anybody that deliberately killed jackson would be involved with a small group of very powerful people fully capable of pointing the finger to somebody else which is why i think that anybody that is getting targeted by our corrupt media most likely did NOT do anything. cross his name and anybody elses off the list of people getting attacked and whoever is left, that's a good starting point in my opinion. a perfect example is howard k. stern. he NEVER got vilified in the media for possibly giving drugs to anna nicole. now a couple years later, him and his two jewish doctor friends are now standing trial and yet the media continues to not give any of this coverage.....arnie klein, the other doctor involved with jackson (also jewish) hasn't be unter attack....funny how when jewish people are involved in deaths of non-jewish people, the media never mentions it....i just learned that bill cosby's son was shot and killed by a russian jew - another example of the media not reporting and placing emphasis on a jewish killer.....according to a number of stuff on the internet (not on the mainstream news cause all they do is generally make stuff up like how he's been so broke all these years......200 million dollars after debts but still broke somehow?), but jackson personally requested this black doctor and considered him a friend.....i trust jackson's insight. i even read that the owners of aeglive told jackson they would supply him with one of their doctors but jackson insisted he liked dr. murray. my gut feeling is dr. murray was not involved......nothing to gain that i can see
大意是 这个网友相信背后一定有一群强大的人
举例 一些名人被犹太人杀害
网友知道AEG公司要给MJ另找一个大夫,但是MJ就是坚持要默里。 |