本帖最后由 blackandy 于 2009-8-17 02:18 编辑
向KING OF POP:Michael Jackson致敬 罗马尼亚布加勒斯特 快閃活动
TributeM.J. Tribut in Bucuresti (Flash Mob)
8 august 2009
Daca si tu l-ai iubit pe Michael, vino sa-l omagiezi pe regele muzici pop sambata, 8 august in Bucuresti. Oricine poate participa la unul din cele doua flash-mobs. Se va dansa pe refrenul melodiei Beat It.
- ora 16.30 repetitie generala (dansul pe care il invatati cu ajutorul video-urilor postate de noi) - in parcarea Fratelli Social Club din Bucuresti (Str. Glodeni nr. 1, Zona Floreasca, Lacul Tei - se ajunge cu tramvaiul 5)
- 18.00 - 18.30 - primul moment "Beat It" - Parcul Herastrau (Intrarea Charles de Gaulle)
- 19.30 - 20.00 - al doilea moment "Beat It" - Piata Universitatii - scuar TNB
M.J. Tribute in Bucharest
August 8th, 2009
Everybody is invited to come and pay their respects to the king of pop Saturday, the 8th of Augusts, by participating (as a dancer or just as a spectator) in one of the two flash mobs that will take place in Bucharest.
This is the sched
M.J. Tribute in Bucharest
August 8th, 2009
Everybody is invited to come and pay their respects to the king of pop Saturday, the 8th August, by participating (as a dancer or just as a spectator) in one of the two flash mobs in Bucharest. Everybody will dance to the same song - "Beat it - Michael Jackson" .
Schedule for saturday below:
-16.30: general rehearsal (the choreography which you can learn from this video at home) in the parking lot at Fratelli Social Club in Bucharest (No. 1 Glodeni Street, Floreasca near Tei Lake)
-18.00 - 18.30: the first flash-mob (on the Beat It song) @ Herastrau Park (Charles de Gaulle entrance)
-19.30 20.00: second homage (on the same song) @ University Square (in front of TNB)
We were inspired by the Group Bounce from Stockholm who made an international call for this flash-mob.
Rest in Peace Michael
This is the official footage of Michael Jackson's online Fans Community MJ ROMANIA.
Images& video creation by Catalin Cornea
[OFFICIAL]Michael Jackson Tribute Bucharest
Michael Jackson - Beat it flashmob Bucharest august 2009
Michael Jackson - Beat it flashmob Bucharest august 2009
罗马尼亚布加勒斯特 快閃活动 教学帶Michael Jackson Tribute Bucharest - Dance Steps
向KING OF POP:Michael Jackson致敬 罗马尼亚布加勒斯特 追思会
A group of fans unite for a tribute to the one and only Michael Jackson. R.I.P.! We'll always love you!
Oamgiu adus lui Michael Jackson pe data de 28.06.2009 in Bucuresti , stadionul 23 august(lia manoliu)
A tribute to the one and only Michael Jackson...near the stadium where Michael held 2 concerts.. in 1992 and 1996!
R.I.P.! King Of Pop..We'll always love you! We miss you so much!
Michael Jackson - Smile tribute Romania,Bucharest
Michael Jackson tribute - Bucharest, Romania - 28.06
Heal the world
【高清视频】向KING OF POP:Michael Jackson致敬快闪系列
加拿大 瑞典 德国 巴黎 墨西哥 好莱坞 乌克兰 香港 台湾 台灣台东 台灣PikaPika 马来西亚 NBA大鲨鱼奥尼尔跳Beat It!
【视频】Mj 是beat box的发起发者,在1993年之前,他就懂beat box了
【视频】CoCo李玟上康熙忆MJ 在DCH向MJ致敬演唱Gone to Soon
紀念KING OF POP:Michael Jackson诗词创作大赛奖金1000美元
【视频】MJ最新纪录片--我的朋友迈克尔杰克逊 中文字幕敬
【视频】Michael Jackson的家庭录影
【视频】麦可"别闪" ! - 一场纪念 麦可杰克森 的街舞嘉年华会
【视频】我们爱你 Michael(台湾快闪活动后记)
【视频】纪念麦可杰克森 台湾版“MJ快闪活动”7/19周日台北登场
【视频】★★台湾纪念Michael快闪活动,练舞篇 ★★
【视频】纪念michael,参加快闪.即使是脚受伤也要跳下去 beat it
【视频】MJ 台北快闪 米卤蛋 篇
【视频】杰克逊首次用中文说 "我爱你"并说答应我,你们会永远爱我
【Love & Peace】活着可以传递MJ的爱与和平 |