 years for Sony to make another molestation charge...Why? Accoring to dick, the changes in calafornia law where even if the person accusing another person of molestation etc drops the charges..and someone pays her off and she drops charges, that person can still be prosecuted...mike won that trial too...so they had nothing left to do bt kill michael.''
Sony在12年后又制造了第二宗娈童案。。为什么? 按照Dick的说法,加利福尼亚的法律规定,如果一个人被起诉通过花钱庭外和解的话,一旦再有人以同样的理由起诉他的话,那么他一样会被再次起诉,但是结果Michael再次获得了胜利,10项罪名均不成立,所以他们只能杀了他。” |