DVD-Michael Jackson: The Untold Story of Neverland
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正如MJFC之前报道的,“Michael Jackson:一个你不了解的梦幻庄园”是一部Larry Nimmer制作的新记录片,此人是Michael Jackson与其辩护团队在2005年所谓“娈童审判”期间的影片拍摄人。
当Nimmer还在梦幻庄园期间,他从未进入其中。这是第一次,公众将看到为陪审团拍摄的梦幻庄园之旅。记录片还包括了县警长拍摄的搜查梦幻庄园的镜头,Martin Bashir拍摄的Living with Michael Jackson中被删除的Michael讲话部分,2005年审判中Jackson的原告讲述他们在梦幻庄园的经历,这个13岁原告在警方调查时的辩解,对陪审团主席Paul Rodriguez和律师Tom Mesereau的独家专访,歌迷对其在洛杉矶逝世的哀悼,Michael Jackson职业生涯顶峰和其他内容,这些都是首次曝光。记录片展示了梦幻庄园发生的一切和原告是如何制造伪证。
欲知详情,请拨打(805) 566-0198与Nimmer影视公司的Larry Nimmer联系,或登陆www.nimmer.net查询。
Michael Jackson: The Untold Story of Neverland is a new documentary produced by Larry Nimmer, who worked as a filmmaker for the Jackson defense team during Jackson's 2005 child molestation trial. During that time, Nimmer had unprecedented access to the Neverland Ranch estate and now for the first time, the public will see footage shot for the jury's virtual Neverland Tour. The documentary shows what happened at Neverland and how his accusers fabricated their allegations. The DVD also includes Michael Jackson's accusers speaking on the record, the Sheriff's raid of Neverland, the accuser making his accusations on camera during a police interview, outtakes of Michael Jackson from the Martin Bashir documentary Living with Michael Jackson, Jackson career highlights and a new ending showing fans mourning the death of Michael Jackson.
More clips from the documentary will be posted on this site in the coming weeks as well as scenes of Michael Jackson memorials.
Extras include:
Michael Jackson speaks from Bashir Outtakes
Neverland Tour Outtakes with Larry Nimmer Commentary
Neverland Sheriff's Raid Outtakes
Aborted Rebuttal Video by Arvizo's Outtakes
Tom Mesereau and Aphrodite Jones Discuss Trial
Michael Jackson Trial Victory Party in Las Vegas
Messages to Michael from his Fans
Michael's fans mourn his passing in L.A. & Neverland |