今天收到了amazon的包裹。 |
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God is Michael Jackson's fans, as selfish, so called Michael Jackson to accompany him to Paradise。
♡ Michael, I Love You Forever!♡ |
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God is Michael Jackson's fans, as selfish, so called Michael Jackson to accompany him to Paradise。
♡ Michael, I Love You Forever!♡ |
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Just smile like you, my dear!
I love you, and I miss you . You help me understand that love is the answer to all that I am. |
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God is Michael Jackson's fans, as selfish, so called Michael Jackson to accompany him to Paradise。
♡ Michael, I Love You Forever!♡ |
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偶的淘寶店鋪: Sound + Vision 0.03
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Paris:Ever since i was born
daddy has been the best father you can ever imagine and i just want to say I LOVE YOU SO MUCH 我很想你,你在那里过的好吗? ![]() |
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God is Michael Jackson's fans, as selfish, so called Michael Jackson to accompany him to Paradise。
♡ Michael, I Love You Forever!♡ |
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MICHAEL JACKSON中国收藏网:www.mjjcollection.net
MICHAEL JACKSON收藏贴吧:http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=michaeljackson%E6%94%B6%E8%97%8F&ie=utf-8 林兄微博:http://t.sina.com.cn/shanghaimj 官网典藏区微博:http://weibo.com/mjjcollections MJ收藏QQ群:42908621 收藏品相册:kingwzh49.photo.163.com 老湿的博物馆:http://mjjcollection.taobao.com |
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We seek truth and will endure all possible pain.
Michael,我爱你. |
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We seek truth and will endure all possible pain.
Michael,我爱你. |
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I will always love you...
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God is Michael Jackson's fans, as selfish, so called Michael Jackson to accompany him to Paradise。
♡ Michael, I Love You Forever!♡ |
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God is Michael Jackson's fans, as selfish, so called Michael Jackson to accompany him to Paradise。
♡ Michael, I Love You Forever!♡ |
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I will always love you...
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God is Michael Jackson's fans, as selfish, so called Michael Jackson to accompany him to Paradise。
♡ Michael, I Love You Forever!♡ |
Archiver|手机版|小黑屋|迈克尔杰克逊中文网(Michael Jackson Chinese Fanclub)[官方认证歌迷站] ( 桂ICP备18010620号-7 )
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