2月25日,Michael Jackson案的审讯继续进行,鉴于陪审团的选举已经全部结束,今天的议题将是法官裁决检辩双方所提起的一系列动议。
Michael Jackson的首席辩护律师Thomas Mesereau Jr.向法庭大致展现了一下他们的辩护战略图,指称控方男童的母亲在法庭上的证词颠三倒四、自相矛盾,收刮并挪用捐助给她儿子的善款,并到处结交名人以图利用。辩护律师把这名母亲描述成一个机会主义者,还曾教她的儿子去偷东西、作假证。他们打算把这家人描述成一家为了从Jackson身上搞到金钱利益而提起诉讼的人。
首席辩护律师Mesereau希望法官允许原告家庭的诉讼史成为本案的证据,包括当年他们和J.C. Penney百货公司的那场诉讼。当时该家庭偷了商店的东西被控告,但却反咬一口说被毒打和被性骚扰。辩方据理力争说:“这些证据在本案中太重要了。Michael Jackson的生活就在悬崖边。”
Mesereau告诉说,就在据说当时这家人被J.C. Penney百货公司商店的保安“毒打”和“骚扰”后的第二天,这名母亲就曾回到这家商店与店员们互相拥抱,之后却对这家商店提起了诉讼,说遭到了“凌辱”。
Mesereau还透露,这个母亲在J.C. Penney百货公司案中作证说,她的丈夫从来没有打过她,但之后却在她和丈夫的离婚官司里说,她的丈夫“数十年如一日地毒打她”。她当时还指控自己的丈夫对女儿进行“性骚扰”。
最终官司以15万美元和解收场。Mesereau说这个女人还故意隐瞒了自己的资产情况,以求再拿到一笔洛杉矶县给予的福利金。“她已经做得很明白了,她成年以后就一直在到处找钱,”Mesereau说道,又补充说这个母亲让她的儿子找如Jay Leno等名人们要钱,并用这些基金去做了整容手术。
律师Mesereau还告诉法官Rodney Melville,这个孩子的母亲“有习惯地、一贯地、竭力地想去开展一段段的友谊,去寻找赚钱方法。”
针对辩方咄咄逼人的控诉,高级检察副官Ron Zonen说在这个母亲所谓的不道德行为上喋喋不休和他们起诉Jackson不恰当抚摸她儿子是无关的。
Jackson足够多的名人朋友肯定会席卷各大媒体的封面,更多的明星功率会随着包括Smokey Robinson, Eddie Murphy, Elizabeth Taylor和Stevie Wonder的证人名单加入到审判进程中。
法官裁决,在下周一即将举行的开庭陈述中,双方律师可能不能给陪审团看完整版本的《Michael Jackson大追踪》,但可以展示其中的片段。检方计划使用其中的两分钟片段,而第一个检方证人则有望是该记录片的制作人Martin Bashir。
检辩双方还同意在周六会面,并对一个曾经代表过原告母亲的律师进行讯问。律师们届时将谈到什么还没有公布。法官Rodney S. Melville说他会在周一早上正式开庭陈述之前审阅该潜在新证人的证词。
1. Plaintiff’s Motion to Limit Introduction of Evidence of Prior Litigation Involving the Doe Family
2. Plaintiff’s Motion for Reconsideration of Defendant’s Motion for An Order Excluding 14 Items of Irrelevant Evidence
3. Plaintiff’s Motion to Exclude Reference to Jane Doe’s Refusal to Waive the Confidentiality of Her Conversations with Attorney
4. Plaintiff’s Motion to Exclude Any Reference by Defense Counsel to [Certain] Conduct by Jane Doe
5. Plaintiff’s Motion to Limit Any Reference by Defense Counsel to Jane Doe’s Use of [Certain] Medication
6. Defendant’s Motion for Recusal of the SB County DA’s Office
7. Plaintiff’s Motion in Limine to Exclude Evidence of Alleged Sexual Conduct
8. Plaintiff’s Motion for Admission of Certain Statements by Defendant on “Living with Michael Jackson” and “60 Minutes” As Exceptions to the Hearsay Rule
9. Plaintiff’s Opposition to Defendant’s Request that Plaintiff be Required to Present the Hearsay Evidence of Defendant’s Response to “Living with Michael Jackson” as Part of Its Case in Chief
10. Plaintiff’s Motion in Limine to Exclude Testimony of Witnesses
Motions to Seal:
11. Motion to Seal Plaintiff’s Motion to Limit Introduction of Evidence of Prior Litigation 12. Motion to Seal Plaintiff’s Motion for Reconsideration of Defendant’s Motion for An Order Excluding 14 Items of Irrelevant Evidence and Reply Thereto
13. Motion to Seal Plaintiff’s Motion to Exclude Reference to Jane Doe’s Refusal to Waive the Confidentiality of Her Conversations with Attorney and Opposition and Reply Thereto
14. Motion to Seal Plaintiff’s Motion to Exclude Any Reference by Defense Counsel to [Certain] Conduct by Jane Doe
15. Motion to Seal Plaintiff’s Motion to Limit Any Reference by Defense Counsel to Jane Doe’s Use of [Certain] Medication and Opposition Thereto
16. Motion to Seal Defendant’s Motion for Recusal of the SB County DA’s Office and Opposition and Reply Thereto
17. Motion to Seal Plaintiff’s Motion in Limine to Exclude Evidence of Alleged Sexual
18. Motion to Seal Plaintiff’s Motion for Admission of Certain Statements by Defendant on “Living with Michael Jackson” and “60 Minutes” As Exceptions to the Hearsay Rule and Opposition Thereto
19. Motion to Seal Plaintiff’s Opposition to Defendant’s Request that Plaintiff be Required to Present the Hearsay Evidence of Defendant’s Response to “Living with Michael Jackson” as Part of Its Case in Chief
20. Motion to Seal Plaintiff’s Motion in Limine to Exclude Testimony of Witnesses
21. Motion to Seal Plaintiff’s Trial Brief on Admission of Co-Conspirator’s Statements